CyberArk Privileged Access Manager vs UserLock comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

CyberArk Privileged Access ...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
User Activity Monitoring (1st), Privileged Access Management (PAM) (1st)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Authentication Systems (20th), Access Management (19th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Access Management category, the mindshare of CyberArk Privileged Access Manager is 10.6%, down from 11.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of UserLock is 0.5%, down from 0.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Access Management
Unique Categories:
User Activity Monitoring
Privileged Access Management (PAM)
Authentication Systems

Featured Reviews

Aug 23, 2022
The Privileged Session Manager Proxy makes it extremely convenient for UNIX Administrators to utilize their favorite SSH client software
We use this solution for privileged systems access with a high emphasis on security. End users are required to go through a process of being vetted in our NERC environment in order to use the solution. This product has been used by my company for about five years now This product has placed a new…
Bill H. - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 8, 2022
Affordable, easy to use, and integrates well with Active Directory
The product and service are already great as it is but if I could add one feature, I guess it would be nice to have another factor of authentication (two additional factors) like your phone and a token for example, for when people forget their phone at home. It’s not that I mind not having two factors, but I do get that question from time to time from some of our users who think it would be really useful. From what I’ve heard, they’re working on it and it should be coming in the next version so that’s great news.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The credentials management capability is key to ensuring that the credentials are kept secure and that access to them is done on a temporary and event-driven basis."
"We also use CyberArk’s Secrets Manager. Because AWS is the biggest area for us, we have accounts in AWS that are being rotated by CyberArk. We also have a manual process for the most sensitive of our AWS accounts, like root accounts. We've used Secrets Manager on those and that has resulted in a significant risk reduction, as well."
"The most valuable feature of CyberArk Privileged Access Manager is the vault. I am satisfied with the interface and the documentation."
"It allows users to self-provision access to the accounts that they need."
"It is a robust product."
"CyberArk is a very stable product and it's a stable product because it has a simple design and a simple architecture that allows you to leverage the economies of scale across the base of your infrastructure that you already have implemented. It doesn't really introduce any new complex pieces of infrastructure that would make it that much more difficult to scale."
"Automates password management to remove the human chain weakness."
"CyberArk Privileged Access Manager's main benefit is it provides secure access to our servers. There are features to capture the user activity, it provides video recording processing. If the users are logged in to the server, we can see what activities they are performing. It's a very nice tool for Privileged Access Management. They have plenty of useful services and the solution has fulfilled our needs."
"The most valuable features are two-factor authentication and real-time logon monitoring."
"We mainly implemented UserLock for multi-factor authentication, but the user login insights are also nice."


"They need to provide better training for the System Integrator."
"The one place where we found that this product really needs to improve is the cloud. Simple integrations don't exist, even today. We don't have anything specific on CyberArk for managing, SaaS products, SaaS vendors, SaaS credentials. I understand it's a vendor-based thing and that they have to coordinate with the other vendors to be able to do that, and there are integrations coming. But these are the major places where CyberArk definitely needs to invest some more time."
"The current user interface is a little dated. However, I hear there are changes coming in the next version."
"The greatest area of improvement is with the user interface of the Password Vault Web Access component."
"There should be more models and licensing plans for this software."
"One of the main things that could be improved would be filtering accounts on the main page and increasing the functionality of the filters. There are some filters on the side which are very specific, but I feel there could be more."
"There is a learning curve when it comes to planning out the deployment strategy, but once it is defined, it runs itself."
"It is easily customized, and that customization makes it very easy to start trying to shoehorn the solution into roles it was never intended to fill."
"The product and service are already great as it is but if I could add one feature, I guess it would be nice to have another factor of authentication (two additional factors) like your phone and a token for example, for when people forget their phone at home."
"I would like to see UserLock add the ability to automatically create a group policy in Active Directory. That might streamline the setup process."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Our risk is definitely significantly lower. Also, our resources are low."
"There are additional features added to our CyberArk Privileged Access Manager license. For example, features that allow us to integrate into various kinds of platforms."
"Cost efficiency is the number one thing that can be improved in my mind. This would change lots of companies minds on purchasing the product."
"The price of CyberArk Privileged Access Manager is expensive. There are no other fees other than the standard licensing fees."
"Before we bought it, they were licensing each function individually, which got complicated and very expensive. When we decided to buy it, it was much more straightforward and still quite expensive, but it brings a lot of value and risk reduction to the organization."
"I would rate the tool’s pricing a six out of ten."
"This solution is considered to be more expensive than others out there on the market today."
"No, I do not have any advice on the price of the product."
"You will be hard-pressed to find better pricing."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Construction Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

How does Sailpoint IdentityIQ compare with CyberArk PAM?
We evaluated Sailpoint IdentityIQ before ultimately choosing CyberArk. Sailpoint Identity Platform is a solution to manage risks in cloud enterprise environments. It automates and streamlines the m...
What do you like most about CyberArk Privileged Access Manager?
The most valuable features of the solution are control and analytics.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for CyberArk Privileged Access Manager?
CyberArk Privileged Access Manager comes at a high cost. But the solution is worth its price.
Ask a question
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Also Known As

CyberArk Privileged Access Security
No data available



Sample Customers

Rockwell Automation
Barclays, US Department of Justice, National Bank of Kuwait, Turkish Aerospace, New York Albany School District, Regtransfers, University of Kent, Camden City School District, Oklahoma City Public Schools, Bank of Cyprus, Detran-PE: Pernambuco State Traffic Department
Find out what your peers are saying about CyberArk Privileged Access Manager vs. UserLock and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.