Cisco Umbrella vs Netskope comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Feb 14, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB)
Ranking in Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Secure Web Gateways (SWG) (23rd), Internet Security (8th), ZTNA as a Service (14th)
Cisco Umbrella
Ranking in Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB)
Ranking in Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Secure Web Gateways (SWG) (1st), Internet Security (1st), Domain Name System (DNS) Security (1st), Cisco Security Portfolio (2nd)
Ranking in Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB)
Ranking in Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB) category, the mindshare of iboss is 1.7%, up from 1.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Cisco Umbrella is 16.9%, down from 19.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Netskope is 22.3%, up from 16.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB)
Unique Categories:
Secure Web Gateways (SWG)
Internet Security
Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

Featured Reviews

Sep 25, 2021
Stable and quick to set up but needs more clear status information for end users
The solution is a corporate proxy server, an intelligence proxy From a corporate perspective, I understand that it's important to keep the company data safe. From a corporate point of view, it's a good solution. The solution is stable. The solution can scale.  It was a very easy product to…
Theofilos Tzachristas - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 20, 2023
The solution is easy to use, you don't need an expert to operate it
The interface is well organized, so you can easily find everything. Even if you don't have much experience with Cisco, you can easily navigate the solution and find your way around. Everything has been done well, from the deployment to monitoring. The application is really stable. We never have problems with Cisco not working for our end users. We have an internal communication hub. The office implementation is integrated with our security systems and firewalls, but we also have users worldwide working from home. Our employees are pleased with the user experience, and we've never had reports about Umbrella not working properly or being unable to access a site. It's integrated with Cisco AnyConnect, so our users can access it through a VPN solution. Umbrella actively processes and blocks malicious DNS queries daily, which is helpful for us because we're a small team. We heavily depend on the tool to do its job properly. It works nicely out of the box. You have to do a little initial configuration, but after that, it blocks everything we want and nothing we don't. We've gotten some false positives with other products, but we've never experienced that with Cisco Umbrella. Guest internet access is easy to configure. We set more restrictive policies for our guest users, but it hasn't been difficult to spin up consistent policies in three or four different offices. We just attached the policy that we have for guest users to a specific wireless SSID. Umbrella combines multiple security functions into a single dashboard. If you use Cisco SecureX, there is a dashboard in Umbrella, but you have to look at different areas. In Cisco SecureWorks, you can add the tasks and dashboards you want to monitor, but Umbrella is more standardized, so you cannot make many changes. In addition to the dashboard, we have some daily reports and email alerts. It does what we want.
HemantKumar4 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 18, 2023
Effective for managing shadow IT and provides continuous data protection for users connected to the internet
Our one use case involved shadow IT. We had numerous cloud applications being used by the business without the IT team's awareness. A lot of data was being exchanged with these cloud applications.  Another use case centered around our corporate applications, specifically Google Workspace. We…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The security aspect of the solution, particularly the malware behind it, is excellent. That's something that really helped us out. It's not just a simple proxy that just blocks the insights of potential threats that come on behind it. They do malware detection and that helps us a lot."
"Iboss is a solution that prevents advanced persistent threats, and has a zero tolerance for attacks."
"It was a very easy product to install. It can be deployed very fast."
"Its initial setup was straightforward."
"Valuable features: Within the filter: Controls (Web categories, applications, and Allow/Block list) and Network (local Subnets). Within the reporter: Logs (Event Log) and Reports."
"Granular setup, which was able to set different levels of filters using the OUs in the AD."
"Content filtering is the most useful feature of iboss."
"Because of iboss, I did not have to assign web filtering tasks to my techs on a daily basis."
"It has certainly saved us time. If we go and look at what's rejected on the requests from the hospital itself, it has saved about 5% or 6% time."
"When it comes to hybrid work it's pretty effective. We've got the agents. We can protect people inside our building and, when they're using their laptops out in the field, they're still protected. It's working well."
"The solution is extremely stable. It has excellent performance."
"Stability-wise, it's good. I have never encountered any bugs."
"Threats never come close to your network with security at the DNS level​."
"The interface is well organized, so you can easily find everything. Even if you don't have much experience with Cisco, you can easily navigate the solution and find your way around. Everything has been done well, from the deployment to monitoring."
"The customer experience is very good, and the product improves security posture."
"We use Cisco Umbrella for DNS filtering and as a secure gateway."
"The most useful feature of this solution is Cloud Control, which allows me to schedule cloud uploads."
"Their technical support is very good."
"The interface is good."
"The detection capability is very nice and lightweight."
"Its deployment is very easy and quick. Their technical support is also very good."
"A feature that was valuable was the built-in website classification or safety ratings. Different websites would be rated according to analyses that the Netskope team had done, and we built policies on some of those scores. If the website scored less than a certain percentage, then we would have a different user experience around how the site would interact with the clients."
"The most valuable feature of Netskope is protection."
"Netskope has a diverse portfolio range, which includes cloud access security brokers, content filtering, behavior analytics, and security management."


"The area I would like to see improvement in is the ability with in the reporter to navigate directly to the content the user is traversing. It is kind of there, but it's not perfect. Quite frequently, I receive links that lead me to pages with error messages."
"Its pricing could be better."
"The solution could be stronger on the integration side and offer more cloud applications like G Suite or Oracle."
"To scale up, a new iboss Node Blade Chassis must be purchased."
"Sometimes the agent stops working in iboss, and we have to reinstall the agent."
"The dashboards for local use could be better."
"SSL decryption: We had issues with learners using apps instead of using web browsers. This type of encryption is tough for any appliance in a BYOD environment."
"Sometimes, obviously, there are bugs."
"Looking at the full umbrella suite in the light of SASE, Secure Access Service Edge, they are clearly lacking in the inline CASB."
"The solution could be faster as the process is very slow."
"Cisco Umbrella should add some more documentation on proxies."
"There is room for improvement in the dashboard. It could stand to be a bit more detailed. I would also like to be able to customize the dashboard to focus more on what is important for my company."
"If the security issues are taken care of it would be better."
"The rule-making process for blocking sites or for blocking characteristics can use some simplification."
"One of the issues with Umbrella is as you get into endpoint detection and response, such as EDR point solutions, some of them will not integrate well with Umbrella. Sometimes when you want to use technology, such as Always On VPN, it will not work. There are some looming issues as one type of technology starts to crossover with Umbrella. That is the challenge and Umbrella should find a way to be more compatible with some of the endpoint response solutions that are coming out on the market."
"I would like to see more integrations with more products. Some of the integrations need to be simpler as well. For example, the integration with Cisco Secure Firewall could be simpler. It would be good to make reporting simpler. For those who don't use SecureX, it would be good to make Umbrella really simple to use upfront. It's not a difficult product, but it can be daunting for someone who isn't exposed to it because there are so many options."
"In terms of improvements, enhancing support, particularly for OEM support with quicker response times would be beneficial."
"If we need to allow a process that is blocked by Netskope, we have to manually check the logs to see why it is blocked. This can be time-consuming and inefficient"
"There could be better integration with other solutions."
"The solution's implementations can be made much easier because, currently, it is complex in nature."
"The CSPM model needs to improve."
"The dashboard performance could be much better and faster, but because it is a complicated product, it takes time for the dashboard to process."
"Setting up policies is something that we having been doing, and if the vendor were to provide example use cases that included different implementation options then it would be very useful for us."
"The configuration in the cloud model could be improved upon."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is expensive compared to one of its competitors."
"There are three models for licensing with different feature sets."
"The pricing is great and very competitive with the rest of the market."
"The price should be slightly lower than the current price because if you look at the whole solution, it is simply a threat intelligence solution to block blacklisted things. The price should be lower looking at the features provided by the solution. The price isn't too high either, but it could be lower."
"There is a one-time cost of approximately $800 USD per user, and then a yearly support fee of about $50 per user."
"Cisco has a set price for a single license up to 100, but whenever we get over 100, we have to ask for a quote."
"Cisco should make the solution cheaper."
"When talking about Cisco solutions in general there pricing model is horrible. For example, you can sell a Meraki-based solution, but if the customer starts shopping around, someone is going to have access to the pricing at a level that you cannot compete because they do not have uniform pricing. Not everybody gets fair pricing. Unless you are one of the real major corporations selling the solution your ability to compete is impossible. Cisco will acknowledge the situation and assure you next time it will be in your favor but it never becomes favorable for you. Cisco is not very good in this regard. However, Umbrella is good."
"Cisco uses subscription models for the pricing and there are three subscription plans."
"There is a license required for this solution and there are many licensing models available. For example, what applications are covered as part of the license."
"They should work on licensing costs."
"Netskope's pricing is reasonable compared to Microsoft."
"Licensing fees are paid annually."
"The price of the solution is fair but it depends on your use case."
"The pricing is competitive."
"The product's price is average."
"I recall that the price was considerably cheaper than that of Zscaler. It was around 60,000 AUD for 1,000 users per year and included some training and some premier support offerings. If we wanted to take advantage of the CASB capabilities, then there was an additional subscription fee, for which we didn't have the budget. On price, I would give Netskope a three or four out of five because it's quite expensive, but it offers a lot of value."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about iboss?
Content filtering is the most useful feature of iboss.
What needs improvement with iboss?
Sometimes the agent stops working in iboss, and we have to reinstall the agent. This is a hiccup that iboss should im...
What is your primary use case for iboss?
We use iboss for the proxy solution. I used iboss in my organization to block a few sites for a few of my employees.
Which is the better security solution - Cisco Umbrella or Zscaler?
Cisco Umbrella and Zscaler Internet Access are two broad-spectrum Internet security solutions that I have tried. Zs...
Which is the better security solution - Cisco Umbrella or Microsoft Cloud App Security?
Cisco Umbrella is an integral component of the Cisco SASE architecture. It integrates security in a single, cloud-nat...
What do you like most about Cisco Umbrella?
Cisco Umbrella is easy to monitor, manage, and deploy.
Which is better, Zscaler internet access or Netsckope CASB?
We researched Netskope but ultimately chose Zscaler. Netskope is a cloud access security broker that helps identify ...
What do you like most about Netskope CASB?
The product's analytics part is pretty fine.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Netskope CASB?
The pricing is very flexible. I rate the pricing a three out of ten.

Also Known As

iBoss Cloud Platform
Netskope CASB



Sample Customers

More than 4,000 global enterprises trust the iboss Cloud Platform to support their modern workforces, including a large number of Fortune 50 companies.
Chart Industries, City of Aspen, Eastern Mountain Sports, FLEXcon, George Washington University, Jackson Municipal Airport Authority, Ohio Public Library Information Network, PTC, Richland Community College, Smart Motors, Tulane University, VeriClaim
NetApp, Genomic Health, Caterpillar, Apollo, Pandora, Continental Resources, Fractal, infinera, Tesla
Find out what your peers are saying about Cisco Umbrella vs. Netskope and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.