Broadcom DX Application Performance Management vs SolarWinds AppOptics comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 24, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Broadcom DX Application Per...
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Container Monitoring (6th)
SolarWinds AppOptics
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IT Infrastructure Monitoring (54th), Cloud Monitoring Software (33rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability category, the mindshare of Broadcom DX Application Performance Management is 0.4%, down from 0.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SolarWinds AppOptics is 0.3%, down from 0.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Unique Categories:
Container Monitoring
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Cloud Monitoring Software

Featured Reviews

Marco Aurelio - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 13, 2023
Simple setup, light on resources, but lacking compatibility with applications
We are currently in the process of evaluating other options for APM. We are looking at Cisco and Dynatrace. We are also considering replacing our CA solution for server and network monitoring with Zabbix. We have two large licenses but they are old and we are planning to move to the cloud. The new version of Broadcom DX Application Performance Management does not yet have a cloud option, but we did receive an offer for upgrading to a SaaS solution. However, it still does not have support for OpenShift 4 because it uses agents installed within the image. As we are migrating to OpenShift 4, this solution will not work for us. Our purchasing process is public, as a public government bank, and it is published in the journal, and Broadcom probably saw that they did not have a solution for our requirements because of the use of agents inside the image. 10 technicians can handle the maintenance of the solution. This covers the needs of a financial institution that needs support 24 hours a day. I would recommend Broadcom DX Application Performance Management for small to medium infrastructures. It is very scalable and stable. Additionally, the suite has good integration with the CA help desk system, which makes it more efficient for resolving issues. One advantage of Broadcom's solution is that it is fully integrated, unlike other solutions, such as Dynatrace APM which require linking to a separate ticketing software. This solution is a good option to have a fully integrated suite. I do not view the limitation with OpenShift 4 as a problem with Broadcom, as it is specific to our environment. If you use other containerization methods, such as OpenShift 3 or others, this issue would not be present. The cost of training is also relatively low when compared to other solutions like Cisco's support. It is less expensive to certify your personnel with Broadcom. Other solutions that are well-positioned in Gartner's Quadrant, such as Dynatrace, tend to be more expensive in terms of training. Broadcom is not well-positioned in Gartner's Quadrant for APM solutions, as it works as a suite and not as a specialized APM solution. Solutions, such as Dynatrace, on the other hand, are specifically for APM and are well-positioned in Gartner's Quadrant as recommended solutions to buy. Broadcom is ranked relatively low in Gartner's grading. I rate Broadcom DX Application Performance Management a seven out of ten. The version we are currently using of Broadcom DX Application Performance Management is not very recent, and even the newer versions don't have as advanced features as other solutions, particularly in terms of APM and cloud capabilities. However, I still consider it a good grade, not a bad one, because the solution is very stable and has good scalability.
Oct 19, 2022
Long term stability, comprehensive option, with reasonable pricing
SolarWinds AppOptics does far more than what an individual may realize. It is not just a SIEM tool I have found the most valuable feature is application performance management. I would like to see more integration with other tools that are available on the market. I have been working with…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Crash analytics goes down to the level of code you need to check."
"The triage can find the root cause for pent up issues."
"The CA tools allow to me to get into detailed transactions for custom ranking, and be able to make predictions. It also gathers data. Some other tools may be good at one area, but not good overall, including the mainframe."
"We make custom dashboards for our development areas so they can understand how busy traffic affects their application with traffic. They can see how traffic directly affects their application in positive or negative ways."
"Product performance is awesome. It's covering all aspects of the application; good database metrics and internal application metrics. Just tons and tons of data."
"It is very useful and helpful with the analysis of historical performance data."
"Command center is a new feature that provides agent maintenance and support without involving the application team. It saves lots of time for APM team."
"If there's something that you really need to get at that doesn't come out of the box, you can pretty easily put together some custom metrics and get those in place."
"The product has a great dashboard."
"Some of the most valuable features of SolarWinds are the topology discovery and network performance analysis."
"The sum solution, NTA, and DPA."
"The reporting of the solution is very good."
"Technical support is always live and they're supportive."
"I have found the most valuable feature is application performance management."


"What comes to mind when you speak of a room for improvement in Broadcom DX Application Performance Management is the infrastructure agent, but my company doesn't use it, so I can't say if it's really a problem or not, but it could be the container support or cloud support that could be improved in the solution. An additional feature I'd like to see in the next release of Broadcom DX Application Performance Management is for it to have one agent for cloud and one agent for legacy, with all features included."
"The initial setup is complex."
"The reports are a key part of APM in my vision because it is through them that we manage to generate the evidence to direct the development team and operational support to address. However, we can not extract the information of the tool through reports. We have needed several times to use screen print screen, CTRL + C and CTRL + V."
"Improve the targeting interface is to make it more user-friendly and current."
"You can sell licenses and install the full tool on service, you can show customers how to install, but how to use it and solve issues cannot be done without the experience."
"Dashboards need to be improved in order to make them self-explanatory."
"As applications move to the cloud, we need more cloud-based solutions from CA APM. This is currently unavailable."
"The APM SQL feature doesn't perform like we would like it to. I know that's a new feature with 10.5, so it may be one of those things that gets a little better, but it should run faster."
"The solution should be more user-friendly."
"I would like to see more integration with other tools that are available on the market."
"The implementation needs improvement. It needs to get modernized with the newer cloud scenario in both public and private deployment models."
"The integration with Unix services should be a bit more straightforward."
"AppOptics would benefit from having a much more centralized view."
"In terms of the technology, I think they need to put some more advanced troubleshooting into SolarWinds, in terms of AI capabilities. That's the next generation, especially in the cases of APIs which have already adopted AI capabilities into their products."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Depends on the size of the product you need."
"On pricing, CA is very competitive. I think that's going to help in the long run."
"It is definitely expensive for what we get, but there isn't an alternate option at the moment."
"There is some research needed to determine licensing costs, based on the number of DataPower instances for the Nastel agent, for example."
"Dynatrace is the most expensive of these tools followed by AppDynamics which is "medium-expensive." CA APM is a bit lower in price than either Dynatrace or AppDynanics... In my opinion, if you can afford it, go for AppDynamics instead of CA APM."
"Althougth it is a bit expensive, it is really worth it"
"Pricing and licensing are not issues."
"The license for Broadcom DX Application Performance Management is annual. The licensing model could improve because there is not any limit to deploying the agent, there should be some limits on it."
"Mostly, it's a perpetual license. We don't have any customers using the subscription right now—it's mostly a perpetual license that the customers purchase. The licensing is based on the number of elements, whereas other solutions are node-based."
"I believe the current licensing cost is reasonable."
"Since it's a negotiable rate, I would rate the pricing as a five out of five."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Broadcom DX Application Performance Management?
Scalability-wise, I rate the solution a nine out of ten...there is a very easy way to deal with it by adding more servers to the application.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Broadcom DX Application Performance Management?
The pricing structure should be based on memory or CPU usage rather than the number of agents, as it makes the solution more expensive for us. The pricing structure is too high and becomes increasi...
What needs improvement with Broadcom DX Application Performance Management?
The area of improvement is related to the areas of application onboarding and instrumentation, where the product has certain shortcomings. Broadcom needs to work on application instrumentation and ...
What needs improvement with SolarWinds AppOptics?
The solution should be more user-friendly.
What is your primary use case for SolarWinds AppOptics?
I used the solution for monitoring servers and network equipment.

Also Known As

DX APM, CA APM, CA NetQoS Performance Center, Wily Introscope, CA Wily APM, CA App Experience Analytics, CA AXA
AppOptics, SolarWinds TraceView, Librato



Sample Customers

Lexmark, Intermountain Healthcare, National Australia Bank, BBVA Compass Bank, Innovapost, Dansk Supermarked Group, U.S. Cellular, Orange, Cetip
TraxoCovea Insurance BTE TechnologyDatarista
Find out what your peers are saying about Broadcom DX Application Performance Management vs. SolarWinds AppOptics and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.