
What is the difference between SIEM and Next-Gen SIEM solutions?

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2 Answers

SiddhantMishra - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 16, 2023
Product comparison that may be of interest to you
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Jan 14, 2023
Aaron Branson - PeerSpot reviewer
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Jun 21, 2023

@Peter | SOC | SOAR | AI Both answers are spot-on! I just want to tack on to an important thing Peter brought up... XDR. Many XDR vendors have entered the market trying to claim SIEM is antiquated and XDR has displaced it. Frankly, that's not true. In fact, its about evolution of the SecOps platform... from SIEM to next-gen SIEM because it has integrated UEBA machine learning and some SOAR capabilities, and to XDR because it has integrated more and more telemetry types and incident response workflows. But an XDR is best if it has SIEM underpinnings as its foundation. Ultimately, whatever you call it, you're looking for a solution for security monitoring, threat detection, and incident response. 

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