
What questions should companies ask vendors when researching event monitoring solutions?

Rony_Sklar - PeerSpot reviewer
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2 Answers

Real User
Jul 23, 2020
Rony_Sklar - PeerSpot reviewer
Community Manager
Jul 26, 2020

@Toto Tatat ​thanks this is very helpful! Do you have any other tips for choosing event monitoring software?

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Search for a product comparison in Event Monitoring
Jul 22, 2020
Rony_Sklar - PeerSpot reviewer
Community Manager
Jul 26, 2020

I especially like the question about how many people are needed to provide support and maintenance.

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Find out what your peers are saying about BMC, ServiceNow, Microsoft and others in Event Monitoring. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Event Monitoring
The users of PeerSpot evaluated event monitoring software to determine the most important aspects of a product. The consensus was that the tool must operate strong data collection with an intuitive filtering system so as to provide enough, but not too much, information that can be drilled-down. Users were also concerned with the software's ability to customize displays per user requirements. Other key features included accuracy, dynamic but simple user interface, and alerts.
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