
Top SIEM Solutions & Success Stories: Strengthening Cybersecurity in Diverse Industries

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
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Find out what your peers are saying about Splunk, Microsoft, Wazuh and others in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM). Updated: July 2024.
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Related Questions
Ammar Jibarah - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 14, 2023
Jun 14, 2023
Why not try Logpoint instead?;)
See 1 answer
Jun 14, 2023
Why not try Logpoint instead?;) 
Liam Brandt - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 22, 2023
Mar 22, 2023
I´m not sure about this affirmation. There are a lot of other tools used.
See 2 answers
Mar 14, 2023
Hi, in my opinion, because it is still the best at giving you visibility of what's happening in your IT infrastructure, and at detecting threats. Visibility and detection may seem simple tasks. but actually, they require a lot of capabilities in understanding, integrating, logging, and alarms from a huge multitude of devices. Such tasks go under the line of log ingestion, normalization, etc., and that is far from easy. QRadar has done a lot of work in that direction. Another aspect is event correlation. And here, either you write the correlation rules yourself, spending $$$$ of professional services, and by the way, it'll take forever to test, implement and maintain up to date, or your access to a very long list of preset correlation rules, that are already available and waiting to be activated. Finally, visibility and threat detection is just the beginning of a journey pointed at becoming aware of what's happening in your IT and taking relevant and effective action. There are several other technologies that have to be used to minimize exposure, and contain, and remediate relations to an attack. I believe IBM has a few of those, that can be integrated. But whichever you use at the end of this journey, if the original feed is not correct, not relevant, or not complete, you missed your goal in the first place.My 5 cents :)VS
Jairo Willian Pereira - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 22, 2023
I´m not sure about this affirmation. There are a lot of other tools used.
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Download our free Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Report and find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Splunk, and more! Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.