Parallels Access vs TeamViewer comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Parallels Access
Ranking in Remote Access
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Remote Access
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Virtual Meetings (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Remote Access category, the mindshare of Parallels Access is 2.6%, down from 3.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of TeamViewer is 19.1%, up from 17.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Remote Access
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Virtual Meetings

Featured Reviews

Apr 10, 2024
Allows users to access and operate their computers remotely
When you want to transfer a file from your iPad or remote device to the computer, the copy-and-paste feature doesn't always work. I'd have to turn on the Bluetooth a lot of times and transfer it that way on both devices, which was troublesome. However, it would sometimes randomly work. I could go on my iPad, find whatever I wanted to do, click copy, then go over to the computer through Parallels Access, click paste, and it would randomly work. I had to call Parallels many times. They would log in and try something, which would temporarily work, but then it wouldn't. When it worked, it made integration between the two things great. That was a very helpful feature that didn't get polished.
Darshan Makhecha - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 2, 2022
Reliable, user-friendly, and flexible
In my personal use case, I connected my system with the computer diagnostic center. There were some software updates and there were some temp file issues that I dealt with and I would troubleshoot using TeamViewer The solution enhanced our productivity and has smooth remote accessibility. The…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It's got a very easy-to-use interface."
"It's great that the total deployment can happen completely remotely."
"Parallels Access gives me full access and control of the computer, and I can do anything I want remotely."
"We don't have problems with stability. Everything is good."
"Parallels Access has flexible licensing policies, which is beneficial for customers who have intermittent usage or users who are on and off the system."
"It's very easy to set up."
"I have found the solution to be user-friendly even for beginners. It is not that sophisticated. There are different types of security features available, such as encryption and random machine ID."
"The best feature is the remote access and being able to control another person's computer when you're showing them something, or teaching them how to do something during training, or fixing a problem they're having."
"It was worth the investment. You can do file transfers and video calls with it. You can do a lot of copy paste stuff. E.g., if I have a file and want to place it on somebody's machine, I can just copy it off of mine and paste it right on their machine. I don't have to put it in a Dropbox account and have them log into it to pull it off. I can do all that right through TeamViewer. When you're looking at the TeamViewer screen, you think you are working on your own machine."
"The most valuable feature of TeamViewer is user-friendliness."
"TeamViewer is a step ahead of solutions like, for example, AnyDesk."
"This solution is straightforward to use."
"This is a unique solution that is very easy to install."


"One challenge we do notice is that the application is limited to Windows servers only. If a customer has a Linux server, things get complicated. They should open it up a bit to be more compatible with different types of servers."
"The solution may not scale well for enterprises."
"There is room for improvement in the pricing policy. The price point is pretty aggressive."
"When you want to transfer a file from your iPad or remote device to the computer, the copy-and-paste feature doesn't always work."
"They could improve the reporting."
"Sometimes it lags."
"TeamViewer is expensive, and you get a limited number of connections for your money."
"The support could improve their speed."
"We have a consultant that helps us do the virtual aspects of TeamViewer."
"This solution could be improved by offering more flexibility in terms of usage."
"I would like to see TeamViewer support multiple platforms."
"TeamViewer could improve by having support for other operating systems, such as Linux."
"Every now and then you'll get a silent crash and you relaunch the application. But it happens no more than with anything else in the Windows environment."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The licensing costs are about $100 per user."
"The price was cheaper than what we were previously paying. At the time that we went with TeamViewer, we were using ShareConnect. The TeamViewer package was about half the cost and able to have a bigger number of users."
"It does what I need it to do but I think it's expensive. It wasn't easy for me to get approval from the company to get it... It's costing us about $700 a year, per license."
"We have an annual subscription that is just under $1,900 with no additional costs. We get these promotions about upgrades and stuff like that, but we haven't had a need to add more seats. Users can also use TeamViewer for home use with a non-commercial free license."
"We are using the free version of TeamViewer."
"The cost is in the thousands of dollars per year."
"It has probably saved us several thousands of dollars because we have quick access anywhere. We don't have to worry about finding people onsite or arranging conference calls. We also save time and money with it because we don't have to send somebody onsite to troubleshoot."
"We use the free version of TeamViewer."
"We have a corporate license. The maximum amount number of users changes based on the amount you pay. E.g., with our license, there is a maximum amount of users who can use the solution at the same time (10 users)."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Parallels Access?
Parallels Access gives me full access and control of the computer, and I can do anything I want remotely.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Parallels Access?
It's around $125 per user per year. It is a one-time charge for installation and implementation, which is a small cost we charge to our customers. However, it's not from our solution side. Basicall...
What needs improvement with Parallels Access?
When you want to transfer a file from your iPad or remote device to the computer, the copy-and-paste feature doesn't always work. I'd have to turn on the Bluetooth a lot of times and transfer it th...
Should I choose Teamviewer Tensor over the regular Teamviewer?
The number one advantage of TeamViewer for me is its ease of use, specifically as it relates to the client side. By far, one of its best features is the remote access it provides. I can control som...
What do you like most about TeamViewer?
It is easy to use and has a pretty good UI.



Sample Customers

Gilt Groupe K.K.
Porsche Informatik, Philips, DHL, Intel, Motorola, Microsoft, IBM, Siemens, Fujitsu, American Red Cross
Find out what your peers are saying about Parallels Access vs. TeamViewer and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.