ManageEngine Endpoint Central vs N-able N-central comparison


Categories and Ranking

ManageEngine Endpoint Central
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Client Desktop Management (1st), Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) (4th), Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) (3rd)
N-able N-central
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) (6th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Client Desktop Management category, the mindshare of ManageEngine Endpoint Central is 50.0%, up from 30.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of N-able N-central is 33.3%, up from 20.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Client Desktop Management
Unique Categories:
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)

Featured Reviews

Jul 26, 2022
An in-depth and intuitive product with good cross-platform capabilities, but they should have a more global support channel
Its cross-platform capabilities and the ability to do both OS-level patching and third-party patching are valuable. It is difficult to find a software product that will do all that for you out of the box, and you don't have to do any configuration other than your initial setup. Once you do that, there is a very minimalistic approach to getting it operational. You can have it up and running within a 20-minute time span. Their pre-configuration and ability to keep it simple for the end user, including the admin side, is helpful. It is not a very difficult program to bring on. It doesn't require a lot of technical skill to run. As long as you understand the technology that you're working with, you don't have to learn this program. It has enterprise-level capabilities. They do offer a distributed version. If you need to really build it out, you could build it across the globe, or you could just run it in a small shop with 200 users or less. It is a pretty robust product.
Dimitri V G - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 9, 2023
User-friendly graphical user interface and offers versatile functionality
We use it for many purposes. Because it also has some backup solutions and some antivirus solutions. The monitoring is well; for managed services providers, we use it. We also use it for our asset management and for our service desk tickets. But our primary use case is for monitoring.  N-able…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The solution is time-saving and resource-saving."
"In terms of technical capability, it is doing very well. It is doing better than other industry products. It is at a place where we can compare it with Microsoft products. Its scalability is also good."
"The initial setup is easy."
"The product works perfectly for patch management and software deployments."
"Has good functionality and is user-friendly."
"The stability is great."
"The initial setup process is good."
"Since deploying Desktop Central our endpoints are all updated. We use configuration management to deploy shortcuts to our users' desktops with ease. Also, we use configuration management to map logical hard drives to our users. Our users are very happy with how much ease IT can solve their problems."
"The solution's service is good."
"N-able N-central has numerous good features. The asset tracking capability is powerful, allowing you to track hardware and software on devices connected to your network. The remote control is smooth, securely enabling remote access to servers and routers. It can be integrated with ticketing systems and other tools like CrowdStrike and N-able EDR for comprehensive network monitoring and security. The automation feature is handy, allowing you to schedule tasks, respond to system triggers, and automate problem resolution, such as handling disk space issues automatically."
"The support is at a good level. So normally, we can always get to a solution when we are stuck with some monitoring problems that we encounter."
"It's a very robust product. They're continuing to invest and put new enhancements into the product. They're very open about what their roadmap is, which is very good for us because then as a business, we can plan."
"The most valuable feature of N-able N-central is the many options it has."
"I like the remote connectivity, reporting suite, and patch management module."


"Its licensing should be improved."
"It might be helpful if they offered a simpler way to use the OS deployment function. It's a bit complicated for most of the customers."
"The solution is expensive."
"Each of their products is an independent product, and they don't have anything to do with each other. It is a suite of packages. They all run independently, and they all are a little different because they were acquired differently. They could standardize their portfolio."
"There are occasional glitches."
"The team I've currently got is not using it particularly well, due to the fact that they don't know how to use it particularly well. They've not done any training and so on."
"Improvement of the chats on the web communication through the WAN would be helpful."
"It is compatible with the systems such as Windows and Mac but not with Linux systems."
"N-central has limited mobile device management (MDM) support, specifically for Android devices. This limitation affected a deal with a client who had numerous Android devices to manage. It would be beneficial if N-central could expand its MDM support to include Android devices."
"N-able N-central could improve the remote access, my technicians have complained about it. They have used other free tools instead to compensate, such as TeamViewer. Additionally, when using remote access on the web, it is lacking reports."
"The integration with other applications could be better."
"The support from our direct team is very good, but the support from their day-to-day ongoing help desk isn't that good. They have still got some work to do on that, but they have been focusing on that a lot over the last number of years. So, it has gotten a lot better than it was."
"There is room for improvement in the development of custom monitoring services."
"The solution's overall integration should be improved."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing is average."
"Choose wisely between the Professional and Enterprise editions, based on your needs."
"The pricing is very low, compared to other products. Compared to Intune or SCCM, it's much less. I can say it's a good product for less of a price."
"The product is cheap."
"We pay about $250 a year for our license."
"The solution is very affordable."
"The product is not costly. The product is properly priced, especially for SMBs."
"The initial purchase was around $6,000 or $7,000. We most probably are not on an annual subscription. We bought it, and then we pay for the maintenance. I'm not 100% sure how that's working out."
"N-able N-central is not an expensive solution."
"The pricing and licensing are average, almost six out of ten."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Construction Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How to choose between ManageEngine Desktop Central and Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (formerly SCCM)?
ManageEngine Desktop Central is very easy to set up, is scalable, stable, and also has very good patch management. What I like most about ManageEngine is that I can log on to every PC very easily a...
What do you like most about ManageEngine Endpoint Central?
Well, what we like is that it catch actually a lot of features constantly upgrading. So all the three maybe there there were some features as the tenant on the earliest version. Now it's it's almos...
What needs improvement with N-able N-central?
N-central has limited mobile device management (MDM) support, specifically for Android devices. This limitation affected a deal with a client who had numerous Android devices to manage. It would be...
What is your primary use case for N-able N-central?
N-able N-central has various use cases and can be utilized for monitoring systems, servers, and infrastructure like routers and firewalls, as well as for automation, patch management, remote manage...

Also Known As

ManageEngine Desktop Central, Desktop Central, ManageEngine Desktop Management MSP
SolarWinds N-central, SolarWinds MSP N-central



Sample Customers

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Strathallan School, BMI Healthcare, Comercial Kywi, First Priority Federal Credit Union, Gerab National Enterprises
Premier Technology Solutions