Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention vs GTB Technologies Inspector comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Forcepoint Data Loss Preven...
Ranking in Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
GTB Technologies Inspector
Ranking in Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) category, the mindshare of Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention is 16.7%, down from 17.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of GTB Technologies Inspector is 2.0%, down from 2.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Edwin Eze-Osiago - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 16, 2023
Integrates well with third-party products and flexible
I would like to see the product extended into the cloud as a single solution. It currently requires another product, the Cloud Access Security Brokers, to protect both on-premise and cloud data. I hope it can be consolidated into a single suite, offering protection for both On-Premise and cloud data, users on and off the corporate network, and users using corporate devices and BYOD. It would make the whole DLP process much more linear and efficient. I agree that moving to the cloud is the future and the present, and many people who use DLP have already made a move to the cloud.
Marcelo Grandchamp - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 25, 2024
Enables organizations to monitor the network and protect themselves from data leakage
The initial setup process is very simple and easy. We have no issues to do it for ourselves or our customers. The deployment takes less than 20 days. The integration is very simple. However, first, we must understand what we want to have on our network and what we want to prevent. If we don't have this information before we start the configuration, we will be lost. We must know what kind of protection we need in our company. We have LGPD in Brazil. It is similar to GDPR in Europe. It prevents any personal information from being linked to other companies without permission. We have to take care of the personal information of our customers, employees, and partners. To deploy the tool, we must understand what we need to do. We must download the whole package and have our infrastructure ready to receive it. We must get the SSL certification and start to configure our platform. When the process is finished, we must roll out a small portion of our network to ensure everything will be well. After that, we must do the full rollout.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The product's configuration phase is easy."
"Another valuable feature is that it provides integration to things like Cloud Access Security Broker, which provides security around cloud applications."
"A very user-friendly predefining feature."
"Scalability-wise, I rate this solution a nine out of ten."
"The solution’s content classification is the best."
"Regardless of the size of your company, this solution can be scaled accurately."
"The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality is another helpful feature, especially for unstructured data. Being able to discover sensitive data in an unstructured format is the most beneficial element of the solution."
"The product is good and reliable. The vendor company is continually improving it and they seem to stay one step ahead."
"The product has a centralized console for everything."
"The classifications in place are very helpful in making policies for ensuring sensitive data can be contained."
"I am impressed with the tool's ease of deployment."
"The main thing that I like about GTB is that it has a single agent for DLP and data classification. You can use the same agent. In terms of licensing too, it has a single license. When it comes to data classification, it supports open-source document platforms such as ChainSoft and OpenOffice."
"This solution helps classify what is confidential and what is not, allowing products to be installed at home if they do not contain confidential information."
"They have a fingerprint feature that is very awesome. OCR is very awesome to have too."
"The most valuable feature is we can develop what we want. If we have an old or new requirement, they are able to support us to develop it all within one month."
"The monitoring features are valuable."


"Their discovery or the way they discover the data at risk can also be improved. There are many database servers that are not supported by Forcepoint."
"The APIs for device integration are limited, so that could be improved."
"The solution's interface is still not user-friendly for some customers. So, its interface can be better."
"Usually for the biome of a small company, like 50 users, setup takes more than one week."
"The support could improve Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention."
"An area for improvement for Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention is its price. It would be good if they could offer better pricing."
"The policy update size and agent size could be improved. We would also like to have a proper solution for Linux OS which Forcepoint does not offer."
"With respect to the discovery component, the reports are very hard to interpret because they come out in an illogical format."
"They have a roadmap for the Linux platform and Mac as well, and in the next quarter, they might have patch management also for Windows. However, they don't have that much for Linux and Mac. So, we need those things in Linux and Mac as well."
"The performance could be better."
"The tool should include better AI features."
"To stay competitive, they should expand to smartphones."
"The product needs to improve its support so that users can just log in and create tickets as opposed to sending emails. Sending emails is difficult to track. It also needs to work on its analytics platform."
"The solution’s performance must be improved."
"The solution could improve by providing additional availability requirements."
"It would be great if they have information rights management (IRM) on the same agent."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"This solution is quite expensive."
"They are flexible regarding the pricing and they have a good model for an OEM data classification tool... Forcepoint has been one of the most competitively priced products over the last few years."
"The pricing for Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention is more expensive than Symantec, but it's negotiable. It depends on how well you negotiate. The solution is worth the money, though, based on the services and facilities it provides to my company."
"The licensing is on an annual basis."
"The pricing is fine."
"There is an annual subscription model and the amount depends on the type of implementation."
"Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention is costlier than other brands, but not all. Of the solutions, I have used Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention is more costly."
"The solution is expensive."
"They offer a lot of features in a single bundle. So, if you want to remove some features from GTB, you can remove those. You don't need to buy those, and the price will reduce accordingly. I am very happy with the pricing."
"The tool is not expensive."
"The tool has a fair price."
"The tool's pricing is affordable and based on the number of endpoints."
"When comparing GTB Technologies Inspector to other solutions you receive a good value for your money when considering all the features and benefits."
"Its price is very reasonable and competitive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention?
The technical support for the solution is very good.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention?
I don't actually know about prices. I am the technical support engineer of the tool.
What needs improvement with Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention?
The main area of concern is the tool's technical support. I would suggest the technical engineers reply to users as soon as possible since it usually takes them some time to respond.
What do you like most about GTB Technologies Inspector?
The product has a centralized console for everything.
What needs improvement with GTB Technologies Inspector?
The tool should include better AI features. It must enable us to make some predictions based on the behavior of my network or the end users.
What is your primary use case for GTB Technologies Inspector?
We use Microsoft 365. We use GTB Technologies Inspector as a CASB solution to protect us from any data leakage in Microsoft 365. We can monitor the network all the time to see all the data that is ...

Also Known As

Forcepoint DLP, Forcepoint Data Security Suite, Websense Data Security Suite
Inspector, GTB Technologies DLP



Sample Customers

Alphawest, Betsson, Cellcom Israel Ltd., Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Confartigianato Vicenza, EverBank, Finansbank, iGATE, Landa Digital Printing, Northern California Bank, Reliance Capital, Remosa, Toyota, Scavolini, Zim Integrated Shipping Services
Supya Security Software
Find out what your peers are saying about Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention vs. GTB Technologies Inspector and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.