CoSoSys Endpoint Protector vs Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

CoSoSys Endpoint Protector
Ranking in Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Microsoft Purview Data Loss...
Ranking in Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Microsoft Security Suite (11th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) category, the mindshare of CoSoSys Endpoint Protector is 3.3%, down from 5.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention is 22.6%, up from 21.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Microsoft Security Suite

Featured Reviews

SunnyKumar - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 26, 2023
Enhancing data security with proactive protection and control
I've encountered some latency issues that appear to be related to the internet speed. When I install the agent on the laptop, the internet speed often drops from 100 MBPS to around 80 MBPS or even as low as 50 MBPS at times. The slow response seems to be connected to the fact that all network traffic is routed through this agent. The challenge arises when trying to analyze the logs, as every single click and action, even a single command in GitHub, generates a multitude of logs. This makes it difficult to extract relevant information. It would be helpful to implement filtering mechanisms so that we can sort and view the data based on software and vendor, providing more clarity and ease in analysis.
Mohammed Irfan Gorur - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 9, 2022
Fits into heterogeneous environments and has automatic labeling capabilities
I like the whole value proposition of Microsoft Purview, particularly the DLP and integration with external solutions. Purview's natively integrated compliance across Azure, Dynamics 365, and Office 365 is important to us because it's all about compliance. Organizations have various compliance policies including the regulatory policies that are defined within the organization and those for a particular region. Therefore, it is important to our organization that Purview is built taking into account critical regulations from around the world. This solution enables our clients to show compliance in real time and has helped them in their meetings with compliance regulators. Purview Data Loss Prevention provides presentations to educate users on how best to handle sensitive data. When the user doesn't know whether a document should be classified under a certain label, Purview will provide suggestions or will auto-classify the particular document. It has automatic labeling capabilities. It's important that Purview provides data protection for iOS, Android, and data in other SaaS apps because our customers have heterogeneous environments. Purview perfectly fits into the heterogeneous space. Purview has reduced the number of solutions needed to interact with each other and has coexisted with them. Some customers have completely replaced their solutions with Purview, and others have Purview for classification labeling and a third-party solution for the DLP verdict. It has helped our clients to reduce the time to action on insider threats because it can be integrated.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable features are Device Control, Content-Aware Protection, Enforced Encryption, and eDiscovery."
"The most valuable features are the ability to prevent access to external devices, and also site blocking."
"All of the features are effective, but the highlight feature of the product was the data layer inspection. When we talk about a DLP product, data packet inspection is very important. Securing data at rest is easy, but securing data in transit is challenging. We used it comprehensively to secure end drives, data transfers, secure hard drives, and end-user machines. It proved monumental in our operations."
"There are effectively two areas of DLP to look at from a technical perspective. One is how it performs the pickup of information traversing the system and the other is how the policy engine, which analyzes the data, works. On the first aspect, CoSoSys is probably best of breed for macOS because they're reasonably well-integrated into the operating system. They're looking at the file system operations level, not at the execution level."
"The device control is a big deal for us because we can actually lock out removable drives and different types of hardware. It allows us to have better control over what end-users plug into their computers, and we can have deny lists and tighten our security posture."
"It is easy to manage the DLP between MacOS and Linux."
"The product's most valuable feature is its ability to support Linux operating systems."
"The most valuable feature is device control."
"The most valuable features are identifying sensitive data and issuing alerts."
"The product can block the uploads to cloud services."
"The product has improved compliance and confidence. We are aware of the data that is leaving our organization. It provides confidence in data management and information storage."
"We can use Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention to manage devices and site policies."
"For Purview's natively integrated compliance across Azure, Dynamics 365, and Office 365, I would give it a 10 out of 10. It provides all the insights and information."
"Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention's responses are faster. Its installation is also reliable. The security score helps with the security part."
"I rate Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention's stability a ten out of ten."
"If we can prevent information from going out, eventually, when a regulator is asking about our security measures, we can show what we've been doing."


"There are times when the server needs to be updated, and it would help if I got a notification for when the newest version comes out, because at the moment, I'm going in every now and then and checking. Sometimes it comes out and I didn't know it had come out."
"We are currently facing an issue where it is blocking the Winman software, which is something that we don't want to happen because we use it in our accounts department to pay taxes."
"I would like to see an alert feature that when a system is started, it checks to make sure that the client has the most up-to-date policies."
"Sometimes, it should try to focus on one thing rather than multiple things. Endpoint Protector does device control very well, which is why we use that particular function."
"I have faced issues which shouldn't be related to this product. This product is purely a DLP, so it should only protect my data. I don't know what is happening with their agent or what is happening with the software, but it messes up my endpoint. For example, people are facing bandwidth issues. Before I deployed this on an endpoint, people were getting internet speeds of 40 or 50 Mbps. After deploying it, that would come down to 10 Mbps. And if I uninstalled the agent, it would go back to 50 Mbps."
"When you want to uninstall and reinstall, there are a lot of issues. You have to do a lot of workarounds to reinstall Endpoint Protector. This is a major issue that we have constantly because we still have old systems with XP. While there are only very few, we need to run them because there are machines attached that only run on XP. When we need to uninstall and reinstall on XP or Windows 10, we have serious issues left in the Registry Editor everywhere. There is a lot of manual interference to get the reinstallation to work. For the uninstallation of Endpoint Protector, they need to work on this so it doesn't leave any leftovers behind."
"The policy engine could use a bit of work. They're definitely going in the right direction. We've been working with them over the last few weeks to try and optimize that. But it's reasonably clear that they're just not putting as much effort into the policy engine as into other things, like content discovery."
"The only aspect that prevents it from being a perfect solution is the occasional slower response time."
"There is a need for improvements, particularly in ensuring that file-based recognition is more reliable and comprehensive."
"It could cover more solutions and technologies."
"Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention's licensing is expensive."
"The solution should provide better integration with other systems."
"Technical support is awful."
"The scalability, in terms of the portal, could be more user-friendly. Sometimes I have faced difficulties in identifying the options."
"The AI advancements can improve the false positives."
"I would like Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention to be on the source code or SQL databases. It is difficult to do classification and labeling when you have a third-party source code or a third-party Oracle database. It is seamless when it comes to Microsoft documents but is not so with third-party source codes. Microsoft needs to work on it a little bit more."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"This solution was not too cheap or too expensive. But for the amount of features that they are offering, it was reasonable."
"[The pricing] is reasonable compared to what's out there."
"The pricing is reasonable for this particular market."
"I don't have any issue with the licensing and pricing. I would love for it to be cheaper, but at the same time I'm getting a lot from it."
"The minimum number of licenses they sell is 50 or 150 users."
"This is a budget-friendly solution that covers all the aspects of host-level DLP."
"The solution’s pricing is a normal industry standard and depends on customers and salespersons."
"The pricing is very competitive and is cheaper in comparison to that of other solutions. It makes it an easy decision to go with EPP for the data loss prevention infrastructure."
"I am satisfied with the tool's pricing."
"We are using the E3 license for Microsoft 365 with the E5 compliance license add-on."
"Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention is part of a bundle and is not sold as a standalone product."
"The pricing is reasonable."
"It is a part of our Microsoft licensing. We pay for a yearly renewal. Its price is reasonable for the size of the organization we are. It is fairly competitive, and you get what you pay for. We have an E5 license, and a part of understanding the E5 license is to see what all you get with it. If you really look at it from that standpoint, you get a lot of value. You have Defender and all its security features in there as well. Their licensing is fairly flexible. They have different programs. We've seen ones where you could pay for up to three to five years in advance. There is also a monthly pay-as-you-go type of deal, but we're doing a yearly renewal and fixing the budget."
"It's a little bit pricey compared to competitors, but it's not too high."
"The product has the best price-to-performance ratio."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Non Profit
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Endpoint Protector?
Its robust security audit and compliance functionalities prove especially beneficial for businesses in sectors like BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) and Information Technology.
What needs improvement with Endpoint Protector?
The only aspect that prevents it from being a perfect solution is the occasional slower response time.
What do you like most about Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention?
The most valuable features are identifying sensitive data and issuing alerts.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention?
The pricing is a little bit better when compared to others on the market.
What needs improvement with Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention?
It could cover more solutions and technologies. One of the challenges that we're facing now is how we can identify our critical information storage level, for example, via scanning or some other me...

Also Known As

No data available
Microsoft Endpoint Data Loss Prevention, MS Endpoint DLP, Microsoft Endpoint DLP

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Sample Customers

Samsung, Toyota, Philips, Zeppelin, Western Union, eBay
Information Not Available
Find out what your peers are saying about CoSoSys Endpoint Protector vs. Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.