Citrix Workspace vs Rocket Exceed TurboX comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Citrix Workspace
Ranking in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Rocket Exceed TurboX
Ranking in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Remote Access (12th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) category, the mindshare of Citrix Workspace is 5.0%, down from 10.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Rocket Exceed TurboX is 1.8%, down from 2.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Remote Access

Featured Reviews

Dec 6, 2022
Helped to continue our operations, but there have been speed and reliability issues
We're running into all kinds of speed issues and reliability issues. There are frequent disconnects, and we're not sure whether that's a problem with the product, with the way the product has been deployed, or with server capacity or bandwidth. Our IT department pays attention to that, but we are feeling the impact of that. It also gets a little dodgy when we're having to work remotely. We don't necessarily have all of the full functions that we would have with some of our in-hospital systems. There are times when we have gaps, but that's simply because our IT department hasn't set up all of the applications that we would normally have access to. So, that's not a Citrix problem as much as it is the way it has been deployed. We're pivoting away from Workspace. We're being told we're going to get some of the newer, more robust tools that Citrix offers. That's where we're heading right now. We're not quite sure. We're hopeful that it's going to make some significant improvements for us and make work quite a bit easier, but we'll wait and see.
Jan 10, 2023
Fast and has a friendly UI; allows you to consume heavy applications
An area for improvement in OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX) is the installation process because you need some technical knowledge to install it. Implementing the solution requires knowledge and understanding, so if you're a user, you'd need IT assistance to set up OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX). What's lacking in OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX) is a help portal for users to ask questions and seek assistance. The website has a standard FAQs page, but I would like more articles and online material, so you can deal with questions and some of the issues that arise rather than dealing with customer support. I want a portal or online system similar to what Microsoft provides for Microsoft Office products.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The service dash and Workspace Environment Manager service are good features."
"It is a very scalable solution."
"It allows us to mute users who adhere to a policy of not allowing direct VPN access for security reasons. It is easy to use."
"The ease of access and the confidentiality and security that it provides is what we like best."
"The most valuable feature of Citrix Workspace is its security."
"The basic virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) feature is most valuable. We were lucky to have it in place when the pandemic hit. It is used very heavily now."
"Citrix Workspace's standout feature is its flexibility."
"The price and user interface are great."
"The most helpful feature of OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX) is that it allows you to consume heavy applications that usually have a lot of latency. I also like that the solution is fast and has a friendly UI."
"The solution is perfect for Linux users."


"I have noticed that the current compatibility issue with the latest version of Windows 11 is a concern for me and my client. While the client has support for Windows 11, it appears that the Citrix Workspace is only compatible with Windows 10, which does not support the newest version. This is an area that I believe could be improved upon."
"Performance could be better if there was a low latency improvement."
"There is room for slight improvement in performance optimization and interface refinement."
"I've recently tried to use Citrix on Ubuntu, and I don't know if this is an Ubuntu issue or a vendor issue, but you can't use Citrix right now on Ubuntu 20.04."
"It takes time to load."
"Citrix Workspace can improve by being more secure, but this would apply to any solution not only Citrix Workspace."
"The product's technical support services need improvement."
"When there are technical issues, sometimes we can't get on the cloud."
"An area for improvement in OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX) is the installation process because you need some technical knowledge to install it. What's lacking in OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX) is a help portal for users to ask questions and seek assistance."
"The performance of the graphical interface needs improvement. They should add some CPU to speed graphic acceleration."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"If one is a high price and ten is a low price, I rate the tool's price a three."
"Citrix is expensive."
"My company opts for the yearly subscription model to pay towards the licensing costs attached to the solution."
"We are just now approaching the end of our initial purchase, which was an excellent price for us as an academic institution. We got a very good deal to get us on board. That license is up for renewal in about a year, and we are nervously waiting to see what the pricing will be."
"The licensing of Citrix Workspace is worth it. However, it is expensive. Citrix is probably more competitive now than VMware, but it is still a costly solution."
"The tool is expensive."
"We are seeing a return on investment with Citrix Workspace."
"The price of the solution could be less expensive. There are different versions to their solution and the price keeps increasing."
"Pricing for OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX) is five out of ten. It's not that expensive, and it's not that affordable."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Marketing Services Firm
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Citrix Workspace?
As for the cost, it is neither cheap nor expensive. Personally, I find it quite expensive, especially if you want to add more features. The security features we use include App Protect and Endpoint...
What needs improvement with Citrix Workspace?
Citrix Workforce is good, but it needs improvement in diagnosing network issues. When errors occur, it is difficult to determine if they're due to network issues, Workspace issues, or environment i...
What do you like most about OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX)?
The most helpful feature of OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX) is that it allows you to consume heavy applications that usually have a lot of latency. I also like that the solution is fast and has a fri...
What needs improvement with OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX)?
An area for improvement in OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX) is the installation process because you need some technical knowledge to install it. Implementing the solution requires knowledge and underst...
What is your primary use case for OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX)?
OpenText Exceed TurboX (ETX) is a VDI product that lets you remotely access applications that run on either Windows or Linux.

Also Known As

Citrix Workspace Cloud
OpenText Exceed TurboX

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Sample Customers

Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), SMS group, Philips Healthcare, TDK-Micronas
Find out what your peers are saying about Citrix Workspace vs. Rocket Exceed TurboX and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.