Blackberry UEM vs Trellix Endpoint Security (ENS) comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Intune
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (3rd), Remote Access (1st), Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) (1st), Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (2nd)
Blackberry UEM
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) (14th)
Trellix Endpoint Security (...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) (20th), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) (17th)

Featured Reviews

Jun 18, 2024
I like how the solution deploys the policies and makes them customizable
I like how Intune deploys the policies and makes them customizable. You can deploy it through Intune and forget about it. You can connect Defender for Endpoint to Intune and assign the client to start porting detections and alerts, creating a little security operations center. The integration is easy but tricky for someone who doesn't know how to use it. Once you learn to use it, it's a powerful tool that can condense most of your administrative tasks into one place Integration with Microsoft 365 and security is critical if you have a Microsoft infrastructure. You want all the tools to be connected and exchanging data so that when you make a change or deploy something, you can make an informed decision and log the errors. You can avoid having different types of configurations and strengthen your policies. We've been using what they call conditional access in which we set up policies and apply them based on certain conditions and attributes. For example, you can apply some policies to company-owned devices and a different set of policies to devices for personal use.
Jul 28, 2023
An affordable solution to control BlackBerry applications but has latency issues
We use this solution to control BlackBerry applications for our clients. We were using BlackBerry tools to access emails on our phones, and clients had to install the BlackBerry application on their devices. The BlackBerry application controlled these applications, similar to Symantec VIP manager…
Joseck Wekesa - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 9, 2023
It integrates well with other solutions, but the vendor needs more of a local presence and faster response
You do not have access to all the features when you use the Trellix web interface. For example, you cannot do device or drive encryption from the web interface. Also, when we're working with customers, it's sometimes challenging to get sales support. Delays mean we might lose an opportunity. Lastly, Trellix lacks some documentation about custom features. I would like to see Trellix add database activity monitoring. They don't have a plan for this, and there isn't a significant roadmap around it. They have an enterprise service manager, which is sort of like a SIEM, but there is no roadmap. I want to see a clearer roadmap for integrating specific critical solutions like PAM and other things, too.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It has improve our organization through the remote management of non-domain joined devices."
"It works pretty well for us."
"The most valuable feature is probably mobile device management. Small businesses are coming under greater scrutiny and requirements for compliance as time goes on. We don't have to worry about a VPN because we can manage these devices, control company data, and lock users out. If needed, we can remotely wipe devices and deadman-switch them."
"The most valuable feature for us is the security, including risk analysis and patch management."
"Intune provides full visibility into all active mobile device users. If their devices are noncompliant with our security policies, I have the flexibility to update them remotely."
"It supports end-users who tend to lock their devices quite frequently. Its conditional access policy helps us keep the users logged into their devices."
"The solution has reduced the risk of security breaches by 30%."
"Autopilot is the most valuable feature."
"The solution has a lot of features, such as adding different applications and devices to one platform. This allowed us to manage many devices and applications from a single platform."
"MVISION offers decent protection."
"The most valuable feature is the integration between environments."
"It has a feature called Isolation. If a device is compromised, we can connect it to our SOC, and no one would be able to access it. This way we can limit the damage to the network while we are investigating."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is its dashboard."
"What I like most about McAfee MVISION Endpoint is that it's very user-friendly. You do need some knowledge on how to navigate the portal, but as soon as you've gained that knowledge, navigation will no longer be an issue. I have no complaints about McAfee MVISION Endpoint. For me, the product is perfect the way it is. It's great right now, and it's doing good as it is."
"We have a cloud-based instance, so we can deploy all our configurations through the cloud. That's the beauty of FireEye."
"The performance is good."
"I found the initial setup to be easy."


"There can be more logs. I do not have any other requirements."
"It would be better if they can reduce the cost of the license."
"I want more secure, reliable, and efficient security policies."
"It should be simplified. I've worked with many different mobile device management solutions, and Intune is one of the more complex ones. It could be more simplified, and some of it is related to the wording that is being used, such as a configuration profile versus a policy. They really should have had different names to make it less confusing."
"The product needs to upgrade itself when the server is overloaded."
"Sometimes, customers compare it with AirWatch, but the concept of Intune is different from other solutions. It's an application management app. It gets a bit difficult to explain it to customers, but it's not a product limitation. It takes a presale document or presentation to explain it to customers."
"The main disadvantage seen today is regarding Linux clients. We have a lot of development resources that have Linux on their clients, and we can't manage them on the same platform, as we do with other clients such as macOS and Windows. So, it should have support for Linux clients. It should also have better support for macOS."
"They need to integrate more with security options."
"The solution is complicated for new users. There are a lot of buttons on the first page. It can be very confusing if you’re not aware of the terms they use. For example, a button labelled ‘edit device’ doesn't explain exactly what it does or how to use it."
"The product is consolidating its portfolio into one product. It is difficult at the moment."
"The solution can be expensive."
"The technical support needs some improvement. When product distribution errors occur, we have to contact technical support, which is a very tedious task."
"The way that signatures work when using this solution could be improved. They could be more user friendly. We would like the ability to select a client's signature from a menu or file share to save time."
"The reports need more development. They need more details on the reports and more details taking the executive view into consideration."
"It is a very heavy tool, unfortunately."
"Looking at the current ePolicy orchestrator, and the transition of most vendors to the cloud, they need to do an improvement with the current dashboard or the overall aesthetic of their GUI."
"It has very good integrations. However, its integration with Palo Alto was not good, and they seem to be working on it at the backend. It is not very resource-hungry, but it can be even better in terms of resource utilization. It could be improved in terms of efficiency, memory sizing, and disk consumption by agents."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Microsoft Intune is expensive."
"Microsoft Intune's pricing is reasonable."
"The pricing is inherently reasonable, as Microsoft leverages market insights to maintain the total cost of ownership at around ninety to ninety-five percent of what would be incurred in an on-premise scenario."
"Every customer used to purchase licenses based on their needs."
"There is a license required to use the solution. If you're core users in Office 365, for example, you have Outlook email and E3 license, this is only email. You have to buy an EMS license to have Microsoft Intune. It is expensive."
"The pricing of Endpoint Manager is fine. The licensing is not that complex, but small and midsized organizations might have challenges with the pricing plans. There are a lot of categories—E2, E3, E5—to choose from."
"They have categorized the licenses according to the size of the business. So, if it's a smaller organization, we can choose the license accordingly. If it's a big organization, then we can choose accordingly. Everything is clearly mentioned, and we can decide. It's suitable for all kinds of infrastructure, and that's very goo"
"The pricing for Intune and the competitor products are all within the same range, there is no true advantage when it comes to cost."
Information not available
"Licensing fees are paid yearly."
"It is a yearly subscription-based product, which includes the license and hardware. There is also a subscription for technical support up to five years."
"We are on an annual subscription for McAfee MVISION Endpoint. The cost for the license could be less expensive."
"Pricing for McAfee MVISION Endpoint is not very good, and I would rate its cost three out of five, though I won't be able to mention how much its actual price is."
"Licensing fees are billed on a yearly basis."
"The pricing is mid-ranged and quite reasonable compared to other similar products."
"I don't think there are any extra expenses besides its licensing costs."
"We had a discount when purchasing the solution because of the size of our company and we are happy with the price."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
No data available
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

How does Microsoft Intune compare with VMware Workspace One?
Microsoft Intune is a great tool for managing a mobile device fleet while keeping access control. The solution makes ...
What are the pros and cons of Microsoft Intune?
Microsoft Intune is a great configuration management tool and has a lot of good things going for it. Here are some of...
How does Google Cloud Identity compare with Microsoft Intune?
Microsoft Intune offers not only an easy-to-deploy data protection and productivity management solution, but also ...
What do you like most about Blackberry UEM?
The solution has a lot of features, such as adding different applications and devices to one platform. This allowed u...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Blackberry UEM?
The solution is cheaper than Outlook. Regarding maintenance, it is not maintained like Microsoft Outlook.
What needs improvement with Blackberry UEM?
The solution is complicated for new users. There are a lot of buttons on the first page. It can be very confusing if ...
How does McAfee Endpoint Security compare with MVISION?
The flexible manageability of McAfee Endpoint Security is one of our favorite aspects of this solution. You can deplo...
How does Crowdstrike Falcon compare with FireEye Endpoint Security?
The Crowdstrike Falcon program has a simple to use user interface, making it both an easy to use as well as an effec...
What do you like most about McAfee MVISION Endpoint?
The product's initial setup phase was straightforward.

Also Known As

Intune, MS Intune, Microsoft Endpoint Manager
No data available
McAfee MVISION Endpoint, Trellix Endpoint Security (HX)



Sample Customers

Mitchells and Buzzers, Callaway
Information Not Available
Tech Resources Limited, Globe Telecom, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, Omnissa, ManageEngine and others in Unified Endpoint Management (UEM). Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.