Auth0 vs Okta Workforce Identity comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Single Sign-On (SSO)
Ranking in Access Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) (1st)
Okta Workforce Identity
Ranking in Single Sign-On (SSO)
Ranking in Access Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Authentication Systems (6th), Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) (IAMaaS) (2nd), ZTNA as a Service (7th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Single Sign-On (SSO) category, the mindshare of Auth0 is 19.6%, down from 21.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Okta Workforce Identity is 34.4%, up from 13.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Unique Categories:
Access Management
Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)
Authentication Systems
Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Featured Reviews

Jul 12, 2020
Easy and flexible integration regardless of the codebase
We were evaluating Auth0 as centralized authentication solution for our in-house development. We are searching for the best solution to take care of this because our product development is ongoing, and we want to find just the right fit. Ultimately, we did not choose Auth0 The most valuable…
GOMS R - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 4, 2024
Offers single sign-on for those who prefer Microsoft or a single sign-on solution
Customers' workforce often operates within multiple scenarios and setups. For instance, some customers may use Microsoft Active Directory. For example, out of 5,000 employees, only 2,000 might be integrated into AD, while the rest could have access managed directly within specific applications by…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It's a very powerful platform. It has the ability to do the usual stuff, according to modern protocols, like OIDC and OAuth 2. But the real benefit of using the platform comes from its flexibility to enhance it with rules and, now, with what they call authentication pipelines. That is the most significant feature, as it allows you to customize everything regarding the authentication and authorization process."
"The most valuable feature is that it is simple to integrate, irrespective of your codebase."
"The valuable features are that it is extremely secure and that it's developer-friendly."
"It has a lot of customization and out-of-the-box features."
"It has improved our organization by providing login authentication for a mobile app."
"The most valuable feature is interface application integration, but we haven't fully used it yet. We'll need it in the future for a few potential clients."
"It is easily connected and easy to put our app in single sign-on."
"I simply use the JWT from the client on the server side to process requests and push updated profile data to a database/queue as needed and end the process without having to persist data in the web server (sessions)."
"The initial setup is easy."
"The most valuable features are ease of operation and visibility."
"It has a wide range of MFA options. I prefer "Okta Verify" out of them all."
"Its integration components are most valuable. It integrates with everything in some way. There are some products, such as O365 or AD, with which it completely and 100% integrates. So, you can seamlessly create accounts across the board with some of these products. For some of the products with which it doesn't completely integrate, you can do some kind of interfacing."
"The tool provides a single place of contact for managing users. We only need to manage users in Okta Workforce Identity, eliminating the need to duplicate efforts across different systems. For example, if a user needs to be decommissioned, we don't have to go through all the systems and cloud services; we delete the user in one place. This process is automated with our HR system for both organizations, simplifying user lifecycle management."
"The most valuable features of Okta Workforce Identity are SSO, MFA, and beneficial feature sets."
"First of all, the solution is very simple."
"This solution has a lot of capabilities and features."


"The product support for multi-tenancy could be improved."
"The product could use a more flexible administration structure"
"When they introduced the Organizations feature they did support different login screens per organization. However, they introduced a dependency between this feature and another called the New Universal Login Experience. The New Experience is a more lightweight login screen, but it is much less customizable. For example, today, we are able to fully customize our login screen and even control the background image according to the time of day. We have code to do that. But we are not able to write code anymore in the New Experience."
"The Management API could be improved so it's easier to get user information."
"I think they can do a better job in explaining what you're supposed to do next in order to correctly follow an idiomatic approach to using the solution beyond simply passing a JWT token to a server and having the server check then signature to validate the token."
"There could be easy integration with IoT devices for the product."
"In the past, there was an issue with the multi-tenant where there wasn't the ability to manage them."
"The tool's price should be improved."
"The product does not offer enough integration capabilities."
"There should be automated aggregation and complete classification processes included in it."
"The solution can be quite expensive."
"They also have single sign-on (SSO). When we bought Okta Workforce Identity a year and a half ago, I was also looking at SSO, but not much documentation was available for SSO. The documentation for SSO should be a little more robust for somebody who is implementing it for the first time."
"It only facilitates provisioning and not de-provisioning."
"It is challenging to obtain a comprehensive backup."
"Okta Workforce Identity can improve by having more features in governance."
"Application updates are lacking. Customer support needs to be improved."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The tool is cheaper compared to competing solutions. Those alternatives tended to be more expensive. Consequently, Okta purchased it because it was considerably cheaper. The solution even offered some free services while still providing excellent functionality."
"There are different price levels: B2B, B2C, and enterprise. The basic plan is about $1,500 per month."
"Pricing of Auth0 is a pain point. Their pricing model is very confusing, at least for an enterprise. I don't like their pricing model. I think it's too aggressive. It's not very cheap for a service that only does authentication."
"I am pretty happy with the pricing model of Auth0. It is very clear for me. Considering our scale, the features that we are using, and additional features that we bought, we still find it great. If you split the costs for the whole year and calculate the number of people you needed to hire, it always comes out to be much lesser than what we would have spent on building our own solution."
"It is a relatively inexpensive product in the industry."
"The price of Okta Workforce Identity is reasonable."
"The product has a user-based license model."
"The price of this product could be lower."
"The price of the solution is good."
"The solution's pricing model could be better for SMBs."
"The product is expensive compared to other vendors."
"The pricing is reasonable."
"I believe it competes well. The pricing is pretty competitive. I know that Microsoft also provides something similar with its MFA and identity services."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Comms Service Provider
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Auth0?
It is very scalable because it provides a new environment for companies based on their number of users and other factors. The tool can take a lot of users.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Auth0?
The tool is cheaper compared to competing solutions. Those alternatives tended to be more expensive. Consequently, Okta purchased it because it was considerably cheaper. The solution even offered s...
What needs improvement with Auth0?
There are indeed areas where the product could improve. For instance, Okta offers various application configurations, enabling access management, which the tool could consider implementing. Additio...
What do you like most about Okta Workforce Identity?
Okta has introduced the Universal Directory. It has custom attribute capability and user permissions to read/write on their profiles or hide them. Profile sources and identity profile sourcing are ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Okta Workforce Identity?
The product's price is high. For each feature, a certain payment is required.
What needs improvement with Okta Workforce Identity?
The high cost of the product is an area of concern where improvements are required.

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Sample Customers

1. Airbnb 2. Accenture 3. Adidas 4. Atlassian 5. Audi 6. Baidu 7. BlackRock 8. Cisco 9. CocaCola 10. Dell 11. eBay 12. FedEx 13. Fiat Chrysler 14. Ford 15. Google 16. Groupon 17. Hewlett Packard Enterprise 18. IBM 19. Intel 20. LinkedIn 21. Mastercard 22. Mercedes Benz23. Microsoft 24. Nike 25. Oracle 26. PayPal 27. Pinterest 28. Qualcomm 29. SAP 30. Spotify 31. Tesla 32. Toyota
FedEx, Zoom, Takeda, Lululemon Athletica, GrunHub, jetBlue, McKensson, Bain & Company, Engie, Peloton, Sonos, T-Mobile, Hewlett Packard, MGM Resorts, Ally Financial, Priceline, Albertsons, Itercom, Classy, FICO, Kensho, Live Nation, Drata, Rotary, and others.
Find out what your peers are saying about Auth0 vs. Okta Workforce Identity and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.