Appian vs IBM BPM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Business Process Management (BPM)
Ranking in Process Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Rapid Application Development Software (6th), Low-Code Development Platforms (5th), Process Mining (5th)
Ranking in Business Process Management (BPM)
Ranking in Process Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Infrastructure (9th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Business Process Management (BPM) category, the mindshare of Appian is 5.6%, down from 6.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of IBM BPM is 8.8%, up from 7.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Business Process Management (BPM)
Unique Categories:
Process Automation
Rapid Application Development Software
Application Infrastructure

Featured Reviews

Dec 8, 2021
Easy to develop, low-code, and has a good user interface
There are four areas I believe Appian could improve in. The first is a seamless contact center integration. Appian does not have a contact center feature. The second is advanced features in RPA. The third would be chatbot and email bot integration—while Appian comes with chatbot and email bot, it's not as mature as it should be, compared to the competition. The fourth area would be next best action, since there is not much of this sort of feature in Appian. These are all features which competitors' products have, and in a mature manner, whereas Appian lacks on these four areas. I see customers who are moving from Appian to Pega because these features are not in Appian.
Jul 31, 2021
Ample functionality, effective integration, but lacking documentation
We have encountered different use cases with our clients. For example, in the financial, oil field, and automotive areas, we have used the solution for onboarding applications IBM BPM is equipped with all the functionalities which are needed for building BPM enterprise-level applications. The…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The tech support is quite good."
"SAIL (Self-Assembling Interface Layer), a scripting language provided by Appian. It is the equivalent of JS and CSS. It allows creation of complex UIs which are also responsive. With SAIL, we have a single language for both the UI logic and its appearance. UI components can be built as reusable components and used in multiple UI interfaces."
"Since implementing we have had a faster time to solution, with fewer resources needed."
"Even with an on-premise implementation, the scalability is still high, so it is easy to scale up."
"Technical support has been amazing overall."
"Appian also has very flexible local integration."
"Technical support is helpful."
"The Application Designer is very user friendly. There are also lot of plug-ins that you can use and, for the most part, they are free."
"IBM's deployment box is one huge black box. We can create all the services with our own code or without a codebase, however, we have a huge amount of space with practically no limitation."
"The Process Designer is good. We like how we can drag and drop and link the processes up, that works out great for us."
"Compliance with the BPMN 2.0 standard."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to customize your rules and put them inside the tool."
"It continues to keep up with the changing needs of the business. That is the strong value proposition of BPM. It's not a one-time automation."
"It provides value and simplifies processes."
"Automating the whole workflow process to give our data steward the ability to take actions rapidly, and making sure we have all the data synced within the different platforms that we are using."
"It is being able to see the process, and understanding what the process is versus having to bury it in code somewhere."


"A point of improvement would be the SAIL forms. The built-in tool used to generate forms does not have debugging support (to view local variables as they change on live preview, and step-by-step valuation) which is a big drawback for form development. Moreover, the script language used to build SAIL forms does not support inheritance or lambda expressions (functions as arguments of other functions), which makes the code base more verbose."
"Appian could improve their customer-facing initiatives."
"We would like to see more reduced latency. We would like to make sure that the scale-out factor will be much more as workloads come in."
"The performance is pretty good, but the distortions need to be optimized in order for it to work well."
"There should be more flexibility for the developers to choose the look and feel of the UI. They should have a better ability to design their widgets and customize them with different colors, shapes, and sizes. That is a limitation that could be improved upon."
"The UI of Appian is more internal. Recently, there has been an addition of an external user portal for the customer-facing stuff. It's still coming out."
"Appian could include other applications that we could reuse for other customers, CRM for example."
"Architecture of product and scalabiility issues."
"The cost of the solution has room for improvement."
"The constant switch between Eclipse and its web versions can be annoying and confusing."
"UI is an area with a shortcoming that needs improvement."
"They should incorporate an API gateway functionality within it to simplify integrations."
"IBM BPM can improve the dashboards and reports. It only has two dashboards, and reporting is very difficult to build."
"The user experience, while it has improved, should continue to improve."
"The initial setup was complex."
"It's a bit technical, related to the instance of migrations. It's a tough thing to handle, in every new release, in every upgrade, that we have to do things in the applications or in the product. I think IBM is working on it but I know there are a lot of requests coming in from different organizations on this."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"When it comes to pricing, it's definitely not affordable. However, it really depends on the requirements that you're seeking from the solution."
"It's good value for the price."
"We will have to have a dialogue or negotiate a price for future use. To start with, it is a reasonable price. As we go ahead, we will have to make sure the costs are inline with our expectations as we grow our user base and workloads."
"More flexibility in the licensing model is still needed because initially there were customers who are looking at only one or two use cases of business areas, but now the business areas are changing and there is a larger scope. One license model may not fit everyone. They need to be a little more flexible on the licensing model."
"The cost is calculated on a per-user basis. It might be expensive for small and mid-sized enterprises."
"Product pricing compared to some of the earlier vendors, like IBM, CA, and Oracle, is quite well-priced. Although, we do feel that as we increase the number of users and the workload increases, we will have to spend more."
"It is expensive, but powerful. I would recommend comparing against cheaper licensing products and open source."
"If you're doing an enterprise-wide digital transformation, Appian is worthwhile, but not for just one or two use cases because the license costs are higher."
"I already compared some solutions related to business process management, and I saw that the cost of IBM BPM is more expensive compared with that of Camunda, for example."
"It should provide more flexibility to connect with external systems, and there should be in-built services that can be used to integrate with other systems quickly."
"The pricing is quite high, I would rate it two out of five."
"The solution is expensive since it is an enterprise application."
"Its price is on the higher side, and it can be improved. Its licensing is on a yearly basis. There are no additional costs."
"We have a yearly licensing model. It is not expensive. There are no addition costs to the standard license."
"IBM could improve the price. It is far too expensive."
"Licensing is managed by the client, but we know it is yearly. Camunda is relatively cheaper. There is not much difference in pricing of IBM and PEGA. For large licensing, there are discounts as well."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Which do you prefer - Appian or Camunda Platform?
Appian is fast when building simple to medium solutions. This solution offers simple drag-and-drop functionality with easy plug-and-play options. The initial setup was seamless and very easy to imp...
Is Appian a suitable solution for beginners who have no additional preparation?
Appian is actually pretty big on educating its users, including with courses that reward you with certifications. There is a whole section on their company’s website where you can check out the edu...
Is it easy to set up Appian or did you have to resort to professional help?
We had some issues when we were setting up Appian. It was quite surprising, since this is a low-code tool which, in its essence, means it is meant for business users and inexperienced beginners. So...
Which is better, IBM BPM or IBM Business Automation Workflow?
We researched both IBM solutions and in the end, we chose Business Automation Workflow. IBM BPM has a good user interface and the BPM coach is a helpful tool. The API is very useful in providing en...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM BPM?
The solution might be expensive, but I can't give you a precise number. In the market here, I've seen two main products for BPM: IBM BPM and Camunda. Camunda is very popular and open-source, so the...



Also Known As

Appian BPM, Appian AnyWhere, Appian Enterprise BPMS
WebSphere Lombardi Edition, IBM Business Process Manager, IBM WebSphere Process Server

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Sample Customers

Hansard Global plc, Punch Taverns, Pirelli, Crawford & Company, EDP Renewables, Queensland Government Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (, Bank of Tennessee
Barclays, EmeriCon, Banca Popolare di Milano, CST Consulting, KeyBank, KPMG, Prolifics, Sandhata Technologies Ltd., State of Alaska, Humana S.A., Saperion, esciris, Banco Espirito Santo
Find out what your peers are saying about Appian vs. IBM BPM and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.