Apache Airflow vs IBM BPM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Apache Airflow
Ranking in Business Process Management (BPM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Business Process Management (BPM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Infrastructure (9th), Process Automation (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Business Process Management (BPM) category, the mindshare of Apache Airflow is 6.9%, down from 10.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of IBM BPM is 8.8%, up from 7.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Business Process Management (BPM)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Application Infrastructure
Process Automation

Featured Reviews

Jul 17, 2023
A tool that needs to improve its complex initial setup and limited integration capabilities but can be useful in workflow automation
The problem with Apache Airflow is that it is an open-source tool. You have to build it into a Kubernetes container, which is not easy to maintain, and I find it to be very clunky. Additionally, there is room for improvement with DAGs. I had a very hard time building DAGs in Apache Airflow. I decided to use Astronomer, which is on top of Apache Airflow and is supposed to make your life easier. The best part of the solution is the third-party add-on which is Astronomer. It would be a very nice tool if it could have been an entirely cloud-based solution. Apache Airflow is not so nice when you have a hybrid setup, such as half is on-premises and half of it is on a cloud environment. It should integrate better with the outside world.
Dec 19, 2023
Easy to use, good price, easy for developers, easy to install and configure
The use cases include security and network processing for internal purposes It streamlines processes, benefits other projects, and integrates with other solutions. I appreciate its high user capacity and standard compliance. It's also helpful for multi-project deployments, design assessments,…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Apache Airflow is in Python language, making it easy to use and learn."
"The most valuable feature of Apache Airflow is creating and scheduling jobs. Additionally, the reattempt at failed jobs is useful."
"The best feature is the customization."
"Since it's widely adopted by the community, Apache Airflow is a user-friendly solution."
"To increase efficiency, it's quite simple to add dbt tasks to an Apache Airflow pipeline or orchestration file. With the tool, you can specify dependencies."
"This is a simple tool to automate using Python."
"The best part of Airflow is its direct support for Python, especially because Python is so important for data science, engineering, and design. This makes the programmatic aspect of our work easy for us, and it means we can automate a lot."
"The tool is user-friendly."
"Overall, I'm satisfied with the product. If you compare it with other products, it's probably not as easygoing or as simple to implement as the rest. But after you get used to it, it works. It has a lot of capabilities and potential, but the people, who come from different technologies, have some difficulty getting used to the way of working with IBM products."
"It is efficient in reducing costs."
"Scalability is good. In the time that I have been there, we have added more JVMs to help with the increased workload, so it does scale."
"This product does the job in terms of executing the workflow."
"It's a solid product. It covers most of the pain points for clients."
"One of the reasons for adopting this solution ten years ago was its ease of use. It had a lot of off-the-shelf functionality, and it did not need to be developed specifically for the project that we were implementing. That was the main reason for adopting it in the beginning."
"This solution is very stable."
"The solution offers great notifications."


"Apache Airflow could be improved with the addition of more frameworks."
"The problem with Apache Airflow is that it is an open-source tool. You have to build it into a Kubernetes container, which is not easy to maintain, and I find it to be very clunky."
"I would like to see workflow integration across the servers."
"The automation capabilities could be improved; a visual workflow designer and a graphical tool to reduce coding would be very helpful. But for now, it's sufficient for our simple workflows."
"I would like to see it more friendly for other use cases."
"Apache Airflow could be improved by integrating some versioning principles."
"It would be beneficial to improve the pricing structure."
"The dashboard is connected into the BPM flow that could be improved."
"Where it can be improved is Integration. I think that the direction that IBM is taking now, to have something that is much more integrated, that can be seen as one single solution, is clearly the right way."
"IBM BPM uses JavaScript as a programming language for the server-side. I don’t know why it’s not Java, as it’s more powerful and the JavaScript part is translated into Java anyway."
"They could provide case studies to investigate and understand the functionality of business processes before development."
"The constant switch between Eclipse and its web versions can be annoying and confusing."
"We have had to use Mule as an alternative integration tool because it is more flexible than IBM BPM."
"It needs more customization. We like to customize the screens to show more things related to our company."
"The initial setup can be tricky because IBM BPM is not based on a popular stack, and it's difficult to hire a developer for this product."
"There is a lot of room for improvement of the dashboards."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I use the tool's open-source version."
"Although Airflow is open source software, there's also commercial support for it by Astronomer. We personally don't use the commercial support, but it's always an option if you don't mind the extra cost."
"Apache Airflow is a product that is free of licenses, meaning there is no need to buy a license."
"The pricing for the product is reasonable."
"Apache Airflow is a cheap solution."
"It's open-source."
"The solution is open source so is free."
"We are using the open-source version of Apache Airflow."
"IBM BPM cannot be considered a cheaply priced product. IBM BPM is a really expensive product compared to other companies. One needs to opt for the perpetual licensing model offered by IBM."
"The product is expensive considering the hardware and software costs."
"The pricing is quite high, I would rate it two out of five."
"The price of the solution is fair for an enterprise solution that has both cloud and on-premise deployments and when comparing to competitors. Recently IBM has introduced Cloud Pak which allows for more flexible licensing options for automation and other features."
"Its price is on the higher side, and it can be improved. Its licensing is on a yearly basis. There are no additional costs."
"We have a yearly licensing model. It is not expensive. There are no addition costs to the standard license."
"The price is good but could be a little lower."
"Licensing is managed by the client, but we know it is yearly. Camunda is relatively cheaper. There is not much difference in pricing of IBM and PEGA. For large licensing, there are discounts as well."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Which would you choose - Camunda Platform or Apache Airflow?
Camunda Platform allows for visual demonstration and presentation of business process flows. The flexible Java-based option was a big win for us and allows for the integration of microservices very...
What do you like most about Apache Airflow?
Apache Airflow is easy to use and can monitor task execution easily. For instance, when performing setup tasks, you can conveniently view the logs without delving into the job details.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Apache Airflow?
It is an open-source tool. There are no additional fees or charges associated with the product. Expenses are associated with only the machines that our company uses on AWS.
Which is better, IBM BPM or IBM Business Automation Workflow?
We researched both IBM solutions and in the end, we chose Business Automation Workflow. IBM BPM has a good user interface and the BPM coach is a helpful tool. The API is very useful in providing en...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM BPM?
The solution might be expensive, but I can't give you a precise number. In the market here, I've seen two main products for BPM: IBM BPM and Camunda. Camunda is very popular and open-source, so the...

Also Known As

WebSphere Lombardi Edition, IBM Business Process Manager, IBM WebSphere Process Server

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Sample Customers

Agari, WePay, Astronomer
Barclays, EmeriCon, Banca Popolare di Milano, CST Consulting, KeyBank, KPMG, Prolifics, Sandhata Technologies Ltd., State of Alaska, Humana S.A., Saperion, esciris, Banco Espirito Santo
Find out what your peers are saying about Apache Airflow vs. IBM BPM and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.