ADP GlobalView Payroll vs Oracle E-Business Suite comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

ADP GlobalView Payroll
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Global Payroll (3rd)
Oracle E-Business Suite
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Field Service Management (1st), ERP (5th), Activity Based Costing Software (1st), Benefits Administration (6th), Enterprise Resource Planning for Manufacturing (1st), Product Configuration and Quoting (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Global Payroll category, the mindshare of ADP GlobalView Payroll is 9.6%, up from 8.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Oracle E-Business Suite is 1.1%, up from 0.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Global Payroll
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Field Service Management

Featured Reviews

KevinHarris1 - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 27, 2023
A stable tool with a payroll processing module that offers great speed to users
The most valuable feature of the solution is definitely the payroll processing module because it's very quick since you don't have to wait for ADP to do some stuff from the product's end. You can process the payroll process pretty quickly and handle everything in-house and within the company. You can process general ledger files through ADP GlobalView Payroll while taking care of additional areas like your tax files. ADP GlobalView Payroll is pretty much capable of handling 100 percent of the payroll process. ADP does process the tax returns. With ADP GlobalView Payroll, a lot of things are easy to manage, like downloading some quarterly files and some of the other reports that you can get out of it, which is great.
May 11, 2023
Reasonably priced, helps improve workflow, and time efficiency
Our company specializes in implementing Oracle ERP solutions. Our company has worked with specific customers in the telecommunications industry, some of whom were looking to replace their existing systems. For those with technical needs, we were able to provide effective solutions, and in one…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Scalability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten."
"Good solution if you want simple, static systems."
"If someone wants a good payroll system with a good presence in the APAC region and Europe, then without a doubt, ADP GlobalView Payroll falls at the top of the list of best tools."
"This software scales very well across various implementations."
"The new Subledger Accounting feature is very strong."
"Valuable features include expense management and the accounting suite of products."
"On-Time Payroll and its features are user-friendly."
"What we like about Oracle E-Business Suite is that we didn't find any issues with it. In the Indian market, the subscription solutions aren't that suitable, even in terms of the complexity of the regulations, taxes, etc., so that's why we had to go for an on-premise solution that's hosted on the cloud, and we're happy with Oracle E-Business Suite. We also like that Oracle E-Business Suite is quite flexible, and we've also built some bolt-ons and they're working fine."
"Has good dashboard and drill-down features."
"It makes financial operations easier to perform."
"The most valuable features are the financial-related capabilities."


"The portal where employees log in to check their weekly tax statements is called ADP ESS, an area where improvements are needed."
"With big companies, it takes a long time to run when it comes to the reporting part."
"Projects tend to take longer because ADP wants to manage everything."
"There are some business-specific processes still not implemented."
"In the future, Oracle E-Business Suite could improve by having a better UI. Competitors are providing much better interfaces."
"Some of my clients report that the overall ease of use could be simplified."
"Oracle E-Business Suite could improve the tables. When we remove some of them sometimes they cloud the modules into one. It becomes a little difficult to segregate."
"The UI interface is not great."
"The way things are going, Oracle is not putting much effort into their master data management. They need to look into machine data and then the integrated data domain."
"I would say the integration needs improvement. Oracle needs to work on the integration layer to make the solution much more robust and modern."
"It is difficult to get answers from technical support right away."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I believe that ADP GlobalView Payroll is an expensive solution."
"If users consider the license of the solution, then it is an expensive tool."
"Compared to other vendors like SAP or Microsoft, the prices for Oracle are reasonable, but they could always be lower."
"The solution is quite expensive."
"The licensing cost of Oracle E-Business Suite is quite competitive. It's quite flexible, so it can be adapted to the requirements of my company. For confidentiality purposes, I'm unable to disclose how much Oracle E-Business Suite costs, but I'm rating its cost as eight out of ten."
"E-Business Suite's pricing could be lower."
"This product is more expensive if you compare it to SAP."
"At our various customers, the software tends to pay for itself in less than two years."
"In my opinion, the prices for Oracle ERP are reasonable, especially considering the various discounts that are often available."
"It costs too much."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Recruiting/Hr Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about ADP GlobalView HCM?
Scalability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for ADP GlobalView HCM?
I believe that ADP GlobalView Payroll is an expensive solution.
What needs improvement with ADP GlobalView HCM?
With big companies, it takes a long time to run when it comes to the reporting part. Our company notified ADP to see if there is a way to get reports to run quicker, but it is something related to ...
What do you like most about Oracle E-Business Suite?
It was very easy to integrate the product into our existing infrastructure.
What needs improvement with Oracle E-Business Suite?
Oracle E-Business Suite is hard and takes six months to one year to implement.

Also Known As

ADP GlobalView HCM
Oracle EBS, OEBS

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Sample Customers

Global Talent for Celestica
Colab, Portobello, Saudi Telecom Company, DG Khan Cement, Dubai Holding
Find out what your peers are saying about ADP GlobalView Payroll vs. ADP Streamline and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.