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One Identity Active Roles pros and cons

Vendor: One Identity
4.3 out of 5
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Active Roles automates and streamlines the management of user roles and group memberships, significantly saving time and effort.
The centralized change history feature facilitates effective auditing and troubleshooting within Active Directory environments.
Enhanced syncing capabilities allow for more regular updates and better grouping of users within Active Directory.
Active Roles offers a deprovision option that enhances control over account management, allowing reversible account deletions and enforcing compliance measures.
Features such as auditing, dynamic grouping, and creating dynamic groups based on AD attributes are highly valued for improving security and management efficiency.


There is a need for the ability to send logs to a SIEM.
Difficulty with the search function within workflows, requiring better feedback on-screen.
The workflow engine is slow and not intuitive, introduced a few years ago
Administrators need more user-friendly options when creating new workflows and rule sets.
There is a necessity to include an attestation process that covers certification and recertification attestation.

One Identity Active Roles Pros review quotes

Sep 23, 2020
The biggest thing for us is Active Roles saves a lot of man-hours in keeping groups up-to-date manually or trying to write some sort of script that you have to run, so we don't have to reinvent the wheel. Instead of when every time somebody joins a department, then somebody has to remember to put in a request to add "meet user Joe" to this group, the solution does it automatically for us. Therefore, it saves our business and IT staff time because they do not have to process requests since Active Role can do it for them.
Dec 1, 2020
With the use of the sync service we were able to import information from multiple external systems and populate them within our space and leverage them for downstream systems.
Oct 4, 2020
Another good feature is the change history. It's centralized in a single place and allows us to manage people's Active Directory domains from a central location. We can also drill down into individual objects in a troubleshooting or even an auditing situation. We can show evidence to auditors by drilling down into the individual history. It gives you all the history of what happened around an individual object. That is something that would be almost impossible to do in Active Directory, or extremely complicated.
Learn what your peers think about One Identity Active Roles. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Apr 19, 2021
Instead of deleting accounts, we like the deprovision option so that we can reverse any accidental deletions. It also gives a higher level of quality control in terms of enforcing any number of variables, such as making sure that an account has a description entered before the account can be created. We can backtrack and know the history of it that way.
Apr 3, 2019
It's valuable to us in that it resembles the native tools that most people have grown accustomed to... Active Roles resembles traditional tools, such as from Microsoft. That is really good because it eases the way people interact with the tool.
Jul 12, 2023
In comparison to native Active Directory tools, using Active Roles for delegation is so much better. It uses an access template and that makes it easy to see who can access what. In fact, you can do that for many objects as well.
SameerPalav - PeerSpot reviewer
May 24, 2023
Secure access is the most valuable feature.
Kiril - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 8, 2020
Because of Active Roles, we're able to synchronize on an even more regular basis. It enables us to provide even more information to the Active Directory, which helped us to group our users in a more consistent manner.
Apr 10, 2019
The provisioning and deprovisioning saves a lot of time and skips a lot of errors.
Dec 2, 2022
Active Roles improved the management of users, groups, and AD objects in the organization.

One Identity Active Roles Cons review quotes

Sep 23, 2020
When doing a workflow, we would like a bit better feedback on the screen, as we're trying to get it to work. For example, there is a "Find" function that you need set up in a workflow to do some of the automation. It is not the easiest to get a result from those finds when you're trying to do that. In the MMC, they have a couple different types of workflows. In this particular case, we use their workflow functionality to find all of X within the environment, then if you find it, do X, Y, and Z. You can have multiple steps. When you do that search function within that workflow, it's really hard to find out, "Is my search working?" It would be nice if there was some feedback on the screen so you could see if your search is working properly within the workflow.
Dec 1, 2020
There are some features that we think should be included in their next release. We think these things would take them to the next level: the ability to completely force or limit any dynamic group processing to specific servers, change-tracking reporting of virtual attributes, and the ability to use files as inputs to automation workloads. These things have also been talked about. Knowing them, they're probably working on them.
Oct 4, 2020
The third area for improvement, which is the weakest portion of ARS, is the workflow engine, which was introduced a few years ago. It's slow and not very intuitive to use, so I would like to see improvement there.
Learn what your peers think about One Identity Active Roles. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Apr 19, 2021
I've had a difficult time getting it to cooperate with Azure in the cloud and, while the support staff are very good and very knowledgeable, what they assist with just on a call doesn't go deep enough to help with a number of issues. The answer that comes back is that we'd have to start an engagement with Professional Services, which is fine but that takes time to schedule and it takes budget.
Apr 3, 2019
It also has workflows and those are really powerful, but there are no built-in workflows. When it comes to them, it's empty. I would personally love for it to come with ten, 15, or 20 workflows where each achieves a certain task... I could just look at how each is done, clone them, copy them, modify them the way I want them, and be good to go. Right now we have to invent things from scratch.
Jul 12, 2023
Another issue we have with the product is that we run a lot of custom tasks. You have to program them to run on one particular host and there's no automatic failover to a second host. If that host is down when a task is supposed to run, it has to wait until the next time it runs when that host is up.
SameerPalav - PeerSpot reviewer
May 24, 2023
The solution needs an attestation process that includes certification and recertification attestation.
Kiril - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 8, 2020
In terms of improvement, it could be made even more user-friendly for administrators when they need to create new workflows and rule sets.
Apr 10, 2019
For the AAD management feature, it needs to improve the objects that we can manage and the security.
Dec 2, 2022
The user and group management in Azure AD could be better. Our focus these days is dynamic sharing with several on-prem Microsoft applications like SharePoint.