Netwrix Auditor vs One Identity Active Roles comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 9, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Netwrix Auditor
Ranking in Active Directory Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
GRC (11th)
One Identity Active Roles
Ranking in Active Directory Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
User Provisioning Software (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Active Directory Management category, the mindshare of Netwrix Auditor is 11.8%, up from 11.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of One Identity Active Roles is 6.8%, up from 6.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Active Directory Management
Unique Categories:
User Provisioning Software

Featured Reviews

Mohamed Tantawy - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 4, 2024
Can track every admin action in large environments and includes AI modules to detect and prevent unauthorized changes
The initial setup of Netwrix Auditor was straightforward. Some functions require agents while others are agentless, simplifying implementation. It consumed minimal server and client resources, and the wizard-based console made it simple to deploy with the help of architectural teams. All required ports were in place, and they covered all critical services and databases effectively. I would rate the easiness of the initial setup as a nine out of ten. The deployment of Netwrix Auditor took around three weeks, mainly due to the preparation of the environment and servers. The deployment process involved actions such as preparing virtual servers and building databases. Once deployed, it took only about a week to complete. Third-party consultants assisted us with deployment. Only one or two engineers were needed for deployment and maintenance, which could be handled remotely with minimal complexity.
SameerPalav - PeerSpot reviewer
May 24, 2023
Enables zero trust security with hybrid AD find delegation and role-based access control
The solution enables us to create a user in the cloud and give them access to resources through a single workflow which is important to all our clients. The solution enables zero trust security with hybrid AD find delegation and role-based access control which is important to all our clients. The solution acts as a firewall against Active Directory, requiring our IT team to go through active roles and get approval to make changes. It has also reduced our onboarding time from one or two weeks to five or ten minutes. The solution reduces the time it takes to reset a password to under one minute. The solution simplifies Active Directory and Azure Active Directory management efficiency and security. It has a proxy layer, which means that no one talks to the connecting platform directly. All requests go through the active roles, which act as a proxy layer. We can set all kinds of policies, rules, and business enforcement policies on the proxy layer. This means that nothing flows to the platforms without proper information or proper data standardization. The solution manages and streamlines everything in this proxy layer. The automated provisioning can be completed in under ten minutes.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I am impressed with the tool's reporting feature and notifications."
"Netwrix provides features that no other solution on the market does."
"What I find the most valuable about Netwrix Auditor is the way it shows risk. The reports are very clear."
"I have found user behavior analysis and the ability to run risk assessments important features. Additionally, the interface and online documentation are very good."
"The most valuable features of Netwrix Auditor are its affordability compared to similar products and its comprehensive monitoring of admin activities."
"The most valuable feature is the real-time monitoring."
"It maintains audit logs for the duration of time that you wish, as long as you have the storage capacity to do so."
"The biggest thing for us is Active Roles saves a lot of man-hours in keeping groups up-to-date manually or trying to write some sort of script that you have to run, so we don't have to reinvent the wheel. Instead of when every time somebody joins a department, then somebody has to remember to put in a request to add "meet user Joe" to this group, the solution does it automatically for us. Therefore, it saves our business and IT staff time because they do not have to process requests since Active Role can do it for them."
"The provisioning and deprovisioning saves a lot of time and skips a lot of errors."
"The AD and AAD management features of this solution are really good... They offer added value by showing more fields such as password age and the statuses of some things that we normally wouldn't see."
"Another good feature is the change history. It's centralized in a single place and allows us to manage people's Active Directory domains from a central location. We can also drill down into individual objects in a troubleshooting or even an auditing situation. We can show evidence to auditors by drilling down into the individual history. It gives you all the history of what happened around an individual object. That is something that would be almost impossible to do in Active Directory, or extremely complicated."
"It provides automatic provisioning/update/deprovisioning workflows from a source system to a target system."
"In comparison to native Active Directory tools, using Active Roles for delegation is so much better. It uses an access template and that makes it easy to see who can access what. In fact, you can do that for many objects as well."
"It gives us attribute-level control and the AD management features work very well."
"The most valuable features include auditing, dynamic grouping, and creating dynamic groups based on AD attributes."


"When there are issues I would like remediation to be in one place."
"I expect usability features to become more refined over time. I'm interested to see how it evolves and continues to improve."
"There is room for improvements when it comes to the licensing."
"If you buy direct, there is a minimum of 150 licenses that must be procured. The price point and barrier of entry is a little bit higher than it would be if you purchased the solution from an authorized reseller partner, rather than buying it and managing yourself."
"The Linux compatibility of this solution could be improved."
"An improvement would be if there was an another way to manage the logs besides email because it's not so practical."
"There is room for improvement with the introduction of AI functionality."
"The solution lacks self-service on password reset. It also needs to improve its scalability."
"There are some features that we think should be included in their next release. We think these things would take them to the next level: the ability to completely force or limit any dynamic group processing to specific servers, change-tracking reporting of virtual attributes, and the ability to use files as inputs to automation workloads. These things have also been talked about. Knowing them, they're probably working on them."
"For the AAD management feature, it needs to improve the objects that we can manage and the security."
"In terms of improvement, it could be made even more user-friendly for administrators when they need to create new workflows and rule sets."
"Most of the time it just works."
"For ActiveRoles, it would be good if the product supports multi-scripting language. You can use only VBScript."
"The solution needs an attestation process that includes certification and recertification attestation."
"The user and group management in Azure AD could be better. Our focus these days is dynamic sharing with several on-prem Microsoft applications like SharePoint."
"The third area for improvement, which is the weakest portion of ARS, is the workflow engine, which was introduced a few years ago. It's slow and not very intuitive to use, so I would like to see improvement there."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There is a license for this solution and we are on an annual license. The price is reasonable."
"This solution is reasonably priced. I would rate it a nine out of ten."
"The tool's price is fair."
"It's expensive."
"It's fairly priced."
"The licensing model is a simple user-based model, not that much complicated."
"The pricing is on the higher end."
"The price is reasonable. It costs us about 1 million Danish kroner annually, and we also spend about half as much on consultants."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Netwrix Auditor?
The most valuable features of Netwrix Auditor are its affordability compared to similar products and its comprehensive monitoring of admin activities.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Netwrix Auditor?
The pricing of Netwrix Auditor varies based on the number of users and devices in our environment, but it is generally very cost-effective compared to other solutions. We don't pay for licenses sep...
What needs improvement with Netwrix Auditor?
The solution currently meets my needs, but there is room for improvement with the introduction of AI functionality as suggested by the vendor. Additionally, expanding capabilities like database act...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for One Identity Active Roles?
The solution is fairly priced. That said, I have nothing to compare it to.
What needs improvement with One Identity Active Roles?
The solution has not enabled us to reduce password reset times. It has not automated provisioning. The group attestation could be improved. It was a feature that was available in version 5. You can...

Also Known As

No data available
Quest Active Roles



Sample Customers

AT&T, SanDisk, Siemens, Verizon, Electrolux, Allianz, Societe Generale
City of Frankfurt, Moore Public Schools, George Washington University, Transavia Airlines, Howard County, MD. See all stories at
Find out what your peers are saying about Netwrix Auditor vs. One Identity Active Roles and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.