Omada Identity vs One Identity Active Roles comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Omada Identity
Ranking in User Provisioning Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Identity Management (IM) (4th), Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) (4th)
One Identity Active Roles
Ranking in User Provisioning Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Active Directory Management (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the User Provisioning Software category, the mindshare of Omada Identity is 11.8%, up from 6.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of One Identity Active Roles is 7.6%, up from 5.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
User Provisioning Software
Unique Categories:
Identity Management (IM)
Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)
Active Directory Management

Featured Reviews

May 29, 2024
Automates access requests, reduces workloads, and saves us time
Omada Identity's user interface needs improvement, especially for new users. The key to a successful identity management system is ease of use for non-technical users. New hires or those unfamiliar with the system shouldn't struggle to request access. Ideally, the interface should be clear and straightforward, eliminating confusion about application types, entitlements, and permission levels. Users should be able to submit requests with confidence, knowing they have selected the correct options for full access. The burden shouldn't be on the user to understand the intricacies of the system behind the scenes. This is a common issue that Omada Identity, and similar solutions, should address. Omada's pre-built connectors are generally effective, however a few require improvement. We've already informed Omada about these specific connectors.
Jul 12, 2023
Give us control over attributes a service desk analyst can change, and we can build in integrity rules
The Group Family feature is okay, but there are some issues around its use for creating objects automatically, based on HR attributes. Another issue is that it doesn't look like the hybrid connections are particularly mature. We haven't really used it much. We have a couple of guys setting it up who don't really like the way it's working. It uses a synchronization tool to do that. Native integration with the cloud would be better. Also, we're trying to manage Office 365 mailboxes and although it will create a mailbox in the cloud, it won't do shared mailboxes. That means we're having to write custom solutions for that. Another issue we have with the product is that we run a lot of custom tasks. You have to program them to run on one particular host and there's no automatic failover to a second host. If that host is down when a task is supposed to run, it has to wait until the next time it runs when that host is up. Some of their built-in functions will work off of both servers and I don't see why this shouldn't as well. Another similar gripe is that when you run custom Active Roles policies, they'll actually trigger on both hosts, not on one. In that scenario, it would be better if they would trigger on one host, unless it wasn't available. For example, if you're writing to the event log, you have a custom task and it will show up multiple times because it's being processed by multiple front-end hosts.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"As an administrator, we benefit from a lot of functionality that is available out of the box, but it is also configurable to meet our specific needs."
"We are able to onboard new user accounts much faster by automating the process and standardizing our operations globally. Previously, there were many individual processes and manual admin interactions. We also see a lot of cost savings and benefits because through automation and standardization."
"I appreciate all the support we receive from Omada."
"The key benefit of Omada Identity is maintaining complete control."
"Two valuable features of Omada Identity are the ability to discover accounts and link them to identities, and the automatic disabling of inactive accounts or identities."
"The benefits of Omada Identity include a holistic way of viewing access, the ability to give people access, and automation."
"The identity lifecycle support is definitely valuable because we are a complex organization, and there is a lot of onboarding, movement, and offboarding in our organization. We have 31,000 users, and there are a lot of users who are constantly onboarding, offboarding, and moving. So, we need to make sure that these activities are supported. In old times, we used to do everything manually. Everyone was onboarded, offboarded, or moved manually. So, from a business point of view and an economics point of view, identity lifecycle is most valuable. From a security point of view, access review is the most important feature for us."
"The most relevant feature is Omada's reporting engine. Omada never 'forgets' and archives every process. All steps an admin, user, or manager has executed, are recorded in Omada."
"Because of Active Roles, we're able to synchronize on an even more regular basis. It enables us to provide even more information to the Active Directory, which helped us to group our users in a more consistent manner."
"Instead of deleting accounts, we like the deprovision option so that we can reverse any accidental deletions. It also gives a higher level of quality control in terms of enforcing any number of variables, such as making sure that an account has a description entered before the account can be created. We can backtrack and know the history of it that way."
"Active Roles improved the management of users, groups, and AD objects in the organization."
"It gives us attribute-level control and the AD management features work very well."
"In comparison to native Active Directory tools, using Active Roles for delegation is so much better. It uses an access template and that makes it easy to see who can access what. In fact, you can do that for many objects as well."
"The solution is stable."
"With the use of the sync service we were able to import information from multiple external systems and populate them within our space and leverage them for downstream systems."
"It's valuable to us in that it resembles the native tools that most people have grown accustomed to... Active Roles resembles traditional tools, such as from Microsoft. That is really good because it eases the way people interact with the tool."


"I am not working with the product, but they have this BI tool for role-based mining, and I think that should be included in the core product rather than an add-on."
"The web GUI can be improved."
"Its flexibility is both a good thing and a bad thing. Because it is very flexible, it also becomes too complex. This is common for most of the products we evaluated. Its scalability should be better. It had a few scalability issues."
"When making a process, you should be able to use some coding to do some advanced calculations. The calculations you can currently do are too basic. I would also like some additional script features."
"I would like to see them expand the functionality of the tool to continue to be competitive with the monsters out there. For example, they could add functionality on the authentication side, functionality that Octa and SailPoint have. But they should do that while maintaining the same simplicity that makes Omada a product of choice today."
"If I had to name one thing, it would be the user interface (UI)."
"Omada's performance could be better because we had some latency issues. Still, it's difficult to say how much of that is due to Omada versus the resources used by our other vendors in our on-prem environment. Considering the resources we have invested into making it run well, it's slightly slower than we would expect."
"The user interface should have a more flexible design, where you can change it to your requirement."
"For the AAD management feature, it needs to improve the objects that we can manage and the security."
"Another issue we have with the product is that we run a lot of custom tasks. You have to program them to run on one particular host and there's no automatic failover to a second host. If that host is down when a task is supposed to run, it has to wait until the next time it runs when that host is up."
"In terms of improvement, it could be made even more user-friendly for administrators when they need to create new workflows and rule sets."
"For ActiveRoles, it would be good if the product supports multi-scripting language. You can use only VBScript."
"There are some features that we think should be included in their next release. We think these things would take them to the next level: the ability to completely force or limit any dynamic group processing to specific servers, change-tracking reporting of virtual attributes, and the ability to use files as inputs to automation workloads. These things have also been talked about. Knowing them, they're probably working on them."
"The third area for improvement, which is the weakest portion of ARS, is the workflow engine, which was introduced a few years ago. It's slow and not very intuitive to use, so I would like to see improvement there."
"The initial setup was quite easy, but it was time-consuming. It took about three months."
"It also has workflows and those are really powerful, but there are no built-in workflows. When it comes to them, it's empty. I would personally love for it to come with ten, 15, or 20 workflows where each achieves a certain task... I could just look at how each is done, clone them, copy them, modify them the way I want them, and be good to go. Right now we have to invent things from scratch."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Omada is expensive."
"There were a lot of administrator, partner, and supplier accounts for people who were no longer working for us but still in the system. So, we reduced the number of users no longer with the company, which saved us some money on licensing."
"Being Dutch, I can only say that it is extremely expensive, but all software products are expensive. If you have 38,000 users, then even one dollar or one euro per person would amount to a significant amount of money. Because of the high number of users, anything gets expensive very fast here."
"It is expensive. Fortunately, I had a very good procurement manager on my side, but they are expensive. The closest competitors are also very expensive. You get a full-fledged solution that can do everything you dream of, but you pay for everything."
"It is not cheap. None of these solutions are cheap, but we have good pricing at least for now from a licensing perspective."
"The pricing for Omada Identity is fair."
"While Omada Identity carries a premium price tag, it proves to be cost-effective."
"From an on-prem point of view, the cost is quite transparent and reasonable. The direct cost is primarily for licenses and maintenance on licenses."
"The pricing is on the higher end."
"The licensing model is a simple user-based model, not that much complicated."
"The price is reasonable. It costs us about 1 million Danish kroner annually, and we also spend about half as much on consultants."
"It's expensive."
"It's fairly priced."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Omada Identity?
We don't have to go in and do a lot of the work that we did before. It may have saved us somewhere in the range of 10 to 30 percent of the time we spent on provisioning access.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Omada Identity?
My client deals directly with the Omada Identity team in terms of licensing. I never look at pricing, so I'm not aware of how much the solution costs, but it's worth the money. Often, when you begi...
What needs improvement with Omada Identity?
There are some technical bits and pieces that we have looked at that could be better. For instance, when you do a recalculation of an identity, it's hard to understand what was incorrect before you...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for One Identity Active Roles?
The solution is fairly priced. That said, I have nothing to compare it to.
What needs improvement with One Identity Active Roles?
The solution has not enabled us to reduce password reset times. It has not automated provisioning. The group attestation could be improved. It was a feature that was available in version 5. You can...

Also Known As

Omada Identity Suite, Omada Identity Cloud
Quest Active Roles

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Sample Customers

Bayer, ECCO Shoes, Vattenfall, NuStar Energy, Unicredit, Schiphol Group, BMW Group, Deutsche Leasing
City of Frankfurt, Moore Public Schools, George Washington University, Transavia Airlines, Howard County, MD. See all stories at
Find out what your peers are saying about Omada Identity vs. One Identity Active Roles and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.