Omada Identity vs SAP Identity Management comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Omada Identity
Ranking in User Provisioning Software
Ranking in Identity Management (IM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) (4th)
SAP Identity Management
Ranking in User Provisioning Software
Ranking in Identity Management (IM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Identity Management (IM) category, the mindshare of Omada Identity is 6.8%, up from 3.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SAP Identity Management is 2.5%, down from 4.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Identity Management (IM)
Unique Categories:
User Provisioning Software
Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)

Featured Reviews

Pernilla Hulth - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 19, 2024
The interface is easy to use and gives you a solid overview
The cloud-based deployment was straightforward, but the on-prem deployment was in a highly complex ecosystem. Omada has matured since then. I wouldn't say that it isn't straightforward, but it depends on the customer. A standard deployment is relatively easy, but it can be more painful if you need a lot of customization. We deployed the cloud solution in around four months, nearly meeting the 12-week benchmark. The on-prem deployment took three years. It was a highly complex ecosystem that was dependent on other systems. Depending on the size of your environment, you need a product owner and some specialists for maintenance. My last customer was a university with a complex environment. They had around 12 people involved in maintenance at that organization. Typically, it's between 2-5 people.
Imran  Rafi - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 13, 2023
Allows for seamless integration and provides a unified login experience
The use cases depend on various factors, such as the integration of Microsoft front end and the authentication aspect. We can use Microsoft authentication to secure applications like SuccessFactors or any other SAP application. Alternatively, we can use SAP directly for authentication. We can use…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most appealing aspect of Omada Identity is its self-service upgrade system."
"Its best feature is definitely the process design. It is quite easy and straightforward to design a process."
"The identity lifecycle support is definitely valuable because we are a complex organization, and there is a lot of onboarding, movement, and offboarding in our organization. We have 31,000 users, and there are a lot of users who are constantly onboarding, offboarding, and moving. So, we need to make sure that these activities are supported. In old times, we used to do everything manually. Everyone was onboarded, offboarded, or moved manually. So, from a business point of view and an economics point of view, identity lifecycle is most valuable. From a security point of view, access review is the most important feature for us."
"The most valuable functionality of the solution for us is that when employees stop working for the municipality, they are automatically disabled in Active Directory. Omada controls that 100 percent. They are disabled for 30 days, and after that time Omada deletes the Active Directory account. The same type of thing happens when we employ a new person. Their information is automatically imported to Omada and they are equipped with the roles and rights so they can do their jobs."
"The administrative features and SoD are valuable."
"It has a lot of out-of-the-box features. It is flexible, and there are a lot of possibilities to configure and extend it. It is user-friendly. It has an interface that is end-user or business-user friendly."
"It has a very user-friendly interface compared to what we are used to, and it is highly configurable. In the old solution, when we needed to do something, we had to have a programmer sitting next to us, whereas, in Omada Identity, everything is configurable."
"The most valuable aspects of Omada Identity for me are the automation capabilities."
"The tool's most valuable features are its access control and approval of access requests. The self-service password reset feature is efficient. Role management capabilities streamline user access by assigning and revoking roles."
"Rather than implement a basic SSO, this solution assisted us with setting up two-factor authentication."
"The most valuable features of SAP Identity Management are business roles and automated user provisioning."
"What I found most valuable in SAP Identity Management is process automation. The solution also gives transparency about what is happening and why which I find beneficial. Another feature I found valuable in SAP Identity Management is integration. It has very good integration."
"It provides basic automatic user administration and role provisioning to save time."
"The most valuable feature is the user experience for managing information."
"What I like about SAP Identity Management is that it's stable for experienced users and suitable for access management, not just for SAP accounts, but for Active Directory, including file sharing and process sharing."
"What's most valuable in SAP Identity Management is that it's easily an out-of-the-box solution for connectivity with SAP applications. We do not have to do any customizations, and this makes the solution very compatible with most SAP applications. SAP Identity Management is also very user-friendly."


"When making a process, you should be able to use some coding to do some advanced calculations. The calculations you can currently do are too basic. I would also like some additional script features."
"If you find an error and you need it fixed, you have to upgrade. It's not like they say, "Okay, we'll fix this problem for you." You have to upgrade. The last time we upgraded, because there was an error in a previous version, we had to pay 150,000 Danish Krone (about $24,000 at the time of this review) to upgrade our systems... That means that we have to pay to get errors fixed that Omada has made in programming the system. I hope they change this way of looking at things."
"The reporting and importing have room for improvement."
"The comprehensiveness of Omada's out-of-the-box connectors for the applications we use could be better. We are getting a new HR system called Cornerstone for which they do not have an out-of-the-box connector, so we have to take the REST connector and play around with it."
"Its flexibility is both a good thing and a bad thing. Because it is very flexible, it also becomes too complex. This is common for most of the products we evaluated. Its scalability should be better. It had a few scalability issues."
"They need to improve the cost for small companies."
"The Omada Identity SaaS version doesn't provide all the features Omada Identity on-premise provides."
"When the re-certification process is launched that makes Omada very slow. There are performance issues in the current version."
"The pricing could be better."
"Research and marketing need to be improved."
"It needs to have the SSO for the HANA modules that SAP is releasing."
"SAP Identity Management can improve risk analysis and authority checks."
"A lack of startup connectors to different systems, and could have better connectors for SAP IDM."
"I find SAP Identity Management complicated to use. Maintaining it is also complex."
"I have encountered issues with the host authentication feature."
"One of the areas for improvement in the solution is its user interface which needs to be up-to-date and fancier, in particular, have better visualization in terms of the tabs and buttons. The user interface of SAP Identity Management should be improved based on the latest trends."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is not cheap. None of these solutions are cheap, but we have good pricing at least for now from a licensing perspective."
"It's a fair price for the on-premises system. Compared with what we had before, it's much cheaper and we get all the modules in one. We tried to go with the cloud, but it was far too expensive."
"It is expensive. Fortunately, I had a very good procurement manager on my side, but they are expensive. The closest competitors are also very expensive. You get a full-fledged solution that can do everything you dream of, but you pay for everything."
"It is fairly priced for an on-premise environment, but for the cloud environment, I am not that happy with the pricing."
"It is not cheap. It is expensive, but compared to what we did almost three years ago, it is value for money. It is worth it."
"Omada Identity offers a reasonable price point, but it will increase as we transition to the cloud."
"Omada isn't cheap or expensive. The licensing model is flexible. I've only had limited interactions with the Omada sales team, but they were positive. They don't sell the customers more licenses than they need. It's important to accurately forecast future usage. For example, we have many licenses that we don't use because we don't have the identities yet. We pay extra, which isn't good."
"Omada Identity is competitively priced and delivers good value for our money."
"When evaluating the price of any product, I first look at how it meets my business requirements and if it meets requirements adequately and predictively. Currently, I don't see this from SAP Identity Management, so pricing for it is expensive, in my opinion."
"I rate the solution's pricing a four out of ten."
"The licensing cost varies depending on the specific requirements and deployment size."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Energy/Utilities Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Omada Identity?
We don't have to go in and do a lot of the work that we did before. It may have saved us somewhere in the range of 10 to 30 percent of the time we spent on provisioning access.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Omada Identity?
My client deals directly with the Omada Identity team in terms of licensing. I never look at pricing, so I'm not aware of how much the solution costs, but it's worth the money. Often, when you begi...
What needs improvement with Omada Identity?
There are some technical bits and pieces that we have looked at that could be better. For instance, when you do a recalculation of an identity, it's hard to understand what was incorrect before you...
What do you like most about SAP Identity Management?
The tool's most valuable features are its access control and approval of access requests. The self-service password reset feature is efficient. Role management capabilities streamline user access b...
What needs improvement with SAP Identity Management?
I have encountered issues with the host authentication feature.
What is your primary use case for SAP Identity Management?
Our clients utilize the tool to automate user provisioning and manage identity, security, and user roles within their IT environment. It is configured as a tenant for this purpose, and it includes ...

Also Known As

Omada Identity Suite, Omada Identity Cloud
SAP NetWeaver Identity Management, NetWeaver Identity Management

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Sample Customers

Bayer, ECCO Shoes, Vattenfall, NuStar Energy, Unicredit, Schiphol Group, BMW Group, Deutsche Leasing
State of Indiana, Automotive Resources International (ARI), Alliander N.V., Chemion Logistik GmbH, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (SNUBH)
Find out what your peers are saying about Omada Identity vs. SAP Identity Management and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.