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Omada Identity pros and cons

Vendor: Omada
4.1 out of 5
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Omada Identity Pros review quotes

Peter Schouten - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 4, 2024
The support response time and the freedom from strange bugs and strange things happening in the software are valuable.
Michael Rask Christensen - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 18, 2024
It has a very user-friendly interface compared to what we are used to, and it is highly configurable. In the old solution, when we needed to do something, we had to have a programmer sitting next to us, whereas, in Omada Identity, everything is configurable.
Harold Van Ham - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 4, 2024
What I like most is that we can always find a solution, and we can also find the cause when something goes wrong. I like that the most because everything is in one way or another traceable. That is what I like most. I like its reliability.
Learn what your peers think about Omada Identity. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jun 29, 2023
The most valuable feature for us is the ability to set up connectors to various IT systems and offer a wide range of supported connectors.
Dec 22, 2020
The most valuable feature in Omada is the governance. We work with other products and other product vendors, but the sweet spot in the market for Omada is where things are heavy on governance.
Sep 13, 2021
The thing that I find most valuable is that Omada consists of building blocks, which means that you can configure almost anything you want without using custom code, making it pretty easy to do. It's possible to connect to multiple target systems and to create one role that consists of different permissions in the different target systems. So one role in Omada can make sure that you have an account in three different systems.
Jun 18, 2021
The most valuable functionality of the solution for us is that when employees stop working for the municipality, they are automatically disabled in Active Directory. Omada controls that 100 percent. They are disabled for 30 days, and after that time Omada deletes the Active Directory account. The same type of thing happens when we employ a new person. Their information is automatically imported to Omada and they are equipped with the roles and rights so they can do their jobs.
Aug 15, 2023
You can make resources. You can import them from Azure or Active Directory and put them in an application. For example, if there is an application that uses a lot of Active Directory groups, you can make the groups available for people. If they need to access that application, you can tell them the resource groups you have for that application. People can do everything by themselves. They do not need anybody else. They can just go to the Omada portal, and they can do it all by themselves. That is terrific.
Mar 22, 2024
Its best feature is definitely the process design. It is quite easy and straightforward to design a process.
Apr 22, 2024
The key benefit of Omada Identity is maintaining complete control.

Omada Identity Cons review quotes

Peter Schouten - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 4, 2024
The user interface could be improved. The interface between Omada and the user is mainly text-based.
Michael Rask Christensen - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 18, 2024
The comprehensiveness of Omada's out-of-the-box connectors for the applications we use could be better. We are getting a new HR system called Cornerstone for which they do not have an out-of-the-box connector, so we have to take the REST connector and play around with it.
Harold Van Ham - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 4, 2024
In our organization, all the data is event-driven, which means that if an attribute is changed in the source system, it can be updated within a few seconds in all end-user systems. There is room for improvement in Omada regarding that. Omada is still batch-based for some processes, so sometimes it can take an hour or even four hours before the execution is run and the update is sent.
Learn what your peers think about Omada Identity. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jun 29, 2023
The web GUI can be improved.
Dec 22, 2020
I would like to see them expand the functionality of the tool to continue to be competitive with the monsters out there. For example, they could add functionality on the authentication side, functionality that Octa and SailPoint have. But they should do that while maintaining the same simplicity that makes Omada a product of choice today.
Sep 13, 2021
The backend is pretty good but the self-service request access screen, the GUI, needs improvement. It's an old-fashioned screen. Also, Omada has reports, but I wouldn't dare show them to the business because they look like they're from 1995. I know they are working on these things and that’s good, because they’re really needed.
Jun 18, 2021
If you find an error and you need it fixed, you have to upgrade. It's not like they say, "Okay, we'll fix this problem for you." You have to upgrade. The last time we upgraded, because there was an error in a previous version, we had to pay 150,000 Danish Krone (about $24,000 at the time of this review) to upgrade our systems... That means that we have to pay to get errors fixed that Omada has made in programming the system. I hope they change this way of looking at things.
Aug 15, 2023
We are still on Omada on-prem, but I understand that when Omada is in the cloud, you cannot send an attachment via email. We have some emails with attachments for new employees because we have to explain to them how to register and do their multi-factor authentication. All that information is in the attachment. People have to do that before they are in our system. We cannot give them a link to our Intranet and SharePoint because they do not yet have access. They have to register before that, so I need to send the attachments, but this functionality is not there in the cloud.
Mar 22, 2024
The UI design needs improvement. One or two years ago, Omada changed its user interface to simplify, but the simplification has not really kicked in.
Apr 22, 2024
The current reporting tools in Omada are limited, but we expect significant improvements in the new version.