NETGEAR Insight Access Points vs Omada Access Points comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Juniper Mist Wireless Acces...
Ranking in Wireless LAN
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
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No ranking in other categories
NETGEAR Insight Access Points
Ranking in Wireless LAN
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Omada Access Points
Ranking in Wireless LAN
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Wireless LAN category, the mindshare of Juniper Mist Wireless Access Points is 7.5%, up from 3.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of NETGEAR Insight Access Points is 1.3%, down from 1.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Omada Access Points is 3.6%, up from 3.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Wireless LAN
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Featured Reviews

Dec 29, 2022
Quick updates, easy port troubleshooting, and reliable
Juniper Wireless Access Points (AP Series) are for network connections The zero-touch provisioning and AI have helped out our organization because customers can install APs in less time than other solutions. The most valuable feature of Juniper Wireless Access Points (AP Series) is the ability…
Jun 10, 2021
Without using a third-party, I can deploy a network with software built-in
The user-friendliness of the Insight management solution is good. Like everything, it has its idiosyncrasies. Sometimes, it is a challenge when adding a device. Certain devices have been harder to register. I'm not trying to knock it. I'm just trying to say everything has its areas of improvement, and device registration might be one area. NETGEAR is on this and addressing this issue. The registration is annoying. I have to go back to NETGEAR and log tickets. Access points and router registration are something that they need to address in Insight. They need to fix the bug of getting the devices activated and enrolled in Insight without fighting with them. I have probably done about six of these in the last month. You get to see patterns. However, once it is up and running, it's so useful to me that I don't mind. I'm a tech guy, so I don't mind dealing with small glitches. I use the Insight management solution app on my phone. Though, it is not as good as managing network access points on my computer.
Apr 19, 2024
They have good specs, and the price is lower than competing solutions
Omada could add some API integrations that would help with our automated solution. We're trying to integrate, and we're having some issues because some of the calls are not there. The API still needs some development. They could also enhance the reporting capabilities. At the same time, Omada's reporting has improved considerably in the latest version. That was an issue for us, but now it seems okay. More carrier-grade integrations should be available on Omada access points in the future. They could also add a hot spot and maybe a mobile upload solution. I still have issues from time to time when switching access points. I'm still connected to the SSID, but my signal drops when I switch from 5 Ghz to 2.4 Ghz. I'm not switched to the other access point that is closer to me. I should have been switched automatically to the other access point. Occasionally, the handoff doesn't work. I have tried this with WiFi 6, and it worked fine, so I think they may have resolved this issue in the latest versions.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The artificial intelligence feature is very good."
"Mist AI is a very powerful feature. Juniper is the only company that has introduced AI into networking."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is Marvis, the AI-driven network management system."
"In terms of reporting, in terms of all the user reports, it's very rich."
"The AI capabilities of Mist Wireless are superior to other OEMs."
"The solution is very secure."
"Juniper Mist offers valuable features like comprehensive network insight, granular policy control, fast device setup, strong security, and efficient SSL traffic management."
"The simplicity is great."
"The initial setup of NETGEAR Insight Access Points was straightforward."
"The meshing capabilities are the most valuable feature. When I am going in-between buildings, my phone doesn't have to pick up different WiFi. They are all the same. Even in-between the buildings, I stay connected."
"[Being] able to configure the WiFi devices and to see utilization remotely, or from the cloud."
"I'm able to do a lot of things, because the GUI is designed very well. I'm able to remotely make certain changes via my phone and apply them right away. It makes life easier when it comes to managing the equipment. The Insight management solution phone app is very good. It enables me to do what I want to do."
"Our company sometimes uses the solution's technical support, and we have seen that they sort out our general problems quickly."
"I am all about simplicity. With the Insight management solution, I don’t need an additional cloud controller, appliance, network manager, or PC/server to configure and manage my access points. You have to look at cost, and everything has a cost. There is a cost to using Insight. But if the cost is reasonable, I don't want another layer. The ability to deploy a network and then have that software built-in, without having to go to a third-party, is big. Also, the less pieces that I have to call in on, the better. So, when I'm calling NETGEAR, it's not like I'm using some third-party piece of software to manage their product. It doesn't add that layer of complexity, which is key."
"The internet connectivity is good."
"The metrics demonstrate that NETGEAR really does a good job of balancing the load between the various access points on the networks and this results in an elimination of downtime."
"The solution's most valuable feature is its price."
"This product is easy to use."
"The most valuable feature of TP-Link Auranet EAP is its high performance."
"Its sturdiness and cost-effectiveness are the most valuable features."
"The initial setup is not complicated."
"We don't have any issues 90 percent of the time. It works fine in most situations. It has been a success story for delivering WiFi services in Romania. Our customers are happy, and I've been satisfied with Omada's performance as an engineer."
"Omada Access Points are very good in terms of wired technologies and wired connectivity."
"The most valuable feature of the solution stems from the fact that it is easy to deploy and reliable."


"Juniper Wireless AP can improve by continually improving its reporting and integration with other systems."
"The pricing should be made cheaper."
"I need a bit more time with it before criticizing the features."
"The solution is expensive."
"It would be helpful to have even stronger security features to help protect against interference from other nearby access points that aren't part of our network."
"If you want to do more specific stuff, it's a bit limited."
"Juniper Wireless Access Points (AP Series) could improve if the MIST platform had a built-in master key. This would be an advantage."
"Juniper should make the products more affordable."
"While the data throughput does provide us with full insight into data being used, we find that it's not very accurate."
"My major problem is right now, the area which I need to cover is around 7,000 to 10,000 square feet...I would like NETGEAR Insight Access Points to extend the area coverage they provide."
"There is always room for improvement."
"Ubiquiti is a very good company. NETGEAR should look at that model and expand on its remote capabilities. Ubiquiti seems to have a better product."
"The biggest issue I've had is that it works very well with the WiFi, but it does not offer any assistance at all with the routers. You can't control them or manage them at all. As soon as you want to use anything on the network side—because I have multiple 28-port switches—you can't manage them using this app."
"Software-wise, they need to provide the ability to kick users out. If multiple users are abusing the system or the network, I should be able to block them for a time and, when I need to unblock them, I should be able to do so by using their MAC ID. That feature might already be there and I just don't know about it."
"The pricing and standard connectivity can be further improved."
"I have some frustrations with the ease of use. It tends to be sluggish. The graphical interface is pretty, but not useful. They have this tree that shows connected devices, which makes no sense whatsoever because the labeling field of the tree truncates all the items to the point that it's almost useless. You can't even tell what it is. I would prefer a spreadsheet list of the gear as opposed to a graphical representation."
"Omada's ordering platform could be improved, though. Some of their distributors are a pain to work with."
"It's better for smaller organizations. This would not work for enterprises. It is not very scalable."
"The technical support could be improved."
"Upgrading the hardware capabilities to newer versions like Wi-Fi 6 or Wi-Fi 7 would be a helpful improvement."
"There is room for wider improvements and additional features to enhance managing capabilities."
"Aruba has better scaling capabilities."
"The price of the solution is an area requiring improvement since I want the solution to be made available at a cheaper price than its current market price."
"We have some issues with stability. It is not so fast. That is the main problem."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing is fair."
"If a customer has a budget of around five lakhs in Indian currency, they can afford Juniper products."
"The pricing is something Juniper Wireless Access Points (AP Series) can work on. The pricing is very high compared to the competition."
"Juniper Wireless AP's price is a little more expensive than other solutions, but you get what you pay for."
"The solution is expensive."
"I rate Juniper Mist's pricing a ten out of ten since it is expensive."
"I rate the pricing an eight out of ten."
"The pricing is too high."
"I think that the price of the product is reasonable."
"The pricing seems to be reasonable."
"I can source the stuff pretty quickly wherever I go through the distributor. There is pricing available at NETGEAR if you can spend between $2,000 and $5,000 on a solution. So, there is special pricing that they can help with. The vendor's reps are very responsive. They have a good channel system."
"Their pricing is perfect for smaller businesses who are money and budget conscious. There are a lot of other solutions out there that are two to three times more expensive."
"Price-wise, it is a little too high, about $20 higher than what it should be, but it's worth it. It's cheaper than Cisco's access point, but the products are not apples to apples."
"It wasn't much more than 100 dollars a year. For the devices that we have, the pricing was pretty fair."
"We have some basic models they give without a license."
"My company does not need to pay anything related to the solution's licensing costs."
"The price of the solution is not a lot for five people to use it."
"TP-Link provides solutions that are more cost-effective than other well-known brands."
"Its benefit is that it is cost effective."
"There is no need to pay for the licensing costs since my company is in South Africa. Omada Access Points can be termed as a medium-priced product."
"TP-Link is a good price. They have a good price. But technology-wise, it has to be better."
"The cost is about 500 Brazilian real per access point, with no additional recurring costs."
"The cost of Omada is much better than Aruba and Cisco, and it does what we need it to do in most cases. Around 10 percent of our clients need a more carrier-grade solution for mobile platforms."
"The price is affordable, and we haven't had any additional costs due to having a limited number of users."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Comms Service Provider
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Juniper Wireless Access Points (AP Series)?
If a customer has a budget of around five lakhs in Indian currency, they can afford Juniper products. But for a new c...
What needs improvement with Juniper Wireless Access Points (AP Series)?
HP recently acquired Juniper, and I'm not happy about that. Juniper is a brand, and HP acquired them because of Junip...
What do you like most about TP-Link Auranet EAP?
We don't have any issues 90 percent of the time. It works fine in most situations. It has been a success story for de...
What needs improvement with Omada Access Points?
Omada could add some API integrations that would help with our automated solution. We're trying to integrate, and we'...
What is your primary use case for Omada Access Points?
We are a telecom operator in Romania, and we use Omada equipment to provide services to our customers. It's bundled i...

Also Known As

Juniper Wireless Access Points (AP Series), Mist Access Points
No data available
TP-Link Auranet EAP, TP-Link EAP, Auranet EAP, Auranet

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Sample Customers

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Information Not Available
Reflections Resort,Sim Lim Square, Hotel Mary Colombia, Peru WISP, Chase Grammer School
Find out what your peers are saying about NETGEAR Insight Access Points vs. Omada Access Points and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.