Infrascale Backup & Disaster Recovery vs Zerto comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Infrascale Backup & Disaste...
Ranking in Backup and Recovery
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Disaster Recovery as a Service (7th)
Ranking in Backup and Recovery
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Migration (3rd), Disaster Recovery (DR) Software (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Disaster Recovery (DR) Software category, the mindshare of Infrascale Backup & Disaster Recovery is 0.2%, down from 0.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Zerto is 10.1%, down from 23.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Disaster Recovery (DR) Software
Unique Categories:
Backup and Recovery
Cloud Backup
Cloud Migration

Featured Reviews

Jul 10, 2021
If the physical hardware has a problem, then we can utilize this appliance, turn on the virtual machine, and carry on running the business while correcting the issue
We did have a major problem last year in March. Somebody attacked some servers being supported by Infrascale and managed to wipe the servers as well as wiping the appliance. However, they didn't manage to wipe the cloud. So, what was on the cloud had to be downloaded to the appliance again. The customer was probably down for about three days. This was a very difficult situation for us to be in. I think somebody had accessed the server, could get onto the appliance, and see what it was because we had saved the password. Now, I know better than to save the password. Also, the password was still the default password. With the new implementation, it makes you change the password so you can't keep the default password. However, four years ago, when we implemented it, the default password was still on that appliance when that appliance got wiped by somebody. While this would be a very worst-case scenario, I don't blame Infrascale for the amount of time that it took. However, it was difficult for us because we were trying to placate our customer, which was difficult, because they have a 25 million pound turnover business. They were not happy, but we are still working with them. I think I'd be more confident now dealing with the problem. Plus, we monitor the systems more closely. Whereas, previously, I presumed that everything was going well without really checking. Now, I have learned that I need to be on top of any issues. So, I am checking the appliances and cloud solution backups daily. So, we are a bit better switched on with supporting it. When you are ordering hardware appliances, they have to be delivered from America. In the past, hard drives on the appliance have been simple SSD drives that are installed. However, they don't have a local supply for the SSD drives in the UK. They have to be exported from the US, arrive, and then I have to go and install them. Then, they will rebuild it from their side of things. However, I could order that same SSD drive online and get it the next day. So, I have to wait days for things to come when I could get the exact same drive the next day in the UK, if I wanted to. That causes a bit of a problem. I don't know how many businesses they have in the UK, but I do think that having to import stuff from the US is a time-consuming problem. If there was a holding in the UK, then we wouldn't have that delay in time. When they export stuff to me from the US, invariably the delivery company (called DHL) is looking for EORI numbers that we don't have. So, they try to involve us in the export of it, and it has nothing at all to do with us. We are simply the customer. If I had to moan about anything, that would be it. Where the dashboard is concerned, I am okay with it. I am looking at one now and understand what I am looking at. When you first get in it is difficult, but I do believe that they now offer certain training for it. Given the fact that we are trying to support our customers in the UK, it is good to have the knowledge about it, know what you are looking at, see what the size of the protected bytes are, and understand it a little bit better. I have been doing IT support for implementations for the best part of 30 years, and it took me a bit of time to get my head around some of the way things are done.
Aug 30, 2022
Made our migration from Hyper-V to VMware, across multiple departments, much less painful
We're using it for migration. Zerto plays a large role in helping us move away from Hyper-V into VMware. We're talking about multiple departments that had to transition their applications and Zerto gave us an opportunity to do it in a much less painful way. Another key benefit is that our response time has significantly decreased. We're no longer having to rely on the traditional process where you manually execute a backup and hope to God it works okay. And then, you have to run through whatever changes are necessary and cross your fingers that, if you have to restore, it will come back. We don't have that problem with Zerto. The solution has also helped to reduce downtime for us, absolutely. In most cases, we are able to use Zerto as a momentary backup, run an upgrade or installation, and see whether or not we're going to succeed. We can potentially back it out without anybody knowing about it because it's still within our maintenance window. We never exceed that rather limited time period. That's very helpful. With our existing backup, more likely than not we're rolling into days at a time if something fails. So if our maintenance window was on the weekend, it would roll into the production week and cut into the week by a few days. That would be very problematic. And the recovery speed is basically as fast as the speed of our pipe, and that's what makes it great. As long as our pipes are fast, we don't have to worry. We can roll in, roll out, or potentially roll back if we have to, within a really small window of time. In addition, it has definitely reduced the number of operational groups involved in backups. Zerto is not managed by our storage team. It is managed by the team I'm on, which is infrastructure. Because of that, it's all internal to us on the infrastructure team. We don't have to go outside of our team to coordinate with others.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"For this particular client, the solution’s Critical Server Insurance feature that protects physical and virtual servers including Windows, Linux, VMware, and Hyper-V, was a very big factor as well. They have a bunch of physical servers, as well as virtual. The mix is predominantly virtual. They also have some NAS boxes that we back up using Infrascale."
"Its Critical Server Insurance feature for protecting physical and virtual servers, including Windows, Linux, VMware, and Hyper-V is mandatory for me and it makes me happy. If I had a backup solution that didn't do that, it would not be a backup solution and would not be any good."
"Given that we are in the hurricane belt, the spin-up of replicated servers in the cloud is among the most valuable features. If our site goes down we can just connect to the cloud appliance, spin up the servers, and we are good to go."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is that it is simple to use."
"The most valuable feature is disaster recovery, where we have the ability to boot up VMs quickly in a disaster."
"The initial setup was straightforward and we received support from the manufacturer."
"The Infrascale Dashboard is very easy to understand, has a good overview, and gives me access to all my appliances without having to have a local VPN connection to the individual clients. It makes it very easy to find my way around."
"The overall ease of use and management of the solution using the Infrascale Dashboard is very good. We haven't had any issues. It is easy to learn. Most of our techs who deal with backups are usually up and running with the dashboard within a day or so. They don't have a lot of buried features where you have to dig through things to get to the resolution. It is pretty self-explanatory."
"When we replicated our data, I turned up the machine, and it was up in seconds. It blew my mind. I could not believe it."
"The mobile application is very useful as a real-time monitoring, reporting tool. When asked the status of our machine backup and recovery ability, an easy answer is to display the status on the real-time application or browser. The Zerto Analytics tool helps predict future storage needs by tracking trends in space, journal size, and I/O rate. These are reportable statistics making quantifiable tracking easy and accurate. Having a web interface simplifies access by other system administrators."
"It's the easiest to use."
"The return to operations is the most valuable feature because it decreases the amount of time it takes us to recover."
"The live test failover is the most valuable feature because it allows me to validate that my data is protected in the event of a failure."
"We can use Zerto to help protect our VMs."
"Zerto is easy to use and the interface is very intuitive."
"The near-synchronous replication is one of the primary reasons we're using Zerto because we have recovery intervals of sub-five seconds. On a scale of 10, where 10 is "very important", this feature is a 10."


"They set me up as a vendor, not as a client. So sometimes I end up in the wrong portal and I'm doing vendor things instead of client things, and I didn't realize that right away. Once I figured it out I just changed my favorites on my desktop to go to the client-side."
"I would like to see more features for the section on the viruses and maybe another in reference to two-factor authentication."
"One of the significant drawbacks of it is due to the fact that we're using two devices to manage the same vCenter, or virtualization environment, and they don't talk to each other. That means I can't easily see what VMs are already being protected. If I'm on Infrascale device "A" and I have protected these VMs, when I go over to device "B," I can't see that those VMs are already covered."
"Having options to replicate between their data centers, once the data is offsite, would be an improvement that they could make."
"There is room for improvement by making the interface a little more intuitive when navigating to recover flat files or an old server."
"The only thing I would suggest, and I have talked to my manager about it already, is that they should have a direct backup-to-cloud solution. It should be something that does not require me to do an image backup, and then individual file and folder backups, to be able to restore individual files."
"When you are ordering hardware appliances, they have to be delivered from America. In the past, hard drives on the appliance have been simple SSD drives that are installed. However, they don't have a local supply for the SSD drives in the UK. They have to be exported from the US, arrive, and then I have to go and install them. Then, they will rebuild it from their side of things. However, I could order that same SSD drive online and get it the next day. So, I have to wait days for things to come when I could get the exact same drive the next day in the UK, if I wanted to. That causes a bit of a problem. I don't know how many businesses they have in the UK, but I do think that having to import stuff from the US is a time-consuming problem. If there was a holding in the UK, then we wouldn't have that delay in time."
"They can always make the GUI a little bit nicer, the interface level a bit better. There's always room for improvement."
"The recovery processes of large datasets in the Cloud have room for improvement."
"A slight disadvantage of Zerto is that it requires the Windows Server operating system as the base OS. Over time, I would like to see more offerings in that regard. There should be more deployment options other than just the Windows operating system."
"I'm not sure if it has throttling, meaning, what's going over the wire and how we can throttle that to reduce the amount of data that's going across the bandwidth. I can't remember if that's something that's in this product. It might be in the more recent version."
"I would like to be able to replicate one to multiple without having to recreate every VPG. That would save us a lot of time. When we add a site or move our DR to a different site, I have to recreate everything from scratch. So, it'd be cool to be able to just repoint an existing VPG to a new site without having to recreate everything."
"We would like more mobile options. If we are at a restaurant or out and about in our normal daily lives, we would like to be able to interface via our mobiles."
"I would like them to add a VM host replication option. Being able to replicate host configuration between sites would be a huge benefit."
"The new licensing model didn't work out for us because we used one-to-one replication."
"When I have a technical question, it sometimes takes a while for tech support to respond."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Pricing of the product could be improved. It definitely makes it a harder sell. They will usually end up getting close to the price we need, but I have to go through everybody to get the price reduced. Their list pricing is significantly higher than that of other solutions."
"Infrascale's pricing, to me, was outstanding and was one of the major factors in my decision to go with Infrascale... My customer had a different solution before and his monthly payment was three times as much as the payment he now has with Infrascale."
"You get unlimited clients and buy a bucket of space. In addition to the standard fees there were setup fees."
"The licensing structure was changed some time ago and it's a lot more efficient and the price points are a lot better. They're improving and heading in the right direction."
"The appliances have different prices because of storage, size, and memory. For example, the older machines support more virtual machines, whereas the new one only supports one virtual machine. As we have purchased the later appliances, they have probably been a little bit more expensive because they have to be good enough to keep the business running if the physical server goes down. We learned our lesson from the one that went down when we tried to run products and it wasn't quick enough."
"Our licensing fees are billed every four months."
"It is super competitive. It is worth taking a look at it from a licensing and pricing perspective."
"The licensing is based on how much data you have plus what appliances you need."
"Licensing Zerto was very simple. They had a product that fit our size and scale. It made it really easy to choose."
"Zerto is slightly expensive, but we do see the value in it."
"Zerto is more cost-effective than Azure."
"I wouldn't say I like the licensing pricing structure. Every year, it increases exponentially, which bothers me a little. It's worth it in terms of the value, but I worry the price will increase even more often after the Zerto merger. I still think it's worth it and that the solution is cheaper than the others."
"This solution is far less expensive than SRM and NetBackup."
"Zerto is very cost-effective. We get really great value for the cost of the service."
"I think everything can be cheaper. Pricing limited our ability to use Zerto as much as we'd like, but that's not why we haven't adopted it as our primary backup solution."
"It is not the cheapest option on the market, but it offers a number of features that make it a good value for businesses that need a comprehensive disaster recovery plan."
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Comparison Review

it_user159711 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 9, 2014
VMware SRM vs. Veeam vs. Zerto
Disaster recovery planning is something that seems challenging for all businesses. Virtualization in addition to its operational flexibility, and cost reduction benefits, has helped companies improve their DR posture. Virtualization has made it easier to move machines from production to…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Real Estate/Law Firm
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Infrascale Platform?
The initial setup was straightforward and we received support from the manufacturer.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Infrascale Platform?
The licensing for Infrascale Backup & Disaster Recovery is monthly.
What needs improvement with Infrascale Platform?
I think they could increase security. I would like to see more features for the section on the viruses and maybe another in reference to two-factor authentication.
What advice do you have for others considering Oracle Data Guard?
Ik fluister:VM Host Oracle en DataGuard hebben we per toeval vervangen door Zerto :-) tijdens de Zerto implementatie en VPG werden de Host Data in write-ack Block-Level gerepliceerd. Qua licentie 1...
What do you like most about Zerto?
The most valuable feature of Zerto for us is its DR capability.

Also Known As

Infrascale Platform
Zerto Virtual Replication

Learn More




Sample Customers

MSPs servicing small and mid-size companies VARs servicing mid-sized companies Direct SMB or mid-sized companies
United Airlines, HCA, XPO Logistics, TaxSlayer, McKesson, Insight Global, American Airlines, Tencate, Aaron’s, Grey’s County, Kingston Technologies
Find out what your peers are saying about Infrascale Backup & Disaster Recovery vs. Zerto and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.