IBM Security QRadar vs One Identity Safeguard comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

IBM Security QRadar
Ranking in User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Log Management (6th), Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) (4th), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) (19th), Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) (4th), Managed Detection and Response (MDR) (10th), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) (11th)
One Identity Safeguard
Ranking in User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Privileged Access Management (PAM) (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) category, the mindshare of IBM Security QRadar is 13.3%, down from 17.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of One Identity Safeguard is 2.2%, up from 1.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Unique Categories:
Log Management
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Featured Reviews

Sep 30, 2022
Real-time detection is quite efficient but the dashboard lacks important visibility for threat hunting
Our company includes 20 senior engineers and analysts who use the solution to detect viruses on Windows servers and critical assets. We also track user activity such as connections during travel.  We have many use cases and playbooks in our portfolio.  Our company uses the solution as our main CM…
Tor Nordhagen - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 22, 2023
Transparent mode for privileged sessions will greatly simplify our client's administrative situation
We're introducing the solution's transparent mode for privileged sessions. This is part of what the client hasn't used before. It will simplify their administrative situation greatly. So far, the rollout of this feature has been a seamless process, but we're still in the midst of rolling it out. The benefits will be on the risk side. Right now, the way accounts are managed, you don't necessarily know who is using an account. There's a shared admin account, and that's not a good thing. And those accounts are shared in wallets by several people. One of the real benefits of safeguarding here is that the client will have an absolute audit of who is using an administrative interface, whether it's server or network.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We find predictive analysis capabilities valuable."
"Technical support is good overall."
"QRadar UBA's most valuable feature is the risk rating of users depending on their behavior."
"The most valuable thing about QRadar is that you have a single window into your network, SIEM, network flows, and risk management of your assets. If you use Splunk, for instance, then you still need a full packet capture solution, whereas the full packet capture solution is integrated within QRadar. Its application ecosystem makes it very powerful in terms of doing analysis."
"What I like about IBM QRadar User Behavior Analytics is that it uses machine learning algorithms to generate risk scoring for the user activity. I also like that it syncs with our Active Directory users, so it really has full coverage for all users in our environment."
"It's quite scalable. We have upgraded some solutions from 1000 APS up to 3500 APS to 5000 APS. It's a good solution, they have no scalability issues."
"The most valuable feature is the integration with the GRD, for banking."
"We have the abilities to monitor each instance which originates on the process along with the performance of each department."
"The Transparent Mode is the number one advantage of the product."
"The technical support is tremendous."
"The transparent mode for privileged sessions is a very good solution."
"The transparent mode for privileged sessions is one of the best things for customers, because they don't see the system in-between."
"We use the solution’s Approval Anywhere feature which enables us to add an extra layer of security for critical passwords without adding time-consuming approval processes. By using this platform, if someone goes on a vacation, out of office, or needs urgent/planned leave, then our setup will select the functions tied to that person and automatically delegate them to the next person. That person can start performing that duty based on their access. No sharing of passwords is required."
"The identity discovery is good, and the performance is pretty good value."
"The solution's most valuable features are the efficiency and the quality of the recording."
"The initial setup is very easy."


"There is room for improvement in IBM QRadar in integrating features for SOC maturity and security levels directly into QRadar."
"The user interface is a bit difficult to get used to."
"The weak signal detection with QRadar needs improvement. You can detect what you know, but what is unknown to the rule engine can't be detected."
"The architecture could be improved. I got stuck for a long time trying to understand the architecture, as it is quite challenging."
"The solution can be improved by lowering the cost and bettering their technical support."
"I think QRadar is very complex. It's a distributed system and IBM QRadar has an all-in-one solution which is not like that distributed solution but it's a good product. IBM needs to consider the user interface because if we compare it with AlienVault, the AlienVault user interface is fantastic but the IBM QRadar user interface is very complex. They should focus on how to make it easier for the client."
"Certain updates—especially when using Azure—don't apply directly. Our engineering team must invest additional effort to implement these updates. However, the tool's cloud-based version poses no issues. However, upgrading the product can sometimes be challenging for on-premises instances."
"I would like for Yara to be supported by all components."
"Cost-wise, it is a little bit expensive, which makes it difficult to get management approval. Its price should be reduced."
"Monitoring of the platform should be easier and more functional so that you can have a clear picture of the running service."
"We would like to have the option of importing assets by using the CSV file. It was available in the earlier versions, but it is not available now."
"Our experience with technical support has been disappointing. We require more prompt and faster response times. We require answers to our questions right away but we haven't received that level of support."
"Some of our users find the functionality a bit complex, and it could be made more user-friendly."
"The SPS could be a lot easier to administrate and the parts should be unified, from a design perspective, so that I can recognize the systems as being part of the same package. They feel like they have been forced together."
"I would like to see support for RDP over HTTPS so this product can be used in conjunction with the Microsoft terminal."
"The multilanguage functionality does not support the Arabic language, even though this solution is deployed in an Arabic region."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"IBM's Qradar is not for small companie. Unfortunately, it would be 'overkill' to place it plainly. The pricing would be too much."
"It could be cheaper, but the value itself is far more important for us than the price. Typically, our clients have yearly subscriptions."
"It's free of charge."
"The tool's on-premise version is expensive. However, it is cheaper than Splunk. The hybrid model offers shared instances for customers, which is not expensive. Customers with a limited budget can opt for it. You can get premium support with licenses. However, if you need customized integration, you need to buy it."
"It is very expensive."
"It would be great if this product were cheaper."
"This price is a little high, so it's an expensive product."
"The product is expensive. We have purchased the perpetual license, but we pay for the support."
"Its subscription cost is too much, and sometimes, it is very difficult to pitch the solution to the management for cost approval. If the cost is reduced a little bit, it would be easier. If its cost was less, many other organizations that currently cannot afford it would be able to use this technology. I'm sure many organizations around the globe are having issues with identity management, and it is a very difficult task for IT to manage privileged accounts."
"It was definitely cheaper than the other two products that we evaluated."
"They have comparable pricing. All identity products are essentially priced in a similar way. It's a per-user base."
"As compared to other products, it is reasonable, but the training sessions are too expensive."
"The pricing is about $80,000 per 100 servers. There are few elective costs."
"They offer a fair price for a robust solution."
"The license is very expensive for us, partly due to inflation and partly because of the exchange rate between the Dollar and the Iranian Rial. We purchased a perpetual license that we've been using up until now, but I believe that we are not going to update it in the future. Instead, we plan to find another third-party to support us with the license, in the sense that we would have access to their license as a shared agreement."
"It is a bit on the pricey side, but you get what you pay for. You don't want to get anything too cheap because then you get cheap stuff and cheap support. That really never helps anybody."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

Jun 28, 2015
Qradar vs. ArcSight
Continuing with the SIEM posts we have done at Infosecnirvana, this post is a Head to head comparison of the two Industry leading SIEM products in the market – HP ArcSight and IBM QRadar Both the products have consistently been in the Gartner Leaders Quadrant. Both HP and IBM took over niche SIEM…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What are the biggest differences between Securonix UEBA, Exabeam, and IBM QRadar?
It mostly depends on your use-cases and environment. Exabeam and Securonix have a stronger UEBA feature set, friendlier GUI and are not licensed based on capacity (amount of logs and information in...
What SOC product do you recommend?
For tools I’d recommend: -SIEM- LogRhythm -SOAR- Palo Alto XSOAR Doing commercial w/o both (or at least an XDR) is asking to miss details that are critical, and ending up a statistic. Also, rememb...
What do you like most about IBM QRadar?
The event collector, flow collector, PCAP and SOAR are valuable.
What do you like most about One Identity Safeguard?
The identity discovery is good, and the performance is pretty good value.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for One Identity Safeguard?
They have comparable pricing. All identity products are essentially priced in a similar way. It's a per-user base. Usually, they start at one price, and when you start pricing the competition, you ...
What needs improvement with One Identity Safeguard?
We sometimes face issues with configuration and things like that, but we manage to solve them. In general, it is a pretty good solution for the PSM features. There can be an improvement in terms of...

Also Known As

IBM QRadar, QRadar SIEM, QRadar UBA, QRadar on Cloud, QRadar, IBM QRadar User Behavior Analytics, IBM QRadar Advisor with Watson
No data available

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Sample Customers

Clients across multiple industries, such as energy, financial, retail, healthcare, government, communications, and education use QRadar.
Find out what your peers are saying about IBM Security QRadar vs. One Identity Safeguard and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.