Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 24, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability category, the mindshare of Grafana is 7.7%, up from 5.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Prometheus is 2.7%, down from 4.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

May 16, 2023
Helps to monitor the performance of serverless core, like, doctors and containers
We use Grafana as an APM solution to monitor the performance of our serverless core, like, doctors and containers Grafana is a very important tool or product that helps us receive information like alarms, performance, KPIs, and metrics. So Grafana is an important part of our business that helps…
Richmond Edoukou - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 3, 2023
A powerful open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit that excels at collecting, querying, and visualizing metrics
We use it for monitoring our infrastructure metrics It is highly valuable as it serves as the foundation for our infrastructure monitoring tools. The installation process proved to be exceptionally straightforward. The interface is not particularly user-friendly and that could be improved. We…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The product's initial setup phase was very easy."
"It is a stable, reliable product."
"It gives us the visibility we need. I like that when we add deployment markers or release markers, we know exactly when an issue arises. For instance, if there is an increased usage of CPU, we can link it directly to the deployment that might have caused the issue. It increases productivity and observability. We can now easily tell when a certain issue arises. It's way easier to debug because it can point you to certain things based on these markers, and we can debug easier."
"The solution can scale well."
"Plugin: Connecting Grafana to multiple APIs of leading monitoring tools and alerting tools."
"Grafana is a very scalable product. It's a really good product."
"The installation process is easy. We have deployed it on the cloud. I have around 20 to 30 people using the solution in my company."
"The dashboards are very easy to work with."
"Stability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten."
"The product is easy to maintain."
"It is a stable solution...Based on the feedback I have received from my colleagues in our company's IT department, the setup phase of the solution is relatively easy."
"The product's initial setup phase is very easy."
"Prometheus gives us high availability automatically."
"It is a scalable solution."
"The most valuable features of Prometheus are the many functions available. The functions are helpful for understanding the behavior of applications and infrastructure."
"It has lots of APIs and libraries to integrate with any kind of language."


"​The security needs to be improved, such as the capacity to add permissions on dashboards.​"
"There are some areas of network drives that are not showing as expected based on server usage."
"Setting up alerts via Grafana is a bit complicated, and alerting needs to improve."
"They should improve the functioning of its editing tool."
"If there was an issue on one node, we couldn't drill down and see all the issues on other nodes."
"The solution should include online support."
"Multiple dashboards combined into one dashboard has slowed things down for us."
"Writing queries can be a bit difficult because the syntax must be maintained."
"Prometheus can be initially difficult for users since it has its query language, PromQL. The minimalistic interface is complicated to understand. They need to improve their interface so that users who don't know PromQL can also use it. You can only leverage the tool when you know PromQL."
"Prometheus can definitely improve its visualization. For example, the matrices represented in Prometheus do not have a very good visualization on their dashboard."
"If you want to collect details of metrics, you should be able to write a query for it directly. I want the product to offer better queries for the metrics."
"There isn’t much clarity regarding the issues that happen at the server end. It is a push model and from the client’s point of view, it needs to look better and solve remote issues."
"They could provide efficient logs in terms of clarity and ease of access similar to Datadog’s paid version."
"The product must improve its documentation."
"The UI and GUI are areas of concern in the product."
"The solution's error handling part could be improved."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is expensive."
"We use the open-source version of Grafana."
"For me, Grafana is a cheap tool because I don't have to spend much time learning the product since it is a simple solution."
"We are using the open-source license."
"You need to purchase the solution's license for its commercial use."
"​Grafana is free and open source.​"
"I give the price an eight out of ten."
"My company uses the open-source version of Grafana, so it's free."
"The solution is open source."
"The price of Prometheus is good, it is affordable because it is open source and there is no cost to it. You put it on your own server and the costs incurred completely depend on how you set it up."
"Prometheus is an open-source solution."
"Prometheus is available as an open-source product."
"The solution is free of cost."
"The tool is open-sourced."
"The solution is not expensive."
"The product is free."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability solutions are best for your needs.
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Grafana?
The product's initial setup phase was very easy.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Grafana?
For me, Grafana is a cheap tool because I don't have to spend much time learning the product since it is a simple solution. I don't know if there are different paid versions of the product.
What needs improvement with Grafana?
It was pretty complicated to integrate the product into our workflow. We relied on templates we found on the GitHub open-source repositories. It is pretty hard to integrate Grafana and set it up ac...
What do you like most about Prometheus?
The most valuable feature of Prometheus is its ability to collect metrics.
What is your primary use case for Prometheus?
For a project I am currently working on in my company, I use Grafana, but for the data source part, I use Prometheus. I use Prometheus in a Kubernetes cluster. I use Prometheus for the processes at...



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Sample Customers

Microsoft, Adobe, Optum, Sky, Nvidia, Roblox, Wells Fargo, BlackRock, Informatica, Maersk, Daimler Truck, SNCF, Atlassian, DHL, SAP, JPMorgan Chase, Cisco, Citi and many others.
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Find out what your peers are saying about Grafana vs. Prometheus and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.