GFI LanGuard vs Quest KACE Systems Management comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

GFI LanGuard
Ranking in Patch Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Quest KACE Systems Management
Ranking in Patch Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (9th), Endpoint Compliance (6th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Patch Management category, the mindshare of GFI LanGuard is 4.5%, up from 2.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Quest KACE Systems Management is 7.9%, up from 6.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Patch Management
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Configuration Management
Endpoint Compliance

Featured Reviews

Aug 8, 2022
A scalable, competitively priced solution with a good ROI and easy setup process
Removing the software is a bit of a complex process. It's not straightforward. When you are deploying the solution, you deploy it centrally to the endpoints. However, when you want to uninstall software from an endpoint, sometimes it becomes very problematic. One of the features that I'm always keen on is software-defined wide area network capability. I know this is actually something that they've worked on, and it's called the Exinda SD-WAN, but I would wish they would include it in the GFI suite as a package. I think they could incorporate Exinda SD-WAN and the bandwidth module for network application performance as part of their package with the GFI. Also, I think they need to drop modules that are a bit obsolete, like the FaxMaker and FaxMaker Online.
Aug 11, 2022
Great Powershell support and managed installations with excellent reliability
We primarily use our KACE system for imaging, deploying software, and deploying fixes to Windows computer labs.  We don't use the active directory in our environment, so pushing out changes to local group policy is something we use our SMA for often.  Additionally, managing over 1000 Windows…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It is helpful to patch and scan vulnerabilities."
"The most valuable feature of GFI LanGuard is its email spam feature."
"The most valuable features in GFI LanGuard are patch management and vulnerability assessment."
"I like that the solution can block users from unnecessarily putting devices on the network."
"The most useful features of GFI LanGuard are vulnerability assessment and patching solutions."
"The solution is easy to use and integrates well with other operating systems."
"The most valuable features of GFI LanGuard are the vulnerability assessment, it provides us with substantial insight into what applications are running on the endpoint systems and what vulnerabilities are there in the running applications. The second would be the assets tracking. I'm able to see in the network whether my endpoint server is operating and if all the other IT equipment is running in the environment. Additionally, GFI LanGuard is not heavy on system resources. It gives a competitive advantage over others."
"This product is a great solution at a great price as long as it is only going to be used for a local area network."
"KACE automatically tracks this information and saves it for me, allowing me to call it up on the dashboard. For example, if I need to find Juliano's computer in the system, I don't need to search through endless spreadsheets. I just search for "Juliano" in KACE. KACE also lists other details like the last login user."
"Patching is definitely the most valuable feature. It gives us good, centralized software, which comes in very handy since we are doing 400 servers at a time. It enables us to manage all the servers, and to deal with the application team regarding reboots and scheduling."
"It also does patch management. At the moment, I'm rolling out a new feature update, 20.8.2, and it's a great challenge because we have to deploy it to 1,200 computers in the home office. We want to do it without interrupting production, but KACE is reliable and it's easy to adapt it to my needs for how and when to deploy the feature update."
"The scripting part increases IT productivity because of the specialized software in our environments for students' courses. You need to use software which is not programmed by developers. A lot of software for building houses or other things is developed by normal guys, who do not have much skill in programming. When you need to install this type of software, it is very difficult. You have to install registry keys, etc. For that, it is very good to use the scripting part of this solution. So, you can automate this part as well."
"The service desk can be configured and customized to better serve our environment."
"I am impressed by the service desk ticketing and asset management."
"Asset management is most valuable. It is essential for all customers. The other features are also useful, but asset management is most important."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to monitor updates—the software versions—on machines so that we can keep everything compliant."


"This solution is limited to the local area network only and cannot manage remote devices."
"GFI LanGuard could improve the rollback feature. If we have installed the wrong we have had some issues with the rollback function. Additionally, more input from GFI LanGuard for the custom software push install."
"If GFI LanGuard had a cloud version it would be better for people that are working from home."
"GFI LanGuard can improve by adding more modules, such as asset control or asset inventory."
"The documentation on how to use this solution in a Linux environment is not clear, which is something that should be improved because it is complicated."
"The version we are using only allows one person to use it at a time and does not allow multi-users."
"GFI LanGuard can improve by adding asset tracking."
"When you want to uninstall software from an endpoint, sometimes it becomes very problematic."
"I would like them to implement VBScript language in KACE Systems Management. Currently, we can only use PowerShell."
"The software asset management functionality is an area that needs to be improved. It could be more automated because when connections need to be made, such as when I connected Adobe and my malware removed, the process was pretty much manual."
"My biggest complaint is that almost every time they send out a new version, it fixes something and breaks another. Something that wasn't working in the last version now works, but something else stops; or they'll remove some dashboard that I really found to be nice and replace it with something totally different that I could care less about."
"I think it should have the ability to have the applications automatically update. It would be really helpful if this would override what the user might choose to do."
"We'd love to see support for larger dependencies in the scripting feature."
"There isn't a lot they need to improve with the solution itself at this point. It is pretty close to providing a single pane of glass for everything that we need for endpoint management specifically on all devices. There is very little that it doesn't provide for us, and for those, we have to go to other methods. There are some of the patching solutions that it doesn't take care of for us. So, we have to do those manually on the devices, and that's really the biggest thing. It doesn't do patching really well for non-Microsoft applications. The major application updates, particularly Windows updates, don't function nearly as well, but, for the vast majority of things, it does just fine. If they could improve in this aspect, that'd be great, but I don't know if they're going to be able to do that."
"I still need better communication about which processes are really due and which processes are currently being processed. According to the initial setup service provider, there is still no real management or overview on KACE where you can really see 100 percent of what is going on as well as what is going to be processed next and whether I can influence the overall process. It could really help me if I knew, e.g. exactly in 10 minutes my colleague will be supplied with this or that software. I haven't found this yet. If they could add this, that would be cool. It is still missing and I haven't yet found something like this."
"Scalability is my primary concern right now."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"GFI LanGuard isn't expensive."
"On a scale of one to five, with one being expensive and five being competitive, I would rate the price as a four."
"We are a gold partner and we receive favorable discounts. The price of GFI LanGuard is competitive. When you evaluate other solutions, such as ManageEngine."
"GFI LanGuard has very fair pricing compared to other similar solutions out there."
"I rate the pricing of GFI LanGuard a four out of five."
"GFI LanGuard cost approximately $1,000 annually to use the solution."
"The product is reasonably priced."
"It is expensive in Brazil."
"It may be more expensive, but you get what you pay for."
"We are also saving on the licensing fee, compared to other endpoint management solutions."
"Its pricing model is good for what it offers. Nobody here gives me a hard time about renewing the contract every year. It might be a little cost prohibitive for a smaller company who has to stand up a virtual environment as well as have virtual environment licensing and the hardware. If you have a smaller environment, it might be cost prohibitive. If you only have a couple of hundred computers, you might be more willing to do those manually. In our environment, the cost savings of having KACE far outweigh the licensing costs. We are okay with its pricing model."
"The pricing is fair."
"The pricing and licensing are good. It's worth it."
"Their pricing is per end-point device. There is an initial cost for the license for the server, which is pretty low, and then there is a per end-point device license, which is also fairly low. So, the pricing is still reasonable."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about GFI LanGuard?
The most valuable feature of GFI LanGuard is its email spam feature.
What needs improvement with GFI LanGuard?
The only drawback with GFI LanGuard is that you cannot directly integrate it from the Outlook email; instead, you have to first log in to the site to make changes. Instead of directly white listing...
What do you like most about Quest KACE Systems Management?
KACE automatically tracks this information and saves it for me, allowing me to call it up on the dashboard. For example, if I need to find Juliano's computer in the system, I don't need to search t...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Quest KACE Systems Management?
It is expensive in Brazil. Generally, it's considered expensive, especially compared to solutions like Spiceworks.

Also Known As

Dell KACE Systems Management



Sample Customers

BayView Medical Clinic, FrugalBrothers Software, Zaw, National Theatre, American Red Cross
Waypoint, Mattos Filho, Meetic, Gems Education, Green Clinic HealthSystem, Service King
Find out what your peers are saying about GFI LanGuard vs. Quest KACE Systems Management and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.