ExtraHop Reveal(x) vs NetWitness XDR comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

ExtraHop Reveal(x)
Ranking in Network Detection and Response (NDR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) (4th)
NetWitness XDR
Ranking in Network Detection and Response (NDR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) (53rd), Threat Intelligence Platforms (23rd), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) (49th), Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) (21st), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) (25th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Network Detection and Response (NDR) category, the mindshare of ExtraHop Reveal(x) is 13.1%, up from 10.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of NetWitness XDR is 1.0%, down from 2.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Network Detection and Response (NDR)
Unique Categories:
Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP)
Threat Intelligence Platforms

Featured Reviews

Jordan Swanson - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 7, 2022
It helps you visualize how data moves across your network
I rate ExtraHop Reveal(x) 10 out of 10. This is more of a nice-to-have rather than a must-have solution. Something like a CrowdStrike or a next-gen AV is an essential product, whereas NDR is more of a nice-to-have thing. If you only have a little bit of traffic, you're probably not going to get anything out of it. It's better for a medium-to-large enterprise. It's more appropriate for companies wh a massfootprints or industrial applications using use nonstandard devices. It's helpful for things that use SCADA, the Internet of Things, somethingings that don't fit neatly into other management categories. Itty common for industrial, construction, or maintenance devices to be a little lackluster in their security. Major breaches like the Colonial Pipeline hack and attempted hacks on nuclear power plants all went through Internet of Things vulnerabilities and other devices where security wasn't part of their plan. This helps you cover yourself by monitoring the traffic. With something like CrowdStrike, you need to put the CrowdStrike sensor on it, but Reveal(x) looks at everything on the network.
Aug 11, 2022
Advanced threat detection undermined by issues with blocking
I primarily use NetWitness Endpoint to detect anomalies like the presence of web shields that are not detected by traditional antivirus solutions. I also use it for digital forensics and containment NetWitness Endpoint has enabled us to detect attacks that bypass the first stage of cybersecurity,…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"ExtraHop Reveal(x) is one of the tools that works out of the box when it comes to threat hunting."
"The solution works well for sending sensors."
"The solution's ability to decrypt SSL traffic is its most valuable feature."
"With ExtraHop Reveal(x), it gives me more visibility into the packets. It doesn't provide the entire packet capture, but it offers more information on how connections are made at the network layer. This can be helpful for detecting network attacks. Additionally, I really like the customizable dashboards and reports. The incident dashboard and alerts provide a good summary initially, and diving deeper into them gives more detailed information. It's also great for analyzing specific attacks and victim logs. The feature that tracks the full attack chain makes it easier to monitor the progress of attacks. Plus, it's connected to the Netria.com app, which I find useful for certain tasks."
"The solution's initial setup process is easy."
"The most valuable features of ExtraHop Reveal(x) are the detection and alerting of network behavior and anomalies."
"It's a wire analytics tool. We use it for isolating and determining issues on our network or applications. It does a lot for crediting the network as opposed to discrediting the network. A lot of people come along and say that it's a network issue. It's always considered to be a network issue, but by using ExtraHop, we can quickly tell them that it's not a networking issue. It's something to do with your application or something at the other end. It could be a database issue. This tool gives us the ability to pinpoint with great accuracy the comings and goings on our network."
"The security features of this solution are the most valuable."
"Technical support is knowledgeable."
"It's a scalable solution. We have around five to eight customers using RSA NetWitness Endpoint, and we hope to increase the number of users."
"They have recently updated the features and the most valuable ones are the instant threat response, ease of use, web interface, integration, and easy access. RSA NetWitness Endpoint is very compatible with other solutions and technologies. However, they do not rely on third-party solutions and have most features built-in."
"The stability of the RSA NetWitness Endpoint is very good."
"NetWitness Endpoint's most valuable features are its interoperability across many different operating systems and the ease of pivoting from network to endpoint via a single console."
"It helps our security team respond more accurately when there are threats, then we get less false positives or negatives."
"It is stable. We have been using it for some time, without any issues."
"It is very easy to use, and its usability is great. The use cases are also very easy. The visualizations of the use cases are magnificent. You cannot find this in any other solution. From my point of view, it is great."


"They used to have the ability to decode Citrix sign-on, setup, and tear down. Unfortunately, Citrix has stopped sharing that knowledge. Citrix has continued to change its model of processing, making it harder and harder to troubleshoot."
"Netflow - Processing Netflow can be cumbersome as it requires triggers to truly gain value and insight. This in turn can add a bit of load to the hardware. The focus of ExtraHop Reveal (x) is live packet data."
"The solution’s pricing could be improved."
"It needs integration with more security vendors."
"I think the tuning capabilities could be improved. We're working on minimizing false positives. Apart from that, everything seems fine to me."
"ExtraHop Reveal(x) could improve by allowing a longer look back in the feature. Right now you have a limit of 30 days to look back on your activity. I've used Darktrace before, and they allow you the ability to play back events. This would be a good feature to have in ExtraHop Reveal(x)."
"The solution should include more support protocols."
"Agent management could certainly use some focus. It should also be a little bit easier to work with collections. We should be able to nest collections within collections. There should be better nesting."
"The contamination feature could be improved."
"The deployment process is complex. I don't know why, but this solution will suddenly stop working. Logs stop coming. Often, one thing or another stops working. Most of the time, one of my team members is working with troubleshooting and working with technical support. Log passing is also one of the biggest challenge."
"The solution lacks a reporting engine."
"I would like to see Security Orchestration and Response Automation (SOAR) integration."
"Its price could be improved. It is an expensive product. Its training is also too expensive. It would be great if they can have a better pricing scheme for the training."
"The integration of the solution needs to be improved. The dashboard needs lots of updates as well. In the next release, we would like to see advanced fraud detection features."
"The solution is modular, for example you can buy the RSA ePack, which you buy as a module is not part of the conduit solution. They could include it and have it as an all-in-one solution."
"When analyzing something, you have to click several times. It requires a lot of effort to find something."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I would rate the price a three out of five. It could be less expensive."
"I rate the price of ExtraHop Reveal(x) a seven on a scale of one to ten, where one is a high price, and ten is a low price."
"The solution is based on an annual subscription model and is expensive."
"I rate ExtraHop Reveal(x) six out of 10 for affordability. We pay for an annual license. It's always one of those trade-offs. You get a lot of value, but ExtraHop isn't exorbitantly priced. You can pay extra for additional features like the ability to decode HL7 traffic, which is crucial for EMR environments."
"NetWitness Endpoint is less costly than its competitors, but it offers fewer features."
"The cost depends on the number of endpoints that you want to monitor, but it is not expensive."
"With RSA, there is flexibility in choosing the service, products, and the range that meets your requirement, as well as they are flexible in terms of pricing."
"The pricing is not very economical. It is a quite costly product for India. One thing is that when you purchase it, you have to purchase a module separately."
"It is an expensive product."
"I do not have any opinion on the pricing or licensing of the product."
"They can easily adjust if you have the requirements which are required. If you have a budget cut or a budget constraint, they can bend."
"It is highly scalable. It can be bought based on your requirements."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is the best network monitoring software for large enterprises?
We just did an assessment for our 47 datacenters around North America. The top two enterprise-level network monitoring solutions were ExtraHop first, Riverbed SteelCenter second. Their negotiated c...
What open source tool can one use to measure bandwidth from one's upstream service provider?
One I am looking closely at is AppNeta. They have an appliance that can digest the flow and do a better job than Netflow. The other one we are using is ExtraHop. This has both a Datacenter Hig...
What do you like most about ExtraHop Reveal(x)?
With ExtraHop Reveal(x), it gives me more visibility into the packets. It doesn't provide the entire packet capture, but it offers more information on how connections are made at the network layer....
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for NetWitness XDR?
The solution is expensive. I'd rate it at a one or two out of five. They need to adjust it to keep up with the competition. I cannot speak to the exact pricing of the product.
What needs improvement with NetWitness XDR?
I have no real complaints about the solution. Threat detection could be better. They need to enhance their threat intelligence feeds. We would like to have more IOCs or more trade intelligence to n...

Also Known As

Reveal(x), Revealx
RSA ECAT, NetWitness Network

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Sample Customers

Wood County Hospital
ADP, Ameritas, Partners Healthcare
Find out what your peers are saying about ExtraHop Reveal(x) vs. NetWitness XDR and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.