ExtraHop Reveal(x) vs Vectra AI comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Feb 18, 2024

Categories and Ranking

ExtraHop Reveal(x)
Ranking in Network Detection and Response (NDR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) (4th)
Vectra AI
Ranking in Network Detection and Response (NDR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS) (2nd), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) (12th), Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) (6th), AI-Powered Cybersecurity Platforms (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Network Detection and Response (NDR) category, the mindshare of ExtraHop Reveal(x) is 13.1%, up from 10.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Vectra AI is 21.4%, down from 21.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Network Detection and Response (NDR)
Unique Categories:
Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS)
Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

Featured Reviews

Henry-Steinhauer - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 21, 2022
It enabled us to create dynamic triggers that allow us to inspect packet flow in real-time.
We've been able to leverage the information to show other vendors we use that there are issues with the SaaS solution they provide to our EMR physicians. At the top of every hour, they were doing a data recovery operation in the event of an outage of some sort. That was preventing our physicians from using the application. It only lasted about five minutes, but the physicians had to stop working. Of course, when they called the support desk and finally reached a support person, the vendor insisted it was our problem, not theirs. This data helped to prove it was their problem. They eventually brought in some other consultants from the hardware vendor and corrected the issue.
Mar 7, 2023
Helps us to have more visibility in terms of what happens in our network and the network at large
In terms of valuable features, I like the ability to record the traffic and the metadata in the traffic. I also like the ability to rewind the past and be able to understand what happened. Some of my colleagues like the ability to investigate incidents. Vectra AI has had a positive effect on the productivity of our company's top teams. They use it a lot to understand what's going on. However, we still need to teach people how to use it to its full potential because it's quite a complicated product. The Sidekick MDR service is quite important to our organization’s security monitoring and management. The Sidekick team is able to give us the ins and outs of what's going on with some incidents. They are able to triage and help us to focus on a particular part of detection. They also gave us advice on how to configure some parts of the product. The two people I worked with from the MDR service are really good at what they do, and it's quite nice to work with them.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable features of ExtraHop Reveal(x) are the detection and alerting of network behavior and anomalies."
"When there are performance issues with an HTTP app, ExtraHop enables us to identify the causes within a few minutes. We can see what transactions are being impacted by something that may be happening within the server environment."
"It's a wire analytics tool. We use it for isolating and determining issues on our network or applications. It does a lot for crediting the network as opposed to discrediting the network. A lot of people come along and say that it's a network issue. It's always considered to be a network issue, but by using ExtraHop, we can quickly tell them that it's not a networking issue. It's something to do with your application or something at the other end. It could be a database issue. This tool gives us the ability to pinpoint with great accuracy the comings and goings on our network."
"The solution's ability to decrypt SSL traffic is its most valuable feature."
"Reveal X integrates seamlessly with CrowdStrike. If you see something sketchy on the network, you can quarantine devices through ExtraHop and it'll push to the CrowdStrike server."
"Setting up the solution is relatively easy."
"ExtraHop Reveal(x) is one of the tools that works out of the box when it comes to threat hunting."
"The security features of this solution are the most valuable."
"Some valuable features of Vectra AI are that it is very intuitive and that there are only a small amount of false positives. Therefore, it's an effective solution."
"It gives you access, with Recall, to instant visibility into your network through something like a SIEM solution. For us, being able to correlate all of this network data without having to manage it, has provided immediate value. It gives us the ability to really work on the stuff where I and my team have expertise, instead of having to manage a SIEM solution..."
"The administrative privilege detection feature is the most valuable feature. The admin accounts are often highly accessible to the high-risk component of the environment. If those accounts are compromised or are being used in a suspicious manner, that's high-fidelity events for us to look into."
"It provides various dashboards that facilitate the identification of connections and can detect data exfiltration, meaning data sent from your environment to another."
"One of the core features is that Vectra AI triages threats and correlates them with compromised host devices. From a visibility perspective, we can better track the threat across the network. Instead of us potentially finding one device that has been impacted without Vectra AI, it will give us the visibility of everywhere that threat went. Therefore, visibility has increased for us."
"The solution is currently used as a central threat detection and response system."
"Scalability wise, we have many sensors, and Vectra AI seems to handle them all very well."
"Vectra produces actionable data using automation. That has helped us. It's less manpower now to look at incidents, which has definitely increased efficiency. Right now, in a lot of cases, our mean time to detection is within zero days. This tells me by the time something happened, and we were able to detect it, it was within the same day."


"I think the tuning capabilities could be improved. We're working on minimizing false positives. Apart from that, everything seems fine to me."
"ExtraHop Reveal(x) could improve by allowing a longer look back in the feature. Right now you have a limit of 30 days to look back on your activity. I've used Darktrace before, and they allow you the ability to play back events. This would be a good feature to have in ExtraHop Reveal(x)."
"The solution is expensive and gets more expensive if a company needs to scale it."
"They used to have the ability to decode Citrix sign-on, setup, and tear down. Unfortunately, Citrix has stopped sharing that knowledge. Citrix has continued to change its model of processing, making it harder and harder to troubleshoot."
"I would like to see more cloud capability."
"The solution should include more support protocols."
"The solution’s pricing could be improved."
"Netflow - Processing Netflow can be cumbersome as it requires triggers to truly gain value and insight. This in turn can add a bit of load to the hardware. The focus of ExtraHop Reveal (x) is live packet data."
"The reporting from Cognito Detect is very limited and doesn't give you too many options. If I want to prepare a customized report on a particular host, even though I see the data, I have to manually prepare the report. The reporting features that are built into the tool are not very helpful."
"We have had a few issues with the integration of Vectra AI with EDR. Some filters have not been working. We've also had issues with the brain not being powerful enough."
"I would like more integrations with IOCs and threats currently on the Internet. I would also like to know which threats are based on zero-day attacks, current botnets, etc. Therefore, I would like more information on external threats."
"ExtraHop has better features that seem more advantageous when compared to Vectra."
"You are always limited with visibility on the host due to the fact that it is a network based tool. It gives you visibility on certain elements of the attack path, but it doesn't necessarily give you visibility on everything. Specifically, the initial intrusion side of things that doesn't necessarily see the initial compromise. It doesn't see stuff that goes on the host, such as where scripts are run. Even though you are seeing traffic, it doesn't necessarily see the malicious payload. Therefore, it's very difficult for it to identify these type of host-driven complex attacks."
"One thing which I have found where there could be improvement is with regard to the architecture, a little bit: how the brains and sensors function. It needs more flexibility with regard to the brain. If there were some flexibility in that regard, that would be helpful, because changing the mode of the brain is complex. In some cases, the change is permanent. You cannot revert it."
"I'd like to be able to get granular reports and to be able to output them into formats that are customizable and more useful. The reporting GUI is lacking."
"What is most important for us is to have one place where we can manage a few brains because we are based on a zero-trust network. As a result, each customer needs to have a separate brain. For the SOC team, we need to have one place where the SOC analyst can go to visit the website and from that site manage all of the customers. Right now, Vectra AI doesn't have this capability, and I would really like to have this feature."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I rate the price of ExtraHop Reveal(x) a seven on a scale of one to ten, where one is a high price, and ten is a low price."
"I would rate the price a three out of five. It could be less expensive."
"I rate ExtraHop Reveal(x) six out of 10 for affordability. We pay for an annual license. It's always one of those trade-offs. You get a lot of value, but ExtraHop isn't exorbitantly priced. You can pay extra for additional features like the ability to decode HL7 traffic, which is crucial for EMR environments."
"The solution is based on an annual subscription model and is expensive."
"Vectra's licensing model could scale to our research network, which has multiple, 100-gigabit links."
"The pricing and licensing are quite straightforward because they're based on the IP licenses. As a result, they are easy to count."
"Their licensing model is antiquated. I'm not a fan of their licensing model. We have to pay for licensing based on four different things. You have to pay based on the number of unique IPs, the number of logs that we send through Recall and Stream, and the size of our environment. They need to simplify their licensing down to just one thing. It should be based on the amount of data, the number of devices, or something else, but there should be just one thing for everything. That's what they need to base their licensing on. Cost-wise, they're not cheap. They were definitely the most expensive option, but you get what you pay for. They're not the cheapest option."
"Its cost is too much. It's an investment that we can afford. It's a lot, but it's worth it."
"The license is based on the concurrent IP addresses that it's investigating. We have 9,800 to 10,000 IP addresses."
"The solution is low-cost and affordable."
"It's relatively on the pricier side, but when compared to other solutions. It's not the most budget-friendly option, but it can be considered somewhat more cost-effective in comparison to other alternatives."
"There are additional features that can be purchased in addition to the standard licensing fee, such as Cognito Recall and Stream."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is the best network monitoring software for large enterprises?
We just did an assessment for our 47 datacenters around North America. The top two enterprise-level network monitoring solutions were ExtraHop first, Riverbed SteelCenter second. Their negotiated c...
What open source tool can one use to measure bandwidth from one's upstream service provider?
One I am looking closely at is AppNeta. They have an appliance that can digest the flow and do a better job than Netflow. The other one we are using is ExtraHop. This has both a Datacenter Hig...
What do you like most about ExtraHop Reveal(x)?
With ExtraHop Reveal(x), it gives me more visibility into the packets. It doesn't provide the entire packet capture, but it offers more information on how connections are made at the network layer....
What is the biggest difference between Corelight and Vectra AI?
The two platforms take a fundamentally different approach to NDR. Corelight is limited to use cases that require the eventual forwarding of events and parsed data logs to a security team’s SIEM or ...
What do you like most about Vectra AI?
The solution is currently used as a central threat detection and response system.

Also Known As

Reveal(x), Revealx
Vectra Networks, Vectra AI NDR



Sample Customers

Wood County Hospital
Tribune Media Group, Barry University, Aruba Networks, Good Technology, Riverbed, Santa Clara University, Securities Exchange, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association
Find out what your peers are saying about ExtraHop Reveal(x) vs. Vectra AI and other solutions. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.