Dynatrace vs Elastic Observability comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 24, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Ranking in Log Management
Ranking in Container Monitoring
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Mobile APM (1st), AIOps (2nd)
Elastic Observability
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Ranking in Log Management
Ranking in Container Monitoring
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IT Infrastructure Monitoring (10th), Cloud Monitoring Software (8th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability category, the mindshare of Dynatrace is 12.5%, down from 16.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Elastic Observability is 6.6%, up from 4.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Unique Categories:
Log Management
Mobile APM
IT Infrastructure Monitoring

Featured Reviews

Varaprasad - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 22, 2023
Saves money; easy to deploy
Our primary use case for this solution is for checking site vulnerability to see if the applications are up or down and if they're running fine This solution has helped our organization by allowing us to check for site vulnerability and performance, which in the end helps us save money. The most…
John_King - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 4, 2022
Reasonably priced, user-friendly, and helpful technical support
Machine learning is the most valuable feature of this solution. Because it is an open, enhanced APR, no custom integrations are required. They're open, so it's an open-wear product that's simple to use and evaluate They need more skills in the market. There are not enough skills in the market. It…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Helps in managing capacity planning, services performance, and tuning database performance and optimizing queries."
"It is very easy to create customized dashboards."
"The UEM feature, User Experience Management: Understanding how users are perceiving the application and then connecting that back into back-end systems to understand why things have gotten slow and then dealing with things."
"I can review behaviors, trending issues, and resolve issues before they impact our clients."
"We can be more productive and agile. It allows us to be more accurate when we need to work with bugs."
"My primary use of the tool is to keep revenue coming into the business and to use it to help our business team in running their site analytics and web performance tools. They have things like Adobe Analytics that provide them with one layer of data. We use Dynatrace as another railroad metric to both confirm the Adobe Analytics data and enhance it in certain places where Adobe won't give us the answers that we need. In terms of metrics, we've had roughly about 120,000 unique sessions per hour on our website. So, we're capturing a lot of session data and real user data, and all of that data is kept in user sessions. We can look this information up by user ID to tag any given session that we want to find by date/client. E.g., if the user said that they had an issue last Thursday at 11:00 PM, then we can just do a search on their email address, go through all their sessions, and find the one that they mentioned, then dig directly into that one."
"We can report and monitor on specific use cases which could not be monitored with SAP or other tooling."
"One of the most valuable features of Dynatrace is that it offers good visibility. It's better than other APM tools. You're not required to use a different technology when you have Dynatrace because it will work whether you're hosting it on Windows or Linux."
"The most valuable feature of Elastic Observability is the text search."
"The ability to ensure that the data is searchable and maintainable is highly valuable for our purposes."
"It has always been a stable solution."
"The architecture and system's stability are simple."
"The product has connectors to many services."
"The tool's most valuable feature is centralized logging. Elastic Common Search helps us to search for the logs across the organization."
"It's easy to deploy, and it's very flexible."
"I have built a mini business intelligence system based on Elastic Observability."


"A role-based view and a Python monitoring tool would make a simple user interface more usable."
"It's not very scalable, we cannot add another server onto it."
"If the user interface were made more intuitive then it would really benefit the product."
"You have got cloning at one level, but it would be nice to have cloning at deeper levels. Or, as you are doing the cloning, it would be nice if you could select different options. Then, you are not having to sit there and build dashboards, and spending a lot of time in the cloning area."
"Addition of more statistical features, plus different time series modeling techniques, would really help for future versions."
"Session export for offline analysis, like it was in AppMon, would be also nice."
"Custom reporting is still missing."
"Provide much better alignment between AppMon and Dynatrace."
"There's a steep learning curve if you've never used this solution before."
"The price is the only issue in the solution. It can be made better and cheaper."
"Elastic Observability is difficult to use. There are only three options for customization but this can be difficult for our use case. We do not have other options to choose the metrics shown, such as CPU or memory usage."
"Elastic APM's visualization is not that great compared to other tools. It's number of metrics is very low."
"More web features could be added to the product."
"The solution would be better if it was capable of more automation, especially in a monitoring capacity or for the response to abnormalities."
"In the future, Elastic APM needs a portfolio iTool. They can provide an easy way to develop the custom UI for Kibana."
"The tool's scalability involves a more complex implementation process. It requires careful calculations to determine the number of nodes needed, the specifications of each node, and the configuration of hot, warm, and cold zones for data storage. Additionally, managing log retention policies adds further complexity. The solution's pricing also needs to be cheaper."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"From what I have heard in the company, Dynatrace is expensive."
"We have not fully been able to get the full value out of the product. It is expensive compared to other things that we have had in the past. Paying that much and not being able to get the full return on the product is a downgrade. ​"
"It is quite expensive for startups."
"Product pricing can seem a little over complex, however this is minor and does not detract from the benefits of the solution."
"There is a license issue where if we increase the memory we have to up the licenses. I was unaware of that going in. I thought it was scalable without all the paperwork behind the scenes. ​​"
"Pricing can be high, especially for Portuguese standards. But as one says, you get what you pay for."
"Financially Dynatrace was a lot more expensive than AppDynamics."
"Dynatrace is still kind of an expensive solution compared to others. But I recognize that they are ahead of the competition when we do a feature by feature comparison."
"Pricing is one of those situations where the more you use it, the more you pay."
"So far, there are just the standard licensing fees. Several of the components are embedded in the license or are even open source. They're even free depending on what you use, which makes it even more appealing to someone that is discussing pricing of the solution."
"Since we are a huge company, Elastic Observability is an affordable solution for us."
"It is expensive. It is not cheap."
"There are two types: cloud and SaaS. They charge based on data ingestion, ingest rate, hard retention, and warm retention. I believe it costs around $25,000 annually to ingest 30GB of data daily. That is the SaaS version. There is also a self-managed license where the customer manages their own infrastructure on-prem. In such cases, there are three license tiers that respectively cost $5,000 annually per node, $7,000 per node, and $12,500 per node."
"The price of Elastic Observability is expensive."
"One needs to pay for the licenses, and it is an annual subscription model right now."
"The product’s pricing needs improvement."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Any advice about APM solutions?
The key is to have a holistic view over the complete infrastructure, the ones you have listed are great for APM if you need to monitor applications end to end. I have tested them all and have not f...
What cloud monitoring software did you choose and why?
While the environment does matter in the selection of an APM tool, I prefer to use Dynatrace to manage the entire stack. Both production and Dev/Test. I find it to be quite superior to anything els...
Any advice about APM solutions?
There are many factors and we know little about your requirements (size of org, technology stack, management systems, the scope of implementation). Our goal was to consolidate APM and infra monitor...
What do you like most about Elastic Observability?
Elastic Observability significantly improves incident response time by providing quick access to logs and data across various sources. For instance, searching for specific keywords in logs spanning...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Elastic Observability?
I rate the pricing a five out of ten. The product is not that cheap.
What needs improvement with Elastic Observability?
The tool's scalability involves a more complex implementation process. It requires careful calculations to determine the number of nodes needed, the specifications of each node, and the configurati...



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Sample Customers

Audi, Best Buy, LinkedIn, CISCO, Intuit, KRONOS, Scottrade, Wells Fargo, ULTA Beauty, Lenovo, Swarovsk, Nike, Whirlpool, American Express
PSCU, Entel, VITAS, Mimecast, Barrett Steel, Butterfield Bank
Find out what your peers are saying about Dynatrace vs. Elastic Observability and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.