Datadog vs LogRhythm SIEM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 23, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Log Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability (1st), Network Monitoring Software (3rd), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (2nd), Container Monitoring (2nd), Cloud Monitoring Software (1st), AIOps (1st), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (7th)
LogRhythm SIEM
Ranking in Log Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) (7th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Log Management category, the mindshare of Datadog is 5.3%, down from 10.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of LogRhythm SIEM is 2.2%, down from 3.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Log Management
Unique Categories:
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Network Monitoring Software
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Featured Reviews

Dec 6, 2022
Great dashboards, good monitoring, and easy SLAs
Our primary use case would be using the dashboards and getting proper insights based on the dashboards. The monitoring, SLO, and SLA have been better and easier since we started using the Terraform infrastructure. APM has been easier as we had to enable it through the CronJob directly. Profiling…
Oct 11, 2022
Provides a comprehensive and powerful view of our environment from one dashboard
My favorite feature is the Drill Down which allows us to look at several different logs originating off of one particular alarm. If there is suspicious activity, we can use that feature to access one dashboard with different anomalies that might stand out or different places where alarms would've been triggered for particular events. We use the Event Log Filtering feature quite often. It makes it much easier to find useful information in our SIEM tool in a quick and efficient manner. There have been several times when we have imported 20,000 plus logs within a matter of minutes and it makes it much easier to find what we're looking for, especially when time matters. The Event Log Filtering utility also allowed us to find information much quicker in our environment because it simplified the process of finding information.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It has a nice UI."
"The most valuable features are the dashboards and the reporting."
"Datadog's log aggregation is really helpful since it lets me and every other engineer on my team login, view, and share logs when we need to debug our application."
"The observability pipelines are the most valuable aspect of the solution."
"We can handle debugging and find out why things are breaking in our applications."
"We have a better grasp of what is occurring during the deployment cycle. If something fails, we have an idea what has failed, where it has failed, and how it failed to better mitigate the situation."
"The network map is crucial in identifying bottlenecks and determining what needs more attention."
"The web app has a real-time support chat window in which a support engineer is chatting with you within a minute."
"The product is great for medium to large-scale organizations."
"Compliance reporting is another great feature of this product. It has built in reports right out of the box."
"The user interface is pretty good compared to other SIEM tools."
"The ability to drill down and pivot from an event is one of the biggest advantage the product has compared to other things that I have seen in the market."
"The most valuable feature is that we can alternate incident automations."
"In terms of security, LogRhythm NextGen SIEM is great."
"LogRhythm SIEM offers advanced features such as AI engine modules, machine learning, and threat intelligence integration, which help reduce false positives. Advanced analytics streamlines incident response processes, enabling incident responders to prioritize and automate alerts."
"It gives us insight into our entire installation, where we are multiple sites, going as far as the East Coast to the Central West Coast."


"Stability of the product has been a concern for us outside of the primary monitoring agents."
"The ability to find what you are looking for when starting out could be improved."
"We have recently had a number of issues with stability and delays on logging, monitoring, metric evaluation, and alerts."
"It is very difficult to make the solutions fit perfectly for large organizations, especially in terms of high cardinality objects and multi-tenancy, where the data needs to be rolled up to a summarized level while maintaining its individual data granularity and identifiers."
"Datadog is expensive."
"The solution should provide alerts for cloud outages."
"I would love to see support for front-end and mobile applications. Right now, it is mostly all back-end stuff. Being able to do some integration with our front-end products would be awesome."
"The product could be improved by providing remote control to agents, enabling them to execute automation and collections without requiring another automation tool or integration."
"LogRhythm's SOAR and NDR features don't stack up well against competitors. maybe integrating theme functionality as the other do. But in general, it's okay."
"It is a product that is very hard to use."
"We use Windows Event Forwarding to collect the logs from our Windows clients, and the logs get aggregated as one data source on that collector. Therefore, finding logs specific to one particular Windows system requires some creativity in how we search the SIEM."
"The log storage capacity should be increased."
"The initial setup is not so easy because it is quite a process."
"More detail in the alerts given to avoid additional searches, as often the source or destination associated with the alert is not evidenced."
"I have probably submitted half a dozen log parser requests, and I keep finding more stuff that we need to keep an eye on that doesn't have a definition in LogRhythm."
"I would probably look for more things to go into the web console that is currently on the fat client."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The cost is high and this can be justified if the scale of the environment is big."
"The solution's pricing depends on project volume."
"This solution is budget friendly."
"The tool is open-source."
"It didn't scale well from the cost perspective. We had a custom package deal."
"The solution is fairly priced but history and log storage can get costly depending on your needs."
"It is easy to run up a large bill, so become familiar with the cost of each piece of your bill and use the metrics they supply to estimate and monitor your bill."
"Pricing seemed easy until the bill came in and some things were not accounted for."
"LogRhythm's licensing is based on MPS. There are some add-on features like advanced UEBA, the cloud component for advanced UEBA, and SIEM."
"Look closely at the cost of licensing of other products. This should include setups and the need for support services. I did a RFQ to 2 other vendors before choosing this product."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is low, and ten is high, I rate the pricing between six and seven."
"The solution has provided us with consistency and increased staff productivity through orchestrated automated work flows by at least 20 percent."
"We work with French-speaking African countries, and it costs more than the average SIEM solution. Also, the pricing isn't too flexible. AlienVault, Splunk, and IBM QRadar are more suitable for customers on a tight budget."
"Look for whatever will give you the most value. That's the main point. It is not one size fits all."
"In comparison to the competition, they are more affordable. This allows us to do more with less."
"LogRhythm's pricing and licensing is extremely competitive and it's one of the top three reasons we continue to invest in the platform."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Any advice about APM solutions?
There are many factors and we know little about your requirements (size of org, technology stack, management systems, the scope of implementation). Our goal was to consolidate APM and infra monitor...
Datadog vs ELK: which one is good in terms of performance, cost and efficiency?
With Datadog, we have near-live visibility across our entire platform. We have seen APM metrics impacted several times lately using the dashboards we have created with Datadog; they are very good c...
Which would you choose - Datadog or Dynatrace?
Our organization ran comparison tests to determine whether the Datadog or Dynatrace network monitoring software was the better fit for us. We decided to go with Dynatrace. Dynatrace offers network ...
What is the difference between log management and SIEM?
Rony, Daniel's answer is right on the money. There are many solutions for each in the market, a lot depends upon your ability to manage such tools and your budget. A small operation may be best s...
What do you like most about LogRhythm NextGen SIEM?
LogRhythm does a very good job of helping SOCs manage their workflows.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for LogRhythm NextGen SIEM?
LogRhythm's pricing and licensing are extremely competitive and it's one of the top three reasons we continue to invest in the platform.



Also Known As

No data available
LogRhythm NextGen SIEM, LogRhythm, LogRhythm Threat Lifecycle Management, LogRhythm TLM

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Sample Customers

Adobe, Samsung, facebook, HP Cloud Services, Electronic Arts, salesforce, Stanford University, CiTRIX, Chef, zendesk, Hearst Magazines, Spotify, mercardo libre, Slashdot, Ziff Davis, PBS, MLS, The Motley Fool, Politico, Barneby's
Macy's, NASA, Fujitsu, US Air Force, EY, Abbott, HD Supply, SAB Miller, UCLA, Raytheon, Amtrak, Cargill
Find out what your peers are saying about Datadog vs. LogRhythm SIEM and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.