Fortinet FortiSIEM vs LogRhythm SIEM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 20, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Fortinet FortiSIEM
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
LogRhythm SIEM
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Log Management (8th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) category, the mindshare of Fortinet FortiSIEM is 3.5%, up from 3.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of LogRhythm SIEM is 3.3%, down from 5.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Log Management

Featured Reviews

Ali Mohamed - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 11, 2023
The log correlation is good
FortiSIEM analyzes the logs from all the servers and firewalls FortiSIEM provides visibility into what happens on our corporate network. We can see traffic from users and detect brute force or bot attacks. It's clear in the SIEM solution.  FortiSIEM's log correlation is good.  FortiSIEM could…
Sep 27, 2022
Easy to configure, user-friendly, and has simple and informative dashboards, but the UI needs some minor changes
I work in the enterprise security department or the SOC, and I just have to deal with the logs. The tool being used within the organization for log management is LogRhythm NextGen SIEM, particularly the N-1 version. My organization uses the on-premise version of the tool, and it's been applied to the data center. I belong to a very small organization with a data center that has sixty people using LogRhythm NextGen SIEM. In terms of maintenance, the tool isn't difficult to maintain. The only advice I have for anyone who'd like to start using LogRhythm NextGen SIEM is that it's a very good tool, with good features and functions. My rating for LogRhythm NextGen SIEM is seven out of ten. I didn't give it a ten because it's Windows-based, plus I also don't like its UI that much. LogRhythm NextGen SIEM is also not as good as IBM QRadar.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I like the various options, including the option for CMDB and the easier access to create rules, playbooks, or use cases. It's also easier to use for creating dashboards and reports."
"FortiSIEM's best features are the dashboards and customization."
"Fortinet FortiSIEM needs to provide better API integrations to users."
"The solution’s IP database is awesome."
"The most valuable feature of Fortinet FortiSIEM is the user and entity behave as analytics(UEBA). This feature mixes your data and provides useful information based on the behavior of the targeted."
"FortiSIEM sends an email or SMS notifications to admins when there are significant incidents. It's a highly efficient way of responding to incidents."
"The most valuable features of Fortinet FortiSIEM are the SD-WAN, Global LAN, and application controls."
"Fortinet FortiSIEM provides good detection against advanced threats."
"NextGen SIEM's best feature is how it presents logs."
"I have found the Advanced Intelligence Engine has provided the most value to us because we can customize alarms based on our requirements and have created hundreds of alarms that notify different people for different scenarios."
"The security operation center is excellent."
"Compliance reporting is another great feature of this product. It has built in reports right out of the box."
"The feature that makes it usable is the web interface."
"The user interface is pretty good compared to other SIEM tools."
"The most valuable features would be the automation, reporting, and the support."
"The daily alerts allow me to quickly find security and operations issues which need to be addressed."


"We expect the latest patch from Fortinet FortiSIEM to give the ability to work with signature files."
"It would be good if the solution offered even more configuration options, especially in relation to the VPN so that it continues to be a very flexible option."
"Its training can be improved. Its price also needs to be improved."
"The interface needs some improvements because it's a bit cumbersome when you're trying to view items. It takes some time to get used to. Additionally, sometimes the scrolling does not work."
"The UI could improve in Fortinet FortiSIEM. Humans view the UI frequently for data and if it was more visually pleasing it would be beneficial."
"FortiSIEM is not a market leader in the SIEM space."
"The backup and recovery process for this solution needs improvement."
"They should enhance the solution's AI capabilities, including XDR and EDR."
"The software needs to work on its pricing."
"There used to be the ability to create alarms based on message text that was included in LR Version 6.x that has been removed in LogRhythm 7.x, and on that, I would like to see it added back."
"We need to get better training for things like creating code and playlists. The way it's done now takes a long time."
"In the next release, I would certainly like to see more HIPAA compliance. I would also like to see more integration with Palo Alto Networks, particularly their Traps, which is their endpoint solution."
"I would really love to be able to take some of the data and not have to export it to a CSV file, so I can pull it into Excel to turn it into some other kind of graph."
"I would like to suggest that they should improve their usage of third party tools for making dashboards and reports. If they would create their own tools for dashboard and report, it would be much better in terms of security purposes."
"There is room for improvement with separate running sources or better integration."
"LogRhythm NextGen SIEM is currently based only on the Windows platform. This means that some of our customers have to purchase a Windows license elsewhere. If LogRhythm can move to a Linux platform or a proprietary platform, it would be very helpful."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price of the solution is expensive. The license is scalable. If there are 10 devices it is simple to license."
"Please be cheaper and more simplified."
"Fortinet FortiSIEM is not an expensive solution."
"There are additional features that cost more than the standard licensing fees."
"FortiSIEM's licensing is based on EPS, and its pricing is competitive in the market."
"The price of Fortinet FortiSIEM was reasonable compared to other solutions."
"Fortinet FortiSIEM is cheaper compared to other products."
"We pay for a license for FortiSIEM. We pay for the license and renewal."
"Look for whatever will give you the most value. That's the main point. It is not one size fits all."
"In the context of our country, the price of this solution is too high."
"LogRhythm's licensing is based on MPS. There are some add-on features like advanced UEBA, the cloud component for advanced UEBA, and SIEM."
"I have seen a measurable decrease in the mean time to detect and respond to threats. We went from not detecting them to detecting them. We can actually pick up what is anomalous in our network now."
"The setup and licensing for small and medium size businesses is straightforward, though when it comes to the enterprise it pays to keep in mind the possibility for complications given all the extras and add-ons that may be required."
"We did a five-year agreement. We pay close to a quarter of a million dollars for our solution."
"I would rate the pricing 4 out of 5. There are no additional costs to the standard licensing fees."
"The solution has provided us with consistency and increased staff productivity through orchestrated automated work flows by at least 20 percent."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Fortinet FortiSIEM?
Fortinet FortiSIEM needs to provide better API integrations to users.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Fortinet FortiSIEM?
I don't have the price list of any of the competitors of Fortinet FortiSIEM. I work with the technical part of the tool. There is a need to make yearly payments towards the licensing charges attach...
What needs improvement with Fortinet FortiSIEM?
Fortinet FortiSIEM is a better solution than other products. As a SIEM solution, it can meet all the requirements of customers. The product already offers good integration capabilities with multipl...
What is the difference between log management and SIEM?
Rony, Daniel's answer is right on the money. There are many solutions for each in the market, a lot depends upon your ability to manage such tools and your budget. A small operation may be best s...
What do you like most about LogRhythm NextGen SIEM?
LogRhythm does a very good job of helping SOCs manage their workflows.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for LogRhythm NextGen SIEM?
LogRhythm's pricing and licensing are extremely competitive and it's one of the top three reasons we continue to invest in the platform.

Also Known As

FortiSIEM, AccelOps
LogRhythm NextGen SIEM, LogRhythm, LogRhythm Threat Lifecycle Management, LogRhythm TLM



Sample Customers

FortiSIEM has hundreds of customers worldwide in markets including managed services, technology, financial services, healthcare, and government. Customers include Aruba Networks, Compushare, Port of San Diego, Cleveland Indians, Infoblox, Healthways, and Referentia.
Macy's, NASA, Fujitsu, US Air Force, EY, Abbott, HD Supply, SAB Miller, UCLA, Raytheon, Amtrak, Cargill
Find out what your peers are saying about Fortinet FortiSIEM vs. LogRhythm SIEM and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.