CRITICALSTART vs Splunk SOAR comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Managed Detection and Response (MDR) (30th)
Splunk SOAR
Ranking in Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) category, the mindshare of CRITICALSTART is 0.1%, down from 0.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Splunk SOAR is 7.9%, down from 10.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR)
Unique Categories:
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Aug 17, 2020
Offers the ability to close review tickets or alerts through a mobile phone and to interact with engineers on their side via the app
They could dig a little bit deeper into the Splunk alerts when they feel like they need to be escalated to us. For example, if a locked account shows up, they could do a little extra digging to verify that the locked account was due to a bad password on the local system. They could just do a little extra digging within the Splunk environment instead of pushing it onto us to go do that extra little digging. We actually created dashboards for our help desk group to be able to hunt down locked down accounts. We've asked CRITICALSTART to start using that as a means of validating the lockdown accounts before they just start escalating them to us. If we go down the endpoint protection route, then I could probably have other input after I've used that for a while.
Rodrigo Scorsatto - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 25, 2024
Enhances Data Collection and Auto-healing
Splunk SOAR has a user-friendly interface that simplifies playbook creation. While some initial training is helpful, the drag-and-drop functionality and pre-built code generation features make it accessible even for those without extensive coding experience. This ease of use allows teams to quickly automate incident response tasks, reducing the business impact. Splunk SOAR helps us improve our data collection and automate operational tasks. While it enriches data, some actions require approval or additional information. For application outages, immediate action is crucial to avoid business impact, and time to respond is key to be able to identify the root cause of issues. For example, if a database server goes down, if the analyst doesn't check the issue right after it occurs, they may end up losing precious logs, which would help them identify the issue and avoid reoccurrence. Additionally, manual database tasks like service restarts or log checks are time-consuming. Splunk SOAR automates these tasks, enriching our log collection, running health checks, and generating reports for the database team. This allows for faster issue identification and resolution, ultimately contributing to high system availability and minimal customer impact. It provides a comprehensive solution for our environment's health. Splunk offers two key products: Splunk as an observability tool that detects critical issues, and Splunk SOAR, an automation platform that enriches data and even automates remediation actions. SOAR offers easy integration with various tools. We can leverage pre-built apps for common integrations or create custom ones. While Splunk integrations are automatic, SOAR's API allows us to send data from any observability tool using the SOAR API. This API offers different options to manage the platform, and one of the options is to create a container in SOAR, which can trigger the appropriate playbook based on a label name, simplifying integration with new tools and accelerating proof-of-concept deployments. Implementing a SOAR platform significantly improved our IT operations. Previously, frequent application downtime overwhelmed our busy operations team, forcing them to prioritize and leave some issues unresolved. SOAR automation relieved this pressure by allowing us to create playbooks that automatically detect and fix recurring problems. While the initial setup required developing playbooks and standards, the resulting reduction in alerts and faster issue resolution freed up the operations team's time and had a major positive impact on our overall IT environment. Our mean time to detect is within seconds. Before SOAR, manually detecting and resolving server issues was slow and unreliable. It could take hours for an overloaded team to identify a problem, and even longer to fix it, potentially impacting customers. SOAR automates this process, triggering immediate responses that take seconds, minimizing downtime, and ensuring a smooth customer experience. Our mean time to resolution is improved. SOAR helps resolve issues quickly by automating tasks through playbooks. When an issue is detected, SOAR can run a playbook to fix it or provide more information to analysts, expediting resolution. SOAR has significantly improved our efficiency by automating manual tasks. This frees our IT staff to focus on resolving issues faster and tackling more complex projects.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The way that the user interface presents data enables our team to be able to make decisions significantly quicker, rather than have to dig into the details or go back to the original tools."
"I also use their mobile app. It's very easy to use and very convenient to be able to respond to alerts wherever you are. I love the app. You can respond and communicate, per ticket, with their SOC in near real-time. The response is very quick."
"The main difference between the other options and this one is the quality of the personnel within the SOC. It's their knowledge and depth and the way they handle customers."
"Outside of using the platform to manage alerts, the feature of the service that we get the most value from is being able to reach out to them and say, "Hey, we might go buy a SIEM," for example. They give us their overview of what's out there, what they've dealt with, what they integrate with, and what that looks like. That's been pretty powerful over the years for us."
"Customer service and their response are phenomenal. I would give their customer support a nine point five (out of 10). Our easy access to their SOC analyst, sales team, and leadership team instills confidence in me that they are there for us 24/7."
"The new mobile app is awesome. It is one of the best I've ever seen. It's much better than its predecessor. It's more intuitive, a whole lot easier to navigate and get where you need to go. It's less repetitive and just generally easier to use. It allows me to not have to be sitting at my computer all the time. I can be on my phone or tablet or wherever I'm at. It makes it a lot easier to answer tickets and do that kind of thing."
"From where we were prior to going into them, the service has increased our analysts’ efficiency to the point that they can focus on other areas of the business. It gives me the ability to allow analysts to do Level 3 and 4 work and stay out of the weeds of the alerts, where you tend to get alert fatigue. The service takes care of much of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 triage. It is more effective than what we had been used to, because it allows the filtering of Level 1 and Level 2 type alerts to be taken care of. This leaves less for us to handle, which is a good thing."
"There are two parts of CRITICALSTART's services that are most valuable to us. The MDR solution where they monitor our computers, laptops, and users across the board; and their knowledge of Palo Alto firewalls."
"Splunk SOAR's extensive library of pre-built integrations allows it to connect with a vast array of popular security and IT applications, streamlining workflows across our existing security stack."
"When you design a playbook, you can integrate multiple log sources and define rules... After that, the platform automatically compiles all these activities and, based on the results, the analyst only has to indicate whether the result is a true or false positive. That reduces the time and effort involved."
"The most valuable features of Splunk SOAR are the easy integration with other solutions, including other Splunk solutions. The most important playbooks we need on the market come already on the Frontend. However, nowadays, Splunk changed its name, it's not Frontend anymore, it's Splunk Store. This is a very strong point."
"Very flexible integration with other tools"
"The ability to automate Splunk SOAR and customize the playbook use cases is the most valuable feature and is very exciting for me."
"The automation part of the product is great."
"The playbooks are valuable. They are the core component. Being able to implement and build a code process to work through and scale out what we want to do is valuable."
"So far, the interface is very easy to use."


"There is room for improvement with the new UI, and that's about it. I would like to see a more intuitive design."
"The only thing I can think of that I would like to see, and I'm sure they could work this into a service pretty easily, is not only alerts on issues that are affecting my company, but some threat intelligence of a general nature on what's out there in the environment. That might be a nice add-in."
"It has frustrated us that they don't have a native Slack integration, because most things do now. That's something we've asked for, for years, and it just doesn't really seem like it's a priority."
"In terms of responsiveness, when I open up an alert, sometimes it takes a bit of time to load. However, it only happened once or twice."
"The updated UI is actually pretty bad. Regarding the intuitiveness, it is fairly easy to use, but the responsiveness, on a scale of one to 10, is a one. It's really poor performance."
"They could dig a little bit deeper into the Splunk alerts when they feel like they need to be escalated to us. For example, if a locked account shows up, they could do a little extra digging to verify that the locked account was due to a bad password on the local system. They could just do a little extra digging within the Splunk environment instead of pushing it onto us to go do that extra little digging."
"During the six-month integration and rollout, there were some bumpy roads along the way. There were communication breakdowns between the project manager, CRITICALSTART leadership, and us (as the customer). I expressed my displeasure during the integration in their inability to effectively communicate when there were holdups or issues. They were going through some growing pains at that time, but they have been right there for us ever since."
"They just did a user interface overhaul to the website portal that you use for troubleshooting tickets. The old one was fine. The new one is not intuitive..."
"Unfortunately, not all of our analysts are iPhone users or iOS users. The mobile app is only supported on iOS. Our analysts who have Android do not have that benefit. That would be a nice thing to have so that we can have it across the board and not just for iOS."
"There is a lot of room for improvement with the UI."
"The scalability could be better."
"The font used in the interface could be changed and made easier to read."
"Splunk SOAR can improve IoT/OT security-related case studies or your use cases. Their integration with identity and access management (IAM) solutions is a bit shaky. They don't have good integration with a lot of IAM solutions. They do have good capability in terms of user access management internally, but even with privileged user access, they have a good module. However, if they have to integrate with solutions, such as CyberArk or IBM IAM solutions they are lacking, the visibility of user access is not that much."
"The application does not work properly and does not pass the log-based configuration. I feel that some kind of review should happen in the application. This review should validate things so that we can get the right information. Splunk does not tell us where the IP address is associated with."
"Suppose I am initially granted user rights or analyst rights, but later on, I also get admin rights. SOAR is unable to amend the limitations of my role. I raised a support ticket with Splunk about this. They said it's a bug in their 5.3.5 version. To fix this, I had to reinstall the entire platform from scratch.."
"I haven't used it fully, but based on my usage, I could not find simulation tools and features. It currently lacks simulation features, which are important for me for creating a playbook. It is also very expensive for my region."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It costs a lot for what we felt comfortable to spend."
"There are contractual penalties if their SLAs are not met. This commitment was very important in our decision to go with this service, because not having downtime is extremely important to us. The providers has not missed an SLA in the 18 months that I have worked with them."
"Overall, for what I'm paying for it, and the benefit I'm getting out of it, it is right where it needs to be, if not a little bit in my favor. For what it costs me to actually have this service, I could afford one internal person to do that job, but now I have a team of 10 or more who are doing that job, and they don't sleep because they work shifts."
"The pricing has always been competitive. They have always been good to us. They will make it a fight. They don't try to hide anything; it's always been fully transparent and well-worth what we pay for it."
"As far as the expense goes, it's very competitive pricing and the services you get are almost like you have a person on your team."
"The pricing of other services was so insane that they weren't even an option."
"I've told CRITICALSTART that I think the managed service they provide is cheaper than it should be. It's a really good deal."
"The cost is high and the licensing is on an annual basis."
"In my opinion, the price is high, but if you want good products, you have to be willing to pay for them."
"We renewed it this year. This year was the first time there was a dramatic increase in the price. It was kind of non-negotiable. It was just a high increase. We had internal communications, and it was definitely a surprise to us. In a short time frame, we renewed it this year. Prices are going up everywhere, but they are not always justifiable, at least not to our eyes. The pricing this year was definitely a big shock."
"Splunk SOAR is an expensive solution for an organization of our size."
"The licensing cost is reasonable."
"While I can't confirm the exact pricing, some colleagues have mentioned that Splunk SOAR may be on the costlier side."
"The tool is not cheap."
"Splunk SOAR is more expensive compared to other options for SOAR."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Ask a question
Earn 20 points
What do you like most about Splunk Phantom?
Splunk SOAR's quick response to incidents is the most valuable part.
What needs improvement with Splunk Phantom?
They can improve what they are currently doing. They can provide more playbooks or at least template playbooks that are in their repository. That is one area. Another area would probably be related...

Also Known As

Critical Start, CriticalStart



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Recorded Future, Blackstone
Find out what your peers are saying about CRITICALSTART vs. Splunk SOAR and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.