Commvault Cloud vs Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Aug 13, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Commvault Cloud
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Ranking in SaaS Backup
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Backup and Recovery (3rd), eDiscovery (2nd), Disaster Recovery as a Service (3rd), File Archiving (2nd), Disaster Recovery (DR) Software (3rd), Threat Deception Platforms (1st), Container Backup Software (3rd)
Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Ranking in SaaS Backup
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud Backup category, the mindshare of Commvault Cloud is 11.4%, up from 8.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 is 6.5%, up from 6.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud Backup
Unique Categories:
Backup and Recovery
SaaS Backup

Featured Reviews

Nick Martin - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 17, 2024
Integrates well with other solutions in our IT infrastructure
We use Commvault to back up our directory, web, and application servers We haven't had to use Commvault in a real-life disaster recovery scenario, but it has been very good in testing. I like Commvault's immutable backups. It integrates with other solutions in our IT infrastructure very well.…
Daniel Inyang - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 27, 2023
Secure data, quick data transfers, but lacking agentless deployment
We use Veeam Backup for Office 365 to back up our data, such as mailboxes, OneDrive, or SharePoint. We are able to back up our data on-premises Veeam Backup for Office 365 has helped our organization by allowing us to keep our data safe. If we accidentally delete our date we can recover it. We…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Commvault has support for backing up operating systems and servers."
"The most important feature is that everything can be controlled using a single console."
"The solution has the fastest backup and better licensing."
"Commvault integrates well with all types of operating systems and supports heterogeneous environments."
"Metallic helped me to restore the data within an hour, which is much faster than restoring from Microsoft services."
"The solution is easy to use and the duplication is quite good."
"Backup and archive with a single window, with a single backup job. You only need to type "c"."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to backup over the dedicated Fiber Channel directly from SAN."
"The feature that I like the most is the system backup recovery from OneDrive."
"The pricing is reasonable."
"The most valuable features of the solution are the scalability and the free license of up to ten VMs."
"The solution is easy to use. It's very simple and clients find it very easy to find all objects and things they need with the Veeam Explorer."
"The most valuable feature of Veeam Backup for Office 365 is the backups, we do not want to lose any files. Each one of the files is updated on a regular long-term basis and kept together in the Microsoft cloud-only."
"It is easy to set up. You can use some functions to make sure you get the maximum bandwidth to do the backup. It has an option to bypass Microsoft network limitations and things like that."
"The product is easy-to-use."
"It was easy to set up."


"I would like to see some of the code execute a little bit better when I add new licenses and assign licenses to users. I'd like to see that information update a little quicker."
"Commvault HyperScale X could improve by allowing backups of the storage area network (SAN)."
"They can always improve the interface design to make it easier. Sometimes, you need to click two or three times to do something. They should look at what tabs are used most and make them more accessible, to cut the time it takes to get to that information."
"The most common feedback I get in terms of Commvault is that it can be complex. I always refer my customers back to their own environment. Almost everything that goes into Commvault is a request by a customer. While it can be complex, it can also be very simple. You just need to understand your environment in order to make sure that you really need to turn on that extra feature or thing inside of Commvault. Maybe you don't need those things. It really depends on how simple or complex your environment is, whether you need all of Commvault's features."
"The customer support is not good."
"Setup is complex."
"This product is overly complex to operate and run."
"Commvault Complete Data Protection meets market standards, but an area for improvement is its licensing model. It would be good if it could use the subscription-based model rather than the traditional licensing model."
"Veeam Backup for Office 365 can improve by adding more features with Microsoft teams. We have many files that we are working on with Microsoft teams and there should be more integration and features."
"While I don't have a use case in mind, it would be great if they could integrate more automation capabilities into the solution."
"If Veeam could offer backup as a service for data backup and recovery, that would be great. We'd like something like what Druva is offering at the moment."
"When you add a new site for backup, it gives you a notice that there is a new site, but the way you select that and configure that could be slightly better. It works, but it is not always very clear. For example, for the URL, you need to hover over the title or the name of the site. You should see it immediately on the screen. It should have a better user interface for selecting what you want to back up so that you get a more clear overview of the sites that are there and the ones that you want to combine in a backup. Its user interface should be more user-friendly. It has a lot of scrolling and doesn't give you a complete overview when needed. That's the main thing why it is not very user-friendly. It should have a better user interface."
"Pricing is an area for improvement, and I would rate it at five out of ten."
"We use a yearly subscription. However, I believe the price could be lower."
"Its price could be improved."
"It's hard to predict the usage on the storage. I need to make some estimates for customers in terms of how much storage will be needed on the cloud, and this is always tricky. It would be helpful if they could help us estimate storage or simplify the estimation portion."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Its cost is reasonable, but anybody else can do better benchmarking."
"Commvault Backup & Recovery is perhaps the best value for our money that I have seen in a backup product."
"The complete license gives us options for all the features. Commvault does not license based on storage or the management components. It can integrate with any storage vendor. That means that when we are out of storage and need more, we can integrate without additional licensing. In my opinion, Commvault needs to reduce the licensing cost by 20 to 40 percent to make it cost-efficient."
"The cost for Commvault is very expensive, even support is very expensive. The full cost of the solution is 50,000 INR per year, which includes 20 VM backups, server data backup, and 200 desktop and laptop agent licenses."
"Commvault's pricing model and pricing structure were initially confusing, but once we worked more closely with the company, we were able to transition to a subscription license that saved us a lot of money."
"On a scale of one to ten, where ten is the highest price, I rate the pricing an eight."
"The pricing is far better than we had in the past. The license for Dell EMC was not too expensive, but the storage, given that Dell EMC is based on data domains, was pretty expensive."
"Compared to other competitors and vendors the pricing is fair."
"I think it's a fair price. It's around $36 per user, so I think it's a fair price for our customers."
"The solution is very, very, very, cheap."
"We looked at a few cloud options. When we did the comparison, we found it to be a cost-effective solution, and it included everything."
"For the number of users and amount of storage you receive, it is not expensive."
"We decided on Altaro because, from the point of view of the total cost, Altaro looks cheaper than Veeam. Veeam has a lot of costs that are not clear when you start it, which makes it less flexible than Altaro, but only after half a year, you can be really sure that you made a good decision."
"We are talking about a third party solution, so there is a licensing fee."
"The pricing is middle-of-the-road compared with competing products."
"Its price is a little bit high, but it is a fantastic solution. It is more expensive than NetApp."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Commvault?
The convenience of backing up and restoring simultaneously is very valuable.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Commvault?
The tool is affordable. I rate the pricing a six out of ten. Implementation requires additional costs because we need Commvault Professional Services.
What needs improvement with Commvault?
Data center backup must be improved. We also want the product to provide us with a cloud-based backup. If we use Microsoft Exchange Online for email services, we want to know how to get a backup in...
How does AvePoint Cloud Backup compare with Veeam Backup for Office 365?
AvePoint Cloud Backup for MS Office 365 is a SaaS backup whose features include secure storage and unlimited and automated backups. The storage is saved in AvePoint’s Azure storage or it can also b...
What do you like most about Veeam Backup for Office 365?
The tool is easy to use and straightforward regarding restoration and creating backups. It's user-friendly, providing results and sending alerts when something goes wrong.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Veeam Backup for Office 365?
Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 is expensive, and I rate it an eight out of ten.

Also Known As

Commvault Complete Data Protection, Commvault, Commvault Backup & Recovery, Commvault HyperScale X, Metallic, ThreatWise
Veeam Backup for Office 365, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365



Sample Customers

Aberdeenshire Council, Acxiom, BAM Group Ireland, Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta, CI Investments, Clifford Chance, American Municipal Power, American Pacific Mortgage, AstraZeneca, Dongbu Steel, Denver Health, Dow Jones, Emirates Steel, Penn State Health, Prime Healthcare, Sonic Healthcare, Sony Network Communications, TiVO, UCONN Health, The Weitz Company
Columbia Power & Water Systems
Find out what your peers are saying about Commvault Cloud vs. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.