Citrix ShareFile vs Nasuni comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Citrix ShareFile
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Content Collaboration Platforms (9th)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
File System Software (1st), NAS (3rd), Cloud Migration (4th), Cloud Storage (3rd), Cloud Backup (8th), Disaster Recovery (DR) Software (8th), Cloud Storage Gateways (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Content Collaboration Platforms category, the mindshare of Citrix ShareFile is 10.7%, up from 10.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Nasuni is 6.6%, up from 1.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Content Collaboration Platforms
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
File System Software

Featured Reviews

Salim Malik - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 5, 2024
Reliable, user-friendly, and secure
The initial setup is straightforward. It's not complicated. I’ve done the deployment when I was in Citrix and the deployment for the current customer and therefore have experience doing this a few times. How long the deployment takes is up to the customer in terms of what type of storage zone controller you're going to operate. If you're going to operate on-premise, then you need to have the network team and the server, physical server, the load balances, and storage zone controller storage deployed. It shouldn't take, if the infrastructure is ready, more than a week. IN that time, you can set up the entire full-fledged configuration and have enrollment running if you have all the hardware and the communications ready. That's on the on-premise side. If it's on a specific cloud, even when you purchase the procurement, it won't take even a day. In 24 hours, you will be up and running easily on the ShareFile cloud if you are working with the Citrix cloud. If you're doing a private cloud, then the communication to open the ports between the ShareFile can complain to the private cloud. That might be at least a week, depending on the internal teams. If they work very fast and smoothly, it's a matter of a day. You only need one person to maintain the solution. It’s pretty low-maintenance.
Fee Chong - PeerSpot reviewer
May 26, 2023
Serves as single technology for more efficient processes, and continuous file versioning gives us peace of mind
We explored the Access Anywhere option because we need that type of feature for our international users, but the additional costs put us off. And to my knowledge, deploying Access Anywhere is not as easy and straightforward as we would like because you still have to deploy a physical or virtual filer to each site. Either way, you still need another layer, the filer, to enable Access Anywhere. We have multiple offices and Nasuni replicates the changes pretty fast. When users from one office save their changes, their peers in another office can see the changes within minutes. Of course, this is an area for constant improvement and we hope that they can still reduce the amount of time it takes to replicate changes. The minimal wait time used to be much longer but they have improved it. They implemented something called Global File Acceleration that accelerated the replication and we appreciate that a lot. Replication depends on a lot of factors, such as a site's internet speed, bandwidth, and congestion on the network. However, we hope the Nasuni team continues to strive for faster replication and makes it more efficient. Another issue is that you can configure each filer to have web access. This is different from the Access Anywhere feature. You can create a web portal for a filer where a user can log in using their Active Directory credentials. We would like to enable multi-factor authentication for this type of web access to the filer. Relying only on Active Directory credentials is still not safe enough. We are using Duo multi-factor authentication and we would like to see Nasuni integrate with Duo so that we can further secure the access. To my knowledge, although I could be wrong, they don't have that yet. In addition, Nasuni relies on a reseller, a middle-man. Our reseller is a company called SHI, and I am not happy with SHI's performance. I expressed this to our Nasuni account manager. I told him that every time we want to order a Nasuni filer, we have to go through SHI, but the performance has just not been competent and our point of contact has not been knowledgeable. Often, things have not been handled properly. SHI, on a scale of one to 10, with one being the lowest, would be about a 2 or 2.5. It fails miserably. The purchasing process, the shipping of new equipment, has actually wasted a lot of time and the inefficiency and delays all cost money. Nothing is wrong on the Nasuni side, rather it's all because of the reseller.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The solution is scalable."
"The solution would query the Active Directory, and if new accounts were identified, Citrix ShareFile would add them automatically."
"This provides us with a secure way of sending tax returns without having to use passwords."
"It's user-friendly for end users."
"Easy to manage and fully secure."
"ShareFile gives you all of the features of cloud providers, but in an on-premises solution."
"Citrix has a very good file auditing features and security features."
"The Enterprise Dropbox solution is highly integrated with Microsoft's Office 365 and Azure products."
"One of Nasuni's best characteristics is its fully redundant system; we don't have to shift tapes or use other backup solutions. It's a good, full-featured product."
"Nasuni is tremendously easy to manage. It eliminates many of the administrative challenges associated with physical hardware storage, and you don't need to worry about any hardware failure or products reaching the end of their lives."
"I would recommend Nasuni because it's a proven product that has delivered results for us even in the worst-case scenario. If you're still using a traditional cloud solution like native Azure products, you are still susceptible to human error. Also, you would need to architect your backup and DR solutions, then integrate, maintain, and administer them."
"We like Nasuni's snapshot technology. The snapshot and recovery features are the things we use most frequently. Ideally, I would recommend NFS or CFS, which gives you more benefits for clients or anyone who wants to access FTP protocol, FTP utilities, SAN, and MSS."
"The snapshot functionality and the unified file system are definitely the most valuable features for us. The UFS allows everybody across the organization to see the exact same data at the same time, instead of having different file servers with different structures on them, and that's mission-critical. We have different branches throughout our organization that have to act on that data."
"I particularly like the restore process. Our financial teams make changes to spreadsheets and other files, and we've got teams using Photoshop files. They make mistakes and need to recover files, and we can do that instantly. We also have users who manage to delete folders, and we can bring them back instantly within a few seconds."
"The most valuable feature is the simplicity of the backup and restore functions."
"The most valuable feature is disaster recovery. We can fully recover a site in two hours."


"Some of our customers are facing issues if they've deployed in hybrid mode."
"Everything they have should be integrated into one item."
"The configuration on the mobile devices is a little clunky, in terms of setting up the application."
"DLP features are lacking and required because, especially with everyone working from home, security is now paramount when the data is on BYOD devices."
"There are sometimes scalability issues after updates."
"My only issue with this solution is the cost, which should be improved."
"The user interface is not very intuitive."
"They should integrate the solution with more email services."
"Room for improvement would be the speed of replication of new files. I would also like to see cloud mirroring."
"The user-friendliness of its access needs improvement. When I log into the console, I see all the files that we handle globally. There are hundreds of Nasuni files that I can see on the console, but no way that I can filter them down. While this is a small thing, I need to scroll down and select the ones that I want. "Control F" doesn't work nor is there a dropdown menu that I can click on and select the ones that I want."
"The only thing that I'd like to see is more support for platforms like OneDrive or"
"When users from one office save their changes, their peers in another office can see the changes within minutes. Of course, this is an area for constant improvement and we hope that they can still reduce the amount of time it takes to replicate changes."
"One thing to consider is that Nasuni will have the same limitations that a traditional file storage solution will have, although that is because they are taking the place of a traditional architectural model. For example, Office 365 supports collaboration on documents such as Excel files and Word documents, but because Nasuni is a traditional file server, in that sense, it can't make use of that functionality."
"We forecasted that the data at my client's organization would grow by about ten percent annually, but we are migrating more data because we are bringing in some servers that had not previously been within the scope of our license. We expected it would take us two years to reach a specific amount of data, but we hit that mark in one year. The licensing cost skyrocketed, so we need to renegotiate. It puts us in a bind because we are reliant on Nasuni for our service strategy. We can't deny our customers, but we also struggle to pay for that."
"Some of their cross-platform features are really good, but it could always use more."
"The speed at which new files are created is something that could be improved. For example, if you create a new file in another country, I won't see it for between 10 and 15 minutes."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"You have to work hard in order to get the suitable licenses."
"Citrix has a very good file auditing features and security features."
"If you are already a Citrix customer, I recommend having the Platinum licensing level, as it provides licensing for a number of various features that all integrate together."
"I give the cost of the solution a five out of five."
"It has a license fee as well as hardware costs, which we would incur if we want to use Nasuni Cloud Storage Gateway for upgrades."
"There are cheaper forms of storage, but Nasuni is fairly priced for the functionality it offers. I can get basic file shares provisioned in Azure and pay for the storage and the CPU. The overall cost would be much less than Nasuni, but I would need to build the management console and encryption process, so it would cost a lot to develop that kind of functionality."
"They could lower the cost, but it saves so much money when you go into it (by losing all the backup)."
"With this solution, the license renewal is pretty swift. With the virtual appliance, you just need to take care of the OS versions and patches. In a way, we don't have to struggle much with renewals because the only thing that we need to take care of are the licenses. We renew it every three years. This aspect goes with infrastructural costs because it doesn't cost us too much to maintain the solution."
"Nasuni should provide small-scale licenses, like a 20 TB license. Currently, the smallest is a 30 TB license."
"It's cheaper than a lot of alternatives but it's not cheap."
"I would not say it is economically priced, but it is affordable. If you can afford to pay for it, it is worth the money, but it is definitely not overpriced. It is priced about where it needs to be in the market. We were satisfied with the way they did their licensing and how they handled it. I believe they actually license by data size. It is based on how much data is being held on the machine and replicated, and that's completely understandable. So, for us, their pricing was as expected and affordable."
"Its pricing can get a tad expensive. When we first took Nasuni out, we were just paying for the service. We got storage at a reduced rate. It has now changed, and they're now more of an all-in-one type of thing. It can be quite expensive, but it works out. Apart from that, licensing-wise, it's very simple."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Legal Firm
Financial Services Firm
Construction Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Construction Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What needs improvement with Citrix ShareFile?
They should integrate the solution with more email services. That would be very helpful.
What is your primary use case for Citrix ShareFile?
We use the solution primarily for sending and receiving encrypted files. It helps us share large files as well.
Does Nasuni have a good pricing model?
Based on the experience of my organization, Nasuni is definitely worth the money, since it gives you an all-in-one solution where you'd usually need several programs. About the cost, there isn't a ...
Is it easy to restore files with Nasuni?
As someone who has used this feature of Nasuni I can tell you - yes, it's good for file recovery and you'll definitely benefit from very quick times. I can't tell you if it's the best one because I...
What features and services does Nasuni offer?
Hi, if you pick Nasuni, you'll be benefiting from many services for a good price. Well, it's a personalized price you get after an agreement with the company but in my organization's case, it is a ...



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Sample Customers

Exelon, Aer Lingus, Aloysius Stichting, Amnet Technology Solutions, Arup Group Ltd., Brasfield and Gorrie, Cancer Research UK, Carlock, Copeland & Stair LLC, ChanceLightŽ Behavioral Health & Education
American Standard, CBRE, Cushman & Wakefield, E*TRADE, Ithaca Energy, McLaren Construction, Morton Salt, Movado, Urban Outfitters, Western Digital
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