Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service) vs Citrix Workspace comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Sep 1, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Citrix DaaS (formerly Citri...
Ranking in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Virtualization (1st), Remote Access (5th), Desktop as a Service (DaaS) (1st)
Citrix Workspace
Ranking in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) category, the mindshare of Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service) is 2.3%, down from 7.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Citrix Workspace is 5.0%, down from 10.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Unique Categories:
Application Virtualization
Remote Access
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Alan Thomas - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 27, 2023
A robust virtualization software that is stable and scalable
I use the solution to give my workers access to several application in the form of Citrix internal applications for the company We had an old software that our servers did not support. So we moved to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops for cyber engineering in India and Mexico. The support offered…
Mar 7, 2024
Helps users to deal in the area concerning virtualized apps and desktops
In my company's daily operations, we use the product to provide virtualized desktops to users. The tool eases up the replacement of PCs. It also requires very less physical parts, making it a greener product. The product helps in the functioning of remote or hybrid work in our company since once it is implemented in the environment, it is much safer to use when compared to VPNs. Users can access the data center with the help of the product since they just get to use the screen, and it is a lot more secure than the offerings from the other solution. To get the ability of the security aspect of Citrix Workspace to meet the organizational needs, our company needs to put in a bit of effort. It is not an easy solution when it comes to the security aspect. The automation capabilities of the product that streamlines processes is not an area that is required much since our organization does not deal with a lot of automation involving Citrix Workspace. I recommend the product to others who plan to use it. Before opting for the product's implementation, one should be aware of their hardware and have really good sizing capabilities. I rate the product's integration capabilities a seven out of ten, considering it integrates well with other products. I rate the solution an eight out of ten.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Stable product with straightforward setup."
"Citrix is used by many organizations to make it possible to streamline the way different developers work together from different locations."
"First of all, the manageability of the applications for publishing is valuable. Second, it is about being able to run the applications on all main platforms. Third, its licensing is valuable. You can either switch to the cloud and keep on-prem. You can work with this hybrid scenario."
"It has improved delivering applications to remote locations with its lower bandwidth utilization."
"Citrix offers a range of products that can be used straight out of the box."
"The App is the most valuable feature."
"The Provisioning Services are the most valuable feature. We have Premium licensing, so Provisioning Services is huge for us, along with the Virtual Apps and Desktops part. It allows us to have a vDisk for every region, one that can easily be copied between them if we need to, to limit the amount of updates we have to do."
"Because of the solution's ubiquity, it is easier to find answers to problems than with competitive products."
"The price and user interface are great."
"The most valuable feature of Citrix Workspace is the virtual desktop that we can use anywhere, at any time, and without taking our laptop."
"The most valuable feature is the seamless application edition with the low-level network bandwidth because we have between 10 and 15 sites in France with a low level of communication needs. We need to deploy our main application, the ERP system, and we needed an efficient solution to provide a solution to the remote sites, with very small links between the data center and the remote site."
"Getting access to the applications for which we otherwise have to be on-site is probably the biggest advantage"
"The most valuable feature of the solution stems from the convenience and the ease of setup the tool provides."
"The ease of access and the confidentiality and security that it provides is what we like best."
"Ability to connect remotely."
"The basic virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) feature is most valuable. We were lucky to have it in place when the pandemic hit. It is used very heavily now."


"Tech support can be slow if you do not receive help from the US representatives."
"Pricing can be lower and roaming profiles need to be fixed to work consistently."
"Citrix should consolidate the multiple tools currently required into a single platform."
"Direct connection of USB devices on the terminals to be used by streamed applications is very important for printing and the usage of token authentication, but the current version does not support this one hundred percent."
"I would like to see simplification in the management of the on-prem infrastructure component of Citrix DaaS, particularly in the studio tool used to manage the DaaS infrastructure."
"There is room for improvement on the hypervisor side, providing better integration between the hypervisor and the product line. I suspect that they haven't put the work into that because of the move to the cloud. They want everything to be cloud-hosted. But for folks like us, who will always be a hybrid model, that's of some concern."
"The visibility the solution provides across SaaS, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments, for user and application traffic, is also limited if you do not enable all the services and is based on which services you are utilising. Citrix provides end-to-end visibility based on their services you are utilising."
"The speed and connectivity of Citrix DaaS could be improved."
"I've recently tried to use Citrix on Ubuntu, and I don't know if this is an Ubuntu issue or a vendor issue, but you can't use Citrix right now on Ubuntu 20.04."
"Citrix duplicates multiple processes."
"It takes time to load."
"The lag when using Skype or Screen Sharing with multiple users needs to improve, as it makes it difficult for us to continue when we have to restart the system."
"The initial setup is very complex."
"This solution is resource-intensive, it takes a lot of Bandwidth and a lot of the resources of the server."
"They can simplify the process of printers. Printers were quite a difficult issue. It took us a long time to iron this issue out. We have the most simple use case where people connect from home to either a virtual machine or their physical desktop. We tried more complex solutions like Machine Creation Services, and they were more overhead than they were worth for us. I found them difficult to work with and confusing, and they were not worth the work for us."
"If there are connectivity issues, there are stability issues."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"In terms of pricing with the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, I think it has gotten better over the years. Citrix has found more dynamic ways to be able to revive licensing models that fit many different scenarios that organizations have. We have been able to evolve our own licensing over the years to accommodate our situations between concurrent versus user device licenses. Now, when we move into the Citrix Workspace realm, we definitely have some awesome options there."
"Based not only on the cost of Citrix, but additional costs like firewalls, IPS, and other solutions, the total cost of switching users from using normal laptops with VPNs to connection via Citrix were so huge that the CEO of our company decided to postpone the deployment process."
"The licensing, in general, is expensive. A lot of customers battle to pay the amount. It's very difficult to ensure that your solution provides the business value that the customer is after."
"It is an expensive solution. I rate its pricing a nine out of ten."
"We're paying for a standard license and, in my view, the price is too high. I would be satisfied with it if it were reduced by about 20-30%. Right now, I would rate the pricing a five out of ten."
"The cost of the Citrix software reflects what I would expect a product of that nature, in that market, to be. Understanding the licensing is quite a bit more complicated, because one of the things about Citrix is that you can buy licensing at different levels... Yet I still like the idea because it means that if all you need is a basic load balancing solution, then you don't need to buy an advanced or premium license."
"I think it is a little high priced."
"It is quite expensive, but so are the competitors on the market."
"We don't have a lot to compare it to, but we certainly think whatever we pay is worthwhile at this point in time. It's very reasonable."
"We are just now approaching the end of our initial purchase, which was an excellent price for us as an academic institution. We got a very good deal to get us on board. That license is up for renewal in about a year, and we are nervously waiting to see what the pricing will be."
"The price of the solution could be less expensive. There are different versions to their solution and the price keeps increasing."
"My company opts for the yearly subscription model to pay towards the licensing costs attached to the solution."
"We are seeing a return on investment with Citrix Workspace."
"As for the cost, it is neither cheap nor expensive. Personally, I find it quite expensive, especially if you want to add more features. The security features we use include App Protect and Endpoint Protection."
"The licensing of Citrix Workspace is worth it. However, it is expensive. Citrix is probably more competitive now than VMware, but it is still a costly solution."
"If one is a high price and ten is a low price, I rate the tool's price a three."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops?
My focus has primarily been on publishing virtual applications.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops?
I rate the product’s pricing a seven out of ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive.
What needs improvement with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops?
The Citrix DaaS application is a bit heavy when it comes to mobile access, and it should function more smoothly. For example, the Citrix mobile app takes a long time to log in and should work even ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Citrix Workspace?
As for the cost, it is neither cheap nor expensive. Personally, I find it quite expensive, especially if you want to add more features. The security features we use include App Protect and Endpoint...
What needs improvement with Citrix Workspace?
Citrix Workforce is good, but it needs improvement in diagnosing network issues. When errors occur, it is difficult to determine if they're due to network issues, Workspace issues, or environment i...

Also Known As

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, XenDesktop, XenApp (Citrix Virtual Apps)
Citrix Workspace Cloud

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Sample Customers

Exelon, Aeronamic, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Alameda County Medical Center, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Aloysius Stichting, Amarchand Mangaldas, AmBev, Amnet Technology Solutions, Arval
Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority
Find out what your peers are saying about Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service) vs. Citrix Workspace and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.