Cisco Intersight vs HPE OneView comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Cisco Intersight
Ranking in IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Management (15th)
HPE OneView
Ranking in IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the IT Infrastructure Monitoring category, the mindshare of Cisco Intersight is 2.8%, up from 2.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of HPE OneView is 1.4%, down from 2.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Unique Categories:
Cloud Management
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

David Fartouk - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 21, 2024
Helps know whether a solution is deployed correctly, but the automation capabilities are difficult to use
We use the solution for server management across various locations With Intersight, it is pretty simple to manage all the environments. We don't really need to deploy any management solution. Intersight can validate our environment. It tells us if the environment has issues and whether they are…
Trevor Watkins - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 24, 2023
Provides firmware compliance and the ability to connect to iPO
I'm using this solution for Windows and Linux servers, backup servers, and Oracle database servers. We're using a mix of two versions. We have version 7 and version 6.60. The solution is deployed on-premises. There are currently six people using this solution in my organization. We currently don't…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Our organization uses Cisco Intersight since it helps manage our physical infrastructure."
"I like Intersight because of the integration with HashiCorp, Kubernetes, and each cloud because Intersight is the IO module."
"The tool helps to manage Cisco servers."
"Provides an overall view using a single portal."
"Cisco Intersight has valuable features for workflow automation and inventory administration."
"What I like most about Cisco Intersight is its manageability."
"Scalable portfolio of services for remote device management, with good cloud integration. It's also easy to set up."
"We enjoy having an inside view of all the data centers and all the EdgeX nodes within a single portal rather than going into the EdgeX connections one by one."
"We lose less time managing the machines."
"Gives us one platform to monitor and access or configure all the servers or the 3PAR, etc."
"The best part is that you can integrate a two-way network. Earlier we could not manage the storage and ToR switch. Now we can create a LAN with our storage without any interface. In terms of switch management, it is now easy to understand the current configuration. It provides centralized management. It provides a single pane, and you can easily do all updates in one shot. It is a great product."
"​It is very stable. We have had no downtime nor issues in approximately a year. ​"
"Profile templates: The ability to generate the profiles and lay them down so the servers are built consistently. I would say that's probably the biggest piece of it."
"Just the ability to provision the servers with storage and network everything within one interface, not having to go into multiple interfaces to provision those pieces."
"It monitors all our servers, and if there is any problem it straight away sends us an alert. If It's a faulty component, we can see it from there. It sends an alert."
"Firmware compliance is one of the most valuable features."


"The product could be easy to use."
"Cisco Intersight needs some improvement in terms of stability. Hybrid cloud management and proper hyperscaler tie-up are other areas for improvement."
"It's a very complex solution."
"An area for improvement in Cisco Intersight is automation. It needs more automation capabilities. Apart from enhanced automation, I want Cisco Intersight to integrate with third-party monitoring tools in its next release."
"The solution needs some enhancement in order to build the cluster in two nodes."
"The usability must be better."
"The unique problem with Cisco Intersight is that it's not supporting some players."
"In the future, the solution needs to plan on an extension to cover a broader range of objects since, at present, there are some Cisco devices within the range of Intersight UCS that it can't manage."
"They can improve reporting and provide more customized reports. Currently, reporting is a bit limited. It can be complex to learn and manage for beginners. Because of my experience, I find it comfortable to manage, which might not be the case with beginners. It would be good if they can make it a little bit easier to understand. They can provide a more graphical view of connectivity and other things. Their technical support can also be improved."
"It's a little slow sometimes. Overall, I think it does what it's supposed to do. I think that as they evolve it, it'll get quicker."
"Specifically, it would be great if we had the ability to reapply the server profile faster."
"​Technical support is not very good. The engineers do not know a lot about the product​, even when asked simplistic questions."
"The network configuration part of HPE OneView needs improvement. The solution has way too many features, and there's a need for proper configuration indicators to be put in place."
"The logs are not proper."
"The speed and performance of the solution are areas where the product lacks and needs improvement."
"The main problem that we run into, as far as stability goes, is when something loses its profile. Sometimes it requires jumping through a number of "hoops" to really get it back."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"You can get a free license for monitoring but need to purchase a license if you need extra control."
"It's just the standard licensing cost. There are no additional fees."
"Cisco Intersight has competitive pricing. On a scale of one to five, my rating for its pricing is four."
"The product is cost-effective."
"Cisco Intersight is not cheap, but it's not the most expensive product either."
"This license cost for OneView was $3,000 USD."
"​Use it. It is free."
"When it comes to the government, money is never an issue, so it was excellent in terms of the HPE OneView licensing cost. Hitachi was cheaper, but I'd rate HPE OneView cost-wise as eight out of ten."
"Synergy does not require iLO licenses but servers and enclosures must be purchased."
"I think that the price of OneView is $500 USD per server, which is a little high."
"I would rate the cost as six out of ten."
"HPE could lower the price."
"HPE had some other solutions, but they were actually quite expensive to buy. So, when OneView came along, it was kind of reasonable in terms of price for licenses, etc."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Cisco Intersight?
Intersight can validate our environment.
What needs improvement with Cisco Intersight?
We used the solution's automation capabilities, but it wasn’t easy. It was part of why we took some time to deploy the solution. It didn't give us much value. It wasn't that good. Intersight is a p...
What is your primary use case for Cisco Intersight?
We use the solution for server management across various locations.
What do you like most about HPE OneView?
The most valuable features of HPE OneView are environment monitoring, the ease of firmware upgrade, and the ability to manage all the servers and the infrastructure from one team.
What needs improvement with HPE OneView?
The product does not work well. The logs are not proper.
What is your primary use case for HPE OneView?
HPE OneView is a management interface to manage hardware in a VMware environment. It is used for managing different servers and pushing out the firmware and operating software. I use HPE OneView fo...

Also Known As

HP OneView

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Sample Customers

EXMAR, RapidScale
Asante, ITS Nordics, Columbus Communications, Mansfield Oil
Find out what your peers are saying about Cisco Intersight vs. HPE OneView and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.