Auvik Network Management (ANM) vs LogicMonitor comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 29, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Juniper Mist Premium Analytics
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Auvik Network Management (ANM)
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IT Infrastructure Monitoring (3rd), Network Troubleshooting (3rd), Cloud Monitoring Software (4th), Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) (2nd)
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IT Infrastructure Monitoring (12th), Container Monitoring (5th), Cloud Monitoring Software (13th), AIOps (7th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the IT Infrastructure Monitoring category, the mindshare of Juniper Mist Premium Analytics is 0.1%, up from 0.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Auvik Network Management (ANM) is 0.7%, down from 0.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of LogicMonitor is 1.6%, down from 2.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Unique Categories:
Network Monitoring Software
Container Monitoring

Featured Reviews

Shiva_Prasad - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 25, 2024
A cloud solution for warehousing with a troubleshooting feature
The initial setup is straightforward. It's based on user requirements. We also conduct heat mapping using a couple of tools. The only requirement is to understand the technical or configuration aspects from the user's end and then configure it. Mist takes no more than 15 to 20 minutes for a particular deployment. You need to understand the end user's environment and have a concrete plan on whether it's a greenfield installation or an existing one, considering the density and height. Based on that, we need to develop a passive heat map. Then, you need to discuss with the user to understand exactly what needs to be configured and what they require in their environment. Based on that, you can proceed with the installation. Additionally, you can perform post-installation heat mapping to ensure it matches the earlier heat map. I rate the initial setup an eight out of ten, where one is difficult, and ten is easy.
Chris Swecker - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 23, 2024
Provides full network visibility and reduces our MTTR
Integrating Auvik Network Management is easy and their support is fantastic, which helps the process. Auvik provides an intuitive interface. The user-friendly interface makes network troubleshooting quicker. Auvik's network map, combined with its dashboard, provides us with a more real-time view of our network health. We've even found that sharing this real-time data with our clients has been well-received. Using the network map is extremely easy. Their network map gives us full network visibility. We don't use any other tools. Switching to Auvik offered immediate advantages. Not only was it more affordable than our previous solution, but it also proved to be far more reliable. The rollout process was remarkably smooth, standing out as one of the easiest we've ever experienced with any new tool. Auvik empowered our entry-level technicians to solve more tickets on their own freeing up our senior team member's workloads. It has helped reduce our mean time to resolution by 85 percent. Auvik helps us streamline our network management by reducing the time spent on setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting. It provides a quicker and more comprehensive view of the entire network. For instance, we can easily visualize network loops or identify connected devices to specific switches. This significantly reduces the time required to obtain basic network infrastructure information compared to traditional text-based methods. As an MSP supporting multiple clients, Auvik empowers us to share this information and ensure client comprehension quickly.
Vinil Vijayan - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 12, 2023
Reliable with good monitoring features and excellent support
It is a complete infrastructure monitoring tool. It can be used to monitor your network devices, your servers, et cetera. It is a good tool, actually We didn't have a monitoring tool previously, so we monitored via independent components. Once we implemented LogicMonitor, we gained a centralized…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The single dashboard is a valuable feature."
"We can manage the entire system across the network and troubleshoot the pain points."
"Auvik's visual mapping and search features have been very useful. We can locate precisely where each device is on the map."
"The most valuable feature of Auvik is the remote access functionality."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to see usage alerts on all of our devices."
"Auvik offers free monitoring for all devices except routers and firewalls. This includes devices like network-attached devices, PCs, and printers, making it cost-effective for monitoring a wide range of assets."
"Auvik is easy to use. The first thing you see when you open it up is a map of the United States or wherever you are, and it shows the locations of all of your network endpoints. For discovery, you set credentials and manage the credentials and it tells you when it needs a new credential. So you just click the "Manage Credentials" button and it takes you to the right spot. You enter in a new credential and then it starts looking closer at the device. It can give you all kinds of information from inside the device's log. We use it for CIS logs and we use it for just regular logging. The CIS log was something I was looking for in the other products, just so we have a place for the CIS logs to congregate so we can look them up."
"I like Auvik's alerts. We can configure the alerts for a specific timeframe, i.e., we can set it to alert us when devices have been offline for a specific amount of minutes. If a device or port is flapping, we can ignore it or allow only the first alert to come in and mute the subsequent alerts."
"It's easy to get the information I need. I don't need to hunt for it or run queries to get it."
"The discovery portion of it is extremely valuable. It allows us to get a good inventory of what is actually on a client's network. You can turn on TrafficInsights, which is basically a NetFlow feature, for troubleshooting. It allows you to get more detailed information on what's going on with a particular device. So, you could determine why a client is complaining that the internet is slow at 1:00 p.m. every day."
"LogicMonitor helps us prevent potential downtime. It's pretty good. It generates low-level warnings that aren't necessarily preemptive but can still alert us to issues we should investigate. These warnings allow us to correlate data and identify areas where we should take action, even if the issues aren't critical."
"The dashboarding is very useful. Being able to create custom data sources is one of its biggest features which allows quick time to market with new features. If one of our vendors changes their data format or metrics that we should be monitoring, then we can quickly adjust to any changes in the environment in order to get a great user experience for our customers."
"It is easy to set up and monitor an entire facility. This is crucial because we have around 80 facilities that require monitoring. LifePoint is a hub-and-spoke environment, so it is essential to understand all of the WAN interfaces."
"Having a full team at LogicMonitor for support is super helpful as they are available all the time to answer any questions you may have."
"The concept of developing a dashboard template for ourselves, then cloning it for every single customer, and only having to change one piece of information, is a godsend. That's one of the strengths. We can develop a template that fits every customer and just change the information that is presented."
"The alerting would be number one in my book. The thresholds for getting alerts for different criteria are pretty well-thought-out. We don't get many false positives or negatives on the alerting side. If we do get an email alert or some similar alert, we know that it is something that has to be looked at."
"The most valuable feature is the visualization of the data that it is collecting. I have used many products in the past and they tend to roll up the data. So, if you're looking at data over long periods of time, they start averaging the data, which can skew the figures that you're looking at. With LogicMonitor, they have the raw data there for two years, if you are an enterprise customer. If you are looking at that long duration of data, you're seeing exactly what happened during that time."
"We get full visibility into whatever the customer wants us to monitor and we get it pretty rapidly. That is very important. Only having certain metrics that other platforms will give you out-of-the-box means you only get a small picture, a thumbnail picture. Whereas with LogicMonitor, you get the entire "eight by 10 picture", out-of-the-box. Rather than some availability metrics, you get everything. You get metrics on temperature, anything related to hardware failure, or up and down status."


"The technical support needs improvement."
"The Wi-Fi side needs improvement."
"I've had some trouble using Auvik's device proxy, which allows technicians to connect to network devices through Auvik's platform."
"Auvik's notifications could be better."
"I require the monitoring of Linux devices and it doesn't support them. Although we've done a trial, we're not going to carry on with it. We've already gone with another product. Also, seeing the topology is quite useful, but it's not really suitable for a large enterprise."
"Using the normal uninstall process was not able to remove any of the controllers from any of the devices."
"The quality of technical support varies greatly."
"Setting up the maintenance windows can be a bit complicated."
"Its interface is very sluggish, and that's probably its biggest impediment."
"A feature I'd like to see is a stat breakdown of our networks at the end of every month, showing package drop rates for each network and so on. For example, this data delivered in an email would be a good feature."
"It needs better access for customizing and adding monitoring from the repository. That would be helpful. It seems like you have to search through the forums to figure out what specific pieces you need to get in for specific monitoring, if it's a nonstandard piece of equipment or process. You have to hunt and find certain elements to get them in place. If they could make it a bit easier rather having to find the right six-digit code to put in so it implements, that would be helpful."
"LogicMonitor should always improve AI because we are always striving for real intelligence. An additional feature we'd like to see in the next release of LogicMonitor is more in the area of identification of when the dominant workload is working. There are certain devices and applications that have cycles of their own. Some are used primarily during prime time, and some are used during the overnight timeframe, and better identification and classification of those workloads would be helpful. For example, we could then do some more planning about, for this particular set of devices, as it has a prime time environment, and we don't want to see a 24-hour average, as we want to see what is the 75th or 90th percentile utilization during the prime time when it is being used, whenever that prime time is."
"Role-based permissions could be better and updating modules could be smoother."
"Automated remediation of issues has room for improvement. I don't know how best to handle it, but I know that they're kind of working on it. I know there are some resources that can do automated remediation. I would like them to improve this area so it could be completely hands-free, where it detects an issue, such as, if a CPU is running high. There are ways to do it even now, but it's a bit more involved."
"There are some very specific things that need improvement in LogicMonitor. One is the lack of formatting for customized alerts, particularly the delivery of them to our email channel. We'd also like to see further customization of dashboards. Finally, something that is specific to us as an MSP that uses LogicMonitor, is white-labeling or skinning of the product, so we can make it look more customer-focused for our customers."
"There is a lack of automation, especially in terms of remediating problems. The problem is seen and identified, but there is a need and a gap where LogicMonitor can help us automate the remediation of the problem."
"Their Logs feature is quite new. It is not as feature-rich as we would like it to be. There have been a couple of conversations internally around other log management tools, like Splunk, which may do more for us than LM Logs. The benefit of LogicMonitor is that our staff know how to use it, so we don't really want to move away from it, if we don't have to. I fully expect there to be more development in this area. It is their newest feature, so it is understandable that it hasn't evolved as some of the other stuff. It would be good to see a bit more development in this area, but I think the monitoring side of things is spot on."
"One of the areas that I sometimes find confusing is the way that the data is presented. For example, a couple of weeks back I was looking at bandwidth utilization. That's quite a difficult thing to present, but they should try to dumb down how the data is presented and simplify what they're presenting."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is expensive."
"Auvik is not cheap. They've done a great job, it's a developed product, but you pay for it. When you compare, it's definitely in the upper-tier of pricing."
"It can get expensive quickly if we monitor a lot of devices, which is unfortunate because we have a lot of devices to monitor."
"Auvik is definitely one of the more expensive platforms. It is not cheap at all. If cost is an issue, Auvik isn't on the table at all, but they do have a fantastic solution for the cost. If budget isn't a concern, they are probably the market leader. We migrated away from it to a competitor called Domotz because of pricing. Auvik bills per what they call a billable device, which is a firewall, a switch, and a controller. All of those count as billable devices. Domotz, as an alternative, bills per site. It's a flat fee for the whole site. So, whether you've got 3 switches or 10 switches, it's the same cost."
"Auvik Network Management's pricing was surprisingly reasonable."
"The billing is excellent. The way they bill it, in most environments, it's not that expensive. The billing is very cost-effective."
"They are way too lenient in their pricing. To put that simply, I can have an entire network being monitored and it will cost nothing, as long as I'm not monitoring the firewall or the switches."
"It's great for small businesses, but when you start reviewing the pricing model, depending on how many devices, and what sub-devices you decide to pull in, it can get tricky as far as the pricing goes."
"Auvik's pricing is fair overall, but some advanced stuff is a little expensive. I like that the licensing model is based on switches instead of endpoints. We don't use some of the more advanced features because they're a little beyond our price range. We're using the tool internally, but the expense is passed on to the customer, and the advanced features aren't something that most customers are willing to pay for."
"It definitely pays for itself in the amount of time we're not spending with false errors or things that we haven't quite dealt with monitoring. It has been good cost-wise."
"We have definitely seen ROI with LogicMonitor. We used to provide 24/7 IT support for our users. We have since been able to change to operating just within normal business hours for IT support, and LogicMonitor was a large part of being able to accomplish that."
"The solution is not expensive."
"I know we are saving at least several hundred thousand dollars in that we're not buying Cisco Prime."
"We've had customers who have reduced their costs by not having multiple platforms for monitoring. That said, especially with super-large environments, the cost model for LogicMonitor is the one area where we run into issues."
"In terms of pricing, I would rate LogicMonitor four out of five."
"We pay for the enterprise tech support."
"It can handle scaling. It is like any other cloud service. There is a cost associated with scaling, so we currently don't monitor all of our environments. We monitor just the customer-facing production environments. It would be nice if we could monitor our dominant environments, but we will have to pay a lot more due to the scaling issue. So, there's a balance there between what we would like and what we are willing to pay for."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Construction Company
Educational Organization
Comms Service Provider
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Juniper Mist Premium Analytics?
We can manage the entire system across the network and troubleshoot the pain points.
What do you like most about Auvik?
The most valuable feature for us in Auvik is the network topology.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Auvik?
The pricing is a bit more on the higher end. If you are paying by device and you have a hundred billable devices, the...
What needs improvement with Auvik?
We might have encountered a bug. We notified Auvik when we had an issue with every single installation of their contr...
What is the best network monitoring software for large enterprises?
It actually depends on the exact purpose or requirements. Some tools are better for only network devices while others...
What do you like most about LogicMonitor?
LogicMonitor helps us prevent potential downtime. It's pretty good. It generates low-level warnings that aren't neces...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for LogicMonitor?
The pricing can vary yearly or monthly, depending on the clients we're working with and their size and scale. For exa...



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Kayak, Zendesk, Ted Baker, Trulia, Sophos, iVision, TekLinks, Siemens
Find out what your peers are saying about Auvik Network Management (ANM) vs. LogicMonitor and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.