AuthLite vs JumpCloud comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Secure Web Gateways (SWG) (23rd), Internet Security (8th), Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB) (11th), ZTNA as a Service (14th), Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) (15th)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Authentication Systems (27th)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Single Sign-On (SSO) (8th), Identity Management (IM) (9th), Enterprise Password Managers (7th), Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) (IAMaaS) (6th), ZTNA as a Service (10th), Active Directory Bridge (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the ZTNA as a Service category, the mindshare of iboss is 2.5%, up from 0.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of AuthLite is 1.1%, up from 0.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of JumpCloud is 2.2%, up from 0.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
ZTNA as a Service
Unique Categories:
Secure Web Gateways (SWG)
Internet Security
Authentication Systems
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Identity Management (IM)

Featured Reviews

Sep 25, 2021
Stable and quick to set up but needs more clear status information for end users
The solution is a corporate proxy server, an intelligence proxy From a corporate perspective, I understand that it's important to keep the company data safe. From a corporate point of view, it's a good solution. The solution is stable. The solution can scale.  It was a very easy product to…
Use AuthLite?
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Feb 1, 2023
High availability, streamlined functionality, and beneficial central management dashboard
JumpCloud could improve the user interface. While it has certainly come a long way, there is still room for improvement in terms of simplifying and making it more intuitive for the user. In my opinion, the UI/UE could benefit from some modifications to enhance the overall user experience. I have suggested some changes to JumpCloud regarding this matter as I believe that they have the potential to further enhance the platform and make it even more user-friendly. There are certain small features within the system that users may not be familiar with, as they may have previously used different systems with different user interfaces. If tomorrow JumpCloud were to present a new and improved version, it should include asset management as a new and innovative feature. Currently, JumpCloud only offers device management, which is a great feature. However, there should be the option to manage other physical hardware items, such as screen monitors, keyboards, mouses, etc. These are items that are connected to electricity but do not have any physical software updates. A feature for managing these assets would be extremely beneficial and make my life easier in this new JumpCloud. If JumpCloud were to introduce asset management as a new feature in their future updates. Although I understand that I cannot physically update the screens, I still need to manage them. This would include keeping track of how many screens I have, whether one of them has stopped working, and if I had to replace it. The ability to keep a record of these things would be extremely beneficial and make managing my assets much easier.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is expensive compared to one of its competitors."
Information not available
"The solution is pretty expensive."
"Licensing cost can be anywhere between $2 and $18 a month depending on what you want to do."
"I am pretty sure that the cost to acquire JumpCloud is less. They have à la carte or per-user pricing. The pricing is there on their webpage. I am not sure if they have any enterprise pricing or discounts if you have more users. But the overall pricing is less than Okta."
"We are using an enterprise license for JumpCloud. We have purchased a license for approximately $3,000 a year, but we are charged more than $135,000 annually."
"The pricing is all on the JumpCloud website. It's not hidden, you don't have to go through a show me a quote type procedure. The pricing is straightforward to understand."
"JumpCloud's monthly license costs around $25 for the complete solution."
"The cost of the solution is approximately $12 per user. However, the cost depends on what modules you're using. They have an all-in-one package and they do have tiers. For example, the more users you have, the cheaper it ends up being in the end too. I know they've done some changes to the pricing model and I haven't been involved in a lot of the licensing lately. I don't know the exact cost at this time."
"The pricing model changed about 18 months ago. It used to be that you got 10 users free, and then you paid for any user above 10 users. Now, when you go above 10 users, you pay for every user. It has become a bit more expensive, but it's such a good product. When you take into account Microsoft licenses, if you were to run Active Directory, you'd need a server to put it on, or you would need a couple of servers, backup, etc. It's a no-brainer. JumpCloud is so much easier to manage from my perspective, regardless of the cost increase. It's just brilliant."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Manufacturing Company
No data available
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about iboss?
Content filtering is the most useful feature of iboss.
What needs improvement with iboss?
Sometimes the agent stops working in iboss, and we have to reinstall the agent. This is a hiccup that iboss should im...
What is your primary use case for iboss?
We use iboss for the proxy solution. I used iboss in my organization to block a few sites for a few of my employees.
Ask a question
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What do you like most about JumpCloud?
The product enables device management.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for JumpCloud?
The solution is pretty expensive. It costs us EUR 250 per user per month. It was a point of hesitation for us. We can...
What needs improvement with JumpCloud?
We need more multi-factor authentication possibilities. I opened a ticket for it. However, it is not configurable in ...



Also Known As

iBoss Cloud Platform
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Sample Customers

More than 4,000 global enterprises trust the iboss Cloud Platform to support their modern workforces, including a large number of Fortune 50 companies.
Information Not Available, GoFundMe, Grab, ClassPass, Uplight, Beyond Finance, Foursquare
Find out what your peers are saying about Zscaler, Palo Alto Networks, Check Point Software Technologies and others in ZTNA as a Service. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.