Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability (5th), Mobile APM (3rd), Container Monitoring (3rd)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Event Monitoring (3rd), Network Monitoring Software (11th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability category, the mindshare of AppDynamics is 5.7%, down from 6.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SCOM is 1.5%, up from 1.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Unique Categories:
Mobile APM
Container Monitoring
Event Monitoring
Network Monitoring Software

Featured Reviews

May 2, 2023
Useful monitoring, scales well, and straightforward implementation
The process of implementing AppDynamics is straightforward, but it ultimately depends on your specific use case. You can easily implement an agent if you have a simple use case. There is an agent that needs to be copied into the project and actioned to start. Using it can be somewhat complex as it requires manual configuration, such as when creating a dashboard. If you have a more complex use case, the manual configuration can take a considerable amount of time. Additionally, there is a learning curve associated with this tool, and it takes time to gain expertise. It is not something that anyone can easily configure without investing the necessary time and effort. It takes three to four months to become an expert in the tool to be able to use it effectively.
Trevor Watkins - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 24, 2023
Helps us monitor the health of our servers and has improved our ability to restart services
Our primary use case for the solution is monitoring the health of our Windows servers. We deploy the solution on-premises The solution has improved our overrides and the ability to start services if they're stopped. We have been using the solution for approximately one year and currently using…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The real user monitoring helps us evaluate our customers' real experiences, which is valuable as an eCommerce company."
"The flow map is very valuable to us. Before we installed APM, we had no idea how our application looked."
"We can make custom alerts in our system for specific issues like high CPU utilization or application downtime."
"Provides monitoring more around business processes versus just servers, applications, etc. E.g., with complex systems, where a business process passes across multiple applications, the business needs us to monitor the heath of the process, not just a segment of the application."
"AppDynamics provides us with detailed information about the performance of the underlying infrastructure, including servers, databases, and external services."
"After we implemented this solution, we can easily determine the root cause of issues."
"The solution helps us save a lot of time on certain tasks."
"The initial setup is simple."
"It discovers the components automatically, which is a fantastic thing. The discovery works in an automatic way, and it has a dynamic way of discovering the components, assets, and applications. It doesn't require any manual intervention."
"The ease of deployment, especially on Windows platforms, is valuable."
"This is a product that does more generally than any of the competing solutions."
"Because it's Windows-based, it actually reports quite well. It reports everything you can think of on the Windows server and allows you to monitor anything. It's excellent for those in the Windows world as it's very good at it."
"The most valuable features in SCOM are Azure monitoring and integration with Azure Monitor for monitoring Azure-hosted servers from SCOM on-premises."
"This solution saves us a lot of work because it reduces the effort that is required in order to start monitoring."
"The stability has been great."
"The solution is scalable. If you want to monitor more you have to buy more licenses, but you can add on. We don't plan to increase usage."


"Regarding Search Guard functionality, there is room for improvement."
"AppDynamics is a solution that requires extra learning and could be more user-friendly. Additionally, automated reports would helpful similar to have they have in Google Analytics."
"The initial setup could be easier."
"Rolling out version upgrades is a difficult job at times."
"Their support should be improved. Clusters and monitoring can also be improved."
"The cloud licensing needs to be improved. It's quite pricey."
"There could log management features included in the product."
"AppDynamics' modules and hardware resources are very high."
"I would like to see them improve their network monitoring."
"There could be more integration of SIM in the solution."
"​I would like to better be able to monitor Oracle processes.​"
"They could provide better dashboards, detailed logs, and reports crucial for monitoring services in real-time."
"In terms of features that could be improved, I would say the agent integration into the operating system. We are having difficulties integrating Linux into some of the networking devices."
"All of the areas of reporting are very bad and need to be improved."
"SCOM's feature that notifies us when a server is down is not present in recent updates, which has weakened the product."
"Application monitoring must be improved."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing model for AppDynamics could be better. You have to subscribe to a yearly or a three-year licensing, which isn't very handy. The solution is one of the most expensive in the market today."
"AppDynamics is really pricey as it requires licenses for every feature."
"Take into consideration what you get for specific pricing models and how much it costs to add on things you may need later.​"
"The solution is highly expensive"
"We do not have any issues with the price."
"This solution is not the cheapest but it works well. You will end up doing more work with a cheaper solution than if you just spent the extra money on a better solution like this one."
"The product’s licencing policy is competitive. However, properly identify and size your needs to get the best rate."
"There is a license to use this solution. However, the clients pay for the licenses we are the service provider."
"We have an EA with Microsoft, and it comes as part of the EA."
"There is a license needed to use this solution and it is paid annually."
"The pricing and licensing are fair."
"The platform is cost-effective due to our existing Microsoft support."
"Our licensing fees are approximately $30 per user, per month."
"I don't know the exact cost because it's managed by our sales team, but Microsoft is on the higher side."
"SCOM's pricing is average."
"SCOM is part of the System Center suite and I am satisfied with the pricing."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Any advice about APM solutions?
There are many factors and we know little about your requirements (size of org, technology stack, management systems, the scope of implementation). Our goal was to consolidate APM and infra monitor...
APM tools for a Managed Service Provider - Dynatrace vs. AppDynamics vs. Aternity vs. Ruxit
Hi Avi! It's great to see your thorough approach to selecting an APM package for your MSP company. Considering your focus on SMBs and enterprises in Israel, Dynatrace seems like a solid choice with...
What do you like most about SCOM?
The tool helps to monitor Windows servers. It offers alerts from a central location.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for SCOM?
The platform is cost-effective due to our existing Microsoft support.
What needs improvement with SCOM?
They could provide better dashboards, detailed logs, and reports crucial for monitoring services in real-time.



Also Known As

AppD, AppDynamics APM
System Center Operations Manager, SCOM 2012



Sample Customers

Cisco, Sony, Nasdaq, Reserve Bank of New Zealand,, Puma, Fox News, DirecTV, Pizza Hut, T-Systems, Cornell University, OpenTable, BITMARCK, Green Mountain Power,, Overstock, Paddy Power, eHarmony, Kraft, The Motley Fool, The Container Store, and more See more customers
Dialog Telekom
Find out what your peers are saying about Datadog, Dynatrace, New Relic and others in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.