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Zabbix pros and cons

Vendor: Zabbix
4.1 out of 5
Badge Ranked 1
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Prominent pros & cons


Zabbix offers predictive functions that can detect issues before they occur.
It provides extensive monitoring capabilities including network traffic, Cisco switches, and virtual infrastructure.
The implementation process is straightforward and the system is both scalable and stable.
Integration capabilities and APIs enhance its flexibility and compatibility with third-party applications.
Features such as SNMP monitoring, templates, and custom module creation allow comprehensive and customized monitoring solutions.


Initial setup is complex and requires improvement.
Documentation could be improved for better clarity and detail.
Zabbix requires more features for cloud-specific monitoring and integrations.
Zabbix's high licensing fees are a disadvantage compared to competitors.
The reporting features need improvement, especially detailed inventory reporting.

Zabbix Pros review quotes

Shibu Babuchandran - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 29, 2022
The solution is quite mature and very stable.
Julian Lewis - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 31, 2021
I like being able to use proxy servers for different locations. The agents are pretty cool. They're easy to roll out. The standard out-of-the-box templates are also pretty easy to use. The integration with other learning products is also good. I have, in the past, used Slack, but we've integrated it with Microsoft Teams. We also use it for SMS with a service called Redcoat. It is very flexible. It does what I need it to do, and my manager is very happy because it doesn't cost anything. We are nearing 4,000 hosts inside Zabbix, and we've got another 6,000 access points to add to it. We've thrown everything at it, and it has managed to keep going. I am very impressed with the tool, and I'd shake their hand very hard if I got to say the compliments to the Zabbix team. They keep improving it and doing refreshes, which is one good thing about it. There is also online information as well as books that you can purchase if you're willing to read enough. There is a lot to pick up, but it is a pretty complete solution.
Apr 19, 2024
It has improved our server performance monitoring overall. We know right away when there are problems. It has built-in statistics, so we can go back and see if there's spiking. We can check what's happening every day around the same time and check the configuration to see if there's something that's running and needs to be fixed.
Learn what your peers think about Zabbix. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
May 28, 2021
Its overall flexibility is most valuable. When our customers have some custom applications that are not necessarily covered by the community or a standard monitoring tool, we use Zabbix to build our own modules with our own templates. This feature has been useful in using Zabbix for infrastructure and IT monitoring. It has also been useful for industrial equipment monitoring. Zabbix is very lightweight. It is efficient in terms of performance because it doesn't use a lot of resources.
Faustine Chisasa - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 10, 2024
It has an intuitive UI with beautiful graphs and customizable maps.
Jun 20, 2022
The flexibility of this solution is amazing.
Oct 22, 2020
It's a very reliable platform and we've never had any issues regarding the scalability or the stability of Zabbix.
Oct 24, 2022
There is less computing power needed for scaling.
Jun 11, 2019
Simple network monitoring that is easy to install and manage.
Apr 3, 2024
We use Zabbix to monitor our organization's IT infrastructure and workstations. We don't use Microsoft Intune since it's expensive. The tool's real-time alerting system has proved crucial for us, particularly when a new device joins a network that is not one of our own devices. It notifies us about the presence of this new device, allowing us to investigate further. Additionally, it alerts us about disk usage, memory usage, and the software installed on the machine.

Zabbix Cons review quotes

Shibu Babuchandran - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 29, 2022
Zabbix isn't very good at automation just yet.
Julian Lewis - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 31, 2021
The APM monitoring has room for improvement, although I hear that the new 5.2 version has some improvements in that area, and I'd like to give that a go. I would like to see a few more templates out there for different styles of monitoring. I use the Grafana interface for reporting. I would also like it to have an out-of-the-box ability to email reports. You can create reports, but to be able to email those reports would be really helpful. I've got users who are not interested in logging in and generating a report. They want it all pre-canned and sent to an email address. It would also be really handy if we could pin certain reports up onto platforms such as Teams or SharePoint. A GUI for the proxy server would be cool to have for debugging purposes and for the support teams to have a look at, but I don't know whether that's really feasible to do. I get enough from the log files themselves.
Apr 19, 2024
Sometimes, the documentation is a little bit written in Estonia – a country in Europe. The language barrier and translation to English can sometimes make it difficult to understand what they're trying to get at. It's just a language thing.
Learn what your peers think about Zabbix. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
May 28, 2021
Its UI should be improved. They did some improvements in version 5, but it could benefit from some more work. Its integrations should also be improved. They've been active for one year, and they seem to have noticed that. It has new integrations, but it could benefit from more integrations. As far as I know, there is no model to push statistics, metrics, or events towards Zabbix. This type of API isn't yet there, whereas some other tools provide an API for this.
Faustine Chisasa - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 10, 2024
The documentation gets a bit messy between versions and is not too detailed, which is a bit painful for first-timers, especially when they run into issues.
Jun 20, 2022
Documentation terminology could be improved.
Oct 22, 2020
Zabbix technical support is sold separately.
Oct 24, 2022
The event correlation could be better.
Jun 11, 2019
The product delivers false positives during reporting because of flapping. Other reasonably priced alternatives may have better performance.
Apr 3, 2024
In the next release, I'm hoping for features targeted towards larger users with more customizable options. Despite this, I think pre-canned reports that can be used straight out of the box would be beneficial rather than having to configure each report individually. Additionally, a deeper dive into software configurations on the machines would be useful, although I understand there may be challenges in implementing this due to scripting requirements. More documentation would also be appreciated.