
Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Oct 11, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Juniper Mist Premium Analytics
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
SolarWinds NPM
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IT Infrastructure Monitoring (4th), Cloud Monitoring Software (6th)
Ranking in Network Monitoring Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability (10th), Server Monitoring (1st), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (1st), Cloud Monitoring Software (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Network Monitoring Software category, the mindshare of Juniper Mist Premium Analytics is 0.5%, up from 0.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SolarWinds NPM is 5.2%, down from 6.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Zabbix is 14.7%, up from 12.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Network Monitoring Software
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Cloud Monitoring Software
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Server Monitoring

Q&A Highlights

Nov 27, 2019

Featured Reviews

Shiva_Prasad - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 25, 2024
A cloud solution for warehousing with a troubleshooting feature
The initial setup is straightforward. It's based on user requirements. We also conduct heat mapping using a couple of tools. The only requirement is to understand the technical or configuration aspects from the user's end and then configure it. Mist takes no more than 15 to 20 minutes for a particular deployment. You need to understand the end user's environment and have a concrete plan on whether it's a greenfield installation or an existing one, considering the density and height. Based on that, we need to develop a passive heat map. Then, you need to discuss with the user to understand exactly what needs to be configured and what they require in their environment. Based on that, you can proceed with the installation. Additionally, you can perform post-installation heat mapping to ensure it matches the earlier heat map. I rate the initial setup an eight out of ten, where one is difficult, and ten is easy.
AbdulKader Mohandes - PeerSpot reviewer
May 31, 2023
It's a reasonably priced solution with excellent support
I use SolarWinds for monitoring. We have around 300 people at my company.  I like the NPM and SAM features.  The integration with video apps could be better. I have used SolarWinds NPM for one year.  SolarWinds NPM is stable. SolarWinds NPM is scalable. I rate SolarWinds support nine out…
Apr 19, 2024
We know right away when there are problems, offers built-in statistics and allows you to pull up graphs and basically take the parameters you want to check-in
Scalability is good. Zabbix uses proxies to manage incoming data from hosts. Since the system is receiving a lot of data, that could potentially put a real load on the server. The proxies handle some of the load from their respective clients and then feed that to the main server. For checks, Zabbix prefers that you use checks based on the data that's automatically flowing from each host rather than doing explicit checks or things like... don't go on this server and run a command except for a check. Just use the built-in checks, and we mostly do that. Some people when they switch over to Zabbix, they're not used to that. They're used to always adding regular checks, but sometimes it won't work. So, you can change it to be more on the passive check side, where the hosts don't have to do anything, and it's actually displayed on the server.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The single dashboard is a valuable feature."
"We can manage the entire system across the network and troubleshoot the pain points."
"Can easily be interconnected with other management systems."
"I found a lot of valuable features in SolarWinds NPM, such as the customized application monitoring that allows you to customize any monitoring and script customization, and you also have the option to deploy and upgrade SolarWinds NPM online, which is very useful for my organization."
"The product is scalable."
"SolarWinds dashboard is very fast. Also, their interface is very good, it looks very user-friendly. The product allows me to see a summary of the network being monitored at a glance."
"There are a lot of valuable features with SolarWinds NPM. We can receive a lot of detailed data from the monitoring that can use useful for investigations, especially when you are troubleshooting. It is very helpful. Overall it was a very good experience."
"I like that SolarWinds NPM is a strong tool for monitoring network devices, switches, and routers. It's also a user-friendly tool. My team also likes how scalable it is."
"The product is lightweight in terms of memory use, requiring only 10 megabytes or less."
"Technical support is very helpful with our upgrades."
"The most valuable feature is the alert and alarm monitoring."
"We value the auto-host discovery, template import, bulk import/export features. Newer versions also add nice features, such as multi-IP per host."
"The calculations part is the most valuable."
"The level of discovery-based configuration that lets us auto-configure the monitoring for various systems is a valuable feature."
"The template system in Zabbix is very beneficial as it saves time in configuration."
"The basic setup is very easy."
"During my testing, the features that I like the most are that it can be integrated with my system, and it provides me with reports of all of my servers."
"Zabbix is a cost-effective solution. We're a small organization with a few dozen devices to monitor, and it was available for free. We can see what we need. We haven't done an in-depth analysis on it, but we're currently okay with the product."


"The technical support needs improvement."
"The Wi-Fi side needs improvement."
"SolarWinds NPM can be very slow at times. The database optimization can be done to improve the product performance."
"The aesthetic widgets should be dynamic widgets, so the customization can be even more customizable."
"If they did some type of synthetic monitoring, it would have been better."
"It would be nice if SolarWinds added some technical protocols like Modbus. The market needs a simple solution for monitoring a technical device."
"In terms of scalability, there is room for improvement. When you start monitoring, if you have so many interfaces and you're trying to monitor them at a faster interval, or a shorter interval, you get to a point where you need to request another node."
"Sometimes there are issues when upgrading to a new version of the product."
"A feature I would ask for is for them to have this solution available for Linux systems instead of Windows."
"The interface could be made more user-friendly."
"One of the things we don't like is that Zabbix has a license structure with a price that is high compared to the competition. It's very high, for example, compared to something like Microsoft Teams."
"If you want to use all of the features then you have to pay a licensing fee."
"To improve Zabbix, adding more features to support the monitoring of modern workloads like containers would be beneficial."
"The user web interface is a little bit too basic, we need to link Zabbix to Grafana to have more options, such as graphs and charts. The interface needs to be improved. Additionally, there could be better integration with Grafana API."
"The event correlation could be better."
"For us, the initial setup was complex"
"Zabbix can use better documentation and support for troubleshooting."
"The reporting features need improvement, especially detailed inventory reporting. Since it's freeware, reporting may not be a major focus."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is expensive."
"Quite highly priced"
"It is expensive."
"We pay a yearly licensing fee."
"You have to license it per year, for the support. You don't really need to have support once you've already set it up. Once you install SolarWinds, you can skip on the licensing. It will still work."
"Price could be improved on"
"Though I don't remember the price for SolarWinds NPM, its price is somewhat okay when you compare it with other tools in the market. The price isn't too high and isn't too low, so it's okay."
"The licensing is based on the number of nodes, interfaces, and volumes."
"The cost of the personal perpetual license for SolarWinds NPM is approximately $2,000."
"This is an open-source solution that can be used free of charge."
"Zabbix is a free solution but the support contact costs money."
"Zabbix and Grafana are both open source products, we only needed to go to their website and download the application and we began to use them. The solutions are free."
"It is free, which allows us to reduce costs."
"There are no licenses."
"For pricing, it's free. We don't pay anything for it. They open-source the code, and people pay for support."
"This solution is open-source and free to use."
"The solution is free to use but they offer support as a paid service. If you can go read the manuals and do the fine-tuning based on your needs, you do not need to pay anything and you will have a full solution."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user174738 - PeerSpot reviewer
May 31, 2015
Nagios vs. Zabbix vs. PRTG vs. Spiceworks vs. Solarwinds Network Performance Monitor
I have researched a quite a few network monitoring tools which can be used for various monitoring purposes of not only the servers, but the intermediate routers as well. There are majorly three types of these softwares. Ones which are completely open-source, you can do almost anything you want…

Answers from the Community

Dec 6, 2019
Dec 6, 2019
Disclaimer: Following 2+ decades of working with big-vendor IT Ops Mgmt Software - including being technical consultant employed by a global ITOM vendor - I have formed a business focussed on Zabbix. I will do my best to remain neutral. For me, both are flexible, highly configurable, stable solutions with a solid history and reputation. In terms of raw features there very little to choose betw...
2 out of 3 answers
Nov 22, 2019
Disclaimer: Following 2+ decades of working with big-vendor IT Ops Mgmt Software - including being technical consultant employed by a global ITOM vendor - I have formed a business focussed on Zabbix. I will do my best to remain neutral. For me, both are flexible, highly configurable, stable solutions with a solid history and reputation. In terms of raw features there very little to choose between them. IT monitoring solutions have, in my opinion, entered a 'Red Queen Game' phase of evolution. This means that big vendors are introducing features purely because other vendors have them rather than because customers need them. In turn, this leads to justifying annual license increases to support features that are not relevant to the vast majority of customers. To balance that statement a little, I'm sure every individual feature in a given product is used somewhere. Big vendors must recoup development costs. For example, if a large multi-national Telco demands a feature then that feature will be developed and incorporated into the product. The cost of that development will be recouped in the following year's maintenance renewal contract and spread across ALL users of the product irrespective of whether a given feature is used. However, I digress. Your question was regarding Zabbix vs. Solarwinds Where there is a significant difference is in the Total Cost of Ownership. Zabbix is a true Open Source solution with zero licensing cost. Paid support is available directly from Zabbix. I can't comment directly on SolarWinds support, however the majority of major vendors typically charge approximately 22% of the original purchase price (plus an annual uplift) for support and maintenance. Zabbix support, directly from Zabbix, is not dependant on the number of devices being monitored. Zabbix's support is based on the number of Zabbix servers and proxies deployed. I believe, albeit only anecdotally, that Zabbix offers better scalability and performance compared to Solarwinds. Where Solarwinds does seem to impress is in the visual side. Graphs and navigation is "prettier" than Zabbix. Both solutions offer agent-based and agentless monitoring, discovery, templates, alerting, correlation etc. In my opinion, because the IT monitoring market has evolved to become almost commoditized there is no "better" or "worse" product. The criteria is no longer which is the better product, but which product meets your specific needs at your specific budget. And don't forget that with any tool you will need to administer and maintain it. At this point, the ability and skills of the administrator needs to be considered as well. For me, it's Zabbix every time but then again, I would say that wouldn't I.
it_user1043517 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 27, 2019
Hello , just to let you know about my modest contribution, indeed its two tools are very practical: The choice of one of the solutions depends on two factors: - The price and the competence of the system administrators Zabbix is ​​a free tool and requires a strong Linux, Scripting skill for all that is custom supervision. integration with third-party tools ( Grafana Dashbord , Ticketing Tools ...) Solarwinds is very intuitive and complete (reporting, view, resources, NOC view) all its features are integrated and easily configurable. Regards Arsène

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Juniper Mist Premium Analytics?
We can manage the entire system across the network and troubleshoot the pain points.
What is the best network monitoring software for large enterprises?
It actually depends on the exact purpose or kind of devices (network devices, servers, something else). Some tools ar...
What is the best network monitoring software for large enterprises?
We are partners with SolarWinds and we sell a lot of Network management to large enterprises also because of scalabil...
What do you like most about Zabbix?
The template system in Zabbix is very beneficial as it saves time in configuration.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Zabbix?
Zabbix's licensing and pricing are good for our needs.
What needs improvement with Zabbix?
To improve Zabbix, adding more features to support the monitoring of modern workloads like containers would be benefi...

Also Known As

No data available
Solarwinds Network Performance Monitor, SolarWinds Network Bandwidth Analyzer
No data available



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Microsoft, Federal Express, Hewlett-Packard, and MasterCard
1. IBM 2. Dell 3. Cisco 4. HP 5. Oracle 6. Microsoft 7. Amazon 8. Google 9. Facebook 10. Twitter 11. LinkedIn 12. Netflix 13. Adobe 14. VMware 15. Salesforce 16. SAP 17. Intel 18. AT&T 19. Verizon 20. T-Mobile 21. Vodafone 22. Ericsson 23. Nokia 24. Siemens 25. General Electric 26. Honeywell 27. Philips 28. Sony 29. Samsung 30. LG 31. Panasonic 32. Toshiba
Find out what your peers are saying about SolarWinds NPM vs. Zabbix and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.