Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure (NCI) vs VMware vSAN comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Apr 4, 2022

Categories and Ranking

StarWind Virtual SAN
Ranking in HCI
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Software Defined Storage (SDS) (1st)
Nutanix Cloud Infrastructur...
Ranking in HCI
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Software Defined Storage (SDS) (2nd), Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) (3rd), Hybrid Cloud Computing Platforms (3rd)
VMware vSAN
Ranking in HCI
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the HCI category, the mindshare of StarWind Virtual SAN is 2.1%, up from 1.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure (NCI) is 8.4%, down from 9.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of VMware vSAN is 16.2%, down from 18.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unique Categories:
Software Defined Storage (SDS)
Software Defined Data Center (SDDC)
No other categories found

Q&A Highlights

May 04, 2023

Featured Reviews

Jan 24, 2019
It is more flexible than most VSAN solutions. You can run it across two hosts. You don't need a third host observing it.
For improvement, I would like to see how the software determines which networks to use for which purpose. It seems like the naming terminology changes a bit from here to there. When I access the console on the computer, where is it going in through: * The computer's connections? * The heartbeat connection? * The iSCSI connection? It is a little odd as far as making sure those networks are isolated just for their function. On the console, there is no good way to see how all the networks are allocated. Other than that, once they are set up and allocated, everything seems to run nicely. I just don't want, e.g., my heartbeat network bleeding into other things, like the iSCSI. For this market, in general, it would be nice if I could go to a website where they had all the pricing listed comparatively, then maybe I could shop around.
Sep 27, 2023
Simplifies orchestration, reduces cost, and offers excellent visualization
We've had a really amazing experience since my organization was able to really, really simplify all orchestration. I'm talking about automation and a precision hybrid cloud. The visualization is excellent. We do not just see the small tip of the iceberg above the water - we see the whole iceberg. The simplicity when it comes to building your own automation has been excellent. They provided us with professional services and we were able to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to make automation ourselves. We started from a few workloads and from there we were able to automate a lot in order to reduce total cost. NCI provides us with a single platform to manage your databases. It is quite difficult to start as you have to know the new logic. You have to understand the environment, to take a deep dive into the different functionality. However, once you have acquired the knowledge, it becomes really easy to move fast and go forward with automation. There’s also very helpful service management. We started with non-critical DBs and then we transformed our full stack Oracle IDs and IDs based on MongoDB and SQL and other DBs moving across different applications. NCI's features helped us to reduce downtime. The native solution that we are managing, was in a full redundancy. It was a resilient solution that was provided by Nutanix. Nutanix is a software appliance. We have to work with Nutanix to arrange up to the hardware and test for network and security, and then for server storage. NCI helped our organization consolidate its applications. They make the operation easy for people. People don’t have to be specialized. This is a good advantage. We built a DB as a Service for a particular telecommunication application to share mobile and WiFi into the server environment. Then, we applied the integrated storage provided by Nutanix to visualize all of the information for the private cellular device. We’ve automatically improved security by moving into an environment where we are able to apply logical security insights to the platform to make decisions and check product information. We use Nutanix to make a container where we can put a cloud and a single person can check to make sure the data is compliant with the data policy of the enterprise. They are brilliant in sales operations and resilience.
Feb 20, 2022
Good support, straightforward to set up, and integrates well with other VMware products
We are a solution provider and this is one of the products that we implement for our customers. Our clients are in different industries, including banking and finance, and utilities such as oil and gas. I do not use this product personally. Rather, I sell it and my clients use it. I generally sell…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It provides shared storage to multiple hypervisor hosts. Times had changed, however. StarWind Virtual SAN is the “software replaces hardware” for SAN. We have access control and CCTV systems up and running using Microsoft clustering and shared storage"
"I've had to open a few support cases over the years due to administrator errors, and the support received was top-notch."
"The management interface on the software is very simple. It is insanely simple compared to most SANs. The interface is also powerful when used to complete tasks that an IT administrator needs to complete."
"We have experienced multiple hardware failures at one site and the fault-tolerant volume worked exactly as expected with zero downtime."
"The StarWind products have enabled our organization to modernize stations where larger and more expensive equipment was not an option."
"The ability to run the software virtually on every virtualization platform and the ability to eliminate all storage vendor locking are the most valuable features."
"You can turn your local disk storage into high-availability iSCSI storage."
"We went from "no way DB applications would have good performance" to "Wow! We can now actually have a DB running and have some VMs running at the same time.""
"They have one of the best technical supports in my experience."
"The best feature of Nutanix Acropolis AOS is the central management of all of our resources. Additionally, it is easy to use"
"Nutanix Acropolis AOS makes it easy to use and manage projects and it has a good reputation."
"SRM capabilities for replication have been proven reliable and very useful for our organization."
"Being able to upgrade our entire cluster with the click of a button during business hours with zero downtime has made managing our infrastructure so easy."
"The most valuable features are easy cloud administration and management."
"Single click actions is definitely the most important. They were not even aware that they wanted this."
"Simplified management: It provides us more time to work on other tasks."
"We don't have to order a storage system, we can just use whatever we have on hand and roll it into our virtualization system."
"Stretched Cluster is one of the big features that we use across multiple data centers."
"When we do to do more scaled load testing, we can run more dense workloads and still have the same results across all specific nodes"
"The scalability of the solution is most valuable."
"The implementation is simple, it was very straightforward. It took us approximately three weeks because it was installed in four locations."
"I think vSAN's stability is good. It's an underlying solution for both on-prem and in the cloud, especially the VMC on AWS stuff too. VMware has been around for a long time, so it's pretty stable."
"The newer versions of this solution are much more stable and easier to manage."
"VMware vSAN is an easy to use and easy to manage storage solution. Deploying and upgrading are easy. Technical support is very good."


"I want to suggest that the complexity of the startup and shutdown procedure needs to be reduced."
"I would like an automated installation/configuration despite the fact that their service is very collaborative, a customer should be able to deploy the solution by themselves."
"I would like to see options for automated notifications of any changes, including, for example, synchronization issues."
"I had issues locating the documentation that applied to my version of StarWind vSAN."
"The interface of the management console of the StarWind Virtual SAN is complex, and it's difficult for the novice user to interact with the management having less knowledge or training in the product."
"I think the setup could be streamlined a bit."
"The software monitoring should be web-based to be reachable from any VLAN workstation."
"I would like additional documentation regarding possible networking configurations with 10GbE switching."
"AHV is a great hypervisor but still limited compared to VMware. AHV is the one product they must improve."
"Lacks sufficient integration with other vendors and public clouds."
"Make it easier to manage."
"I'm not very technical, so I don't know if there are any features that are really lacking. Our customers seem pleased with it, and I haven't heard of any downsides."
"The reporting feature isn't very good."
"The file services that they also provide need some more features, like on the Windows file server."
"The solution has more features than required"
"I would like to see official compatibility with Red Hat in the future."
"The big thing is pricing, and the rest of it is mostly good. From a scalability point of view, scaling the storage from network or compute should be easier. It is again all around the cost, and it would be good if it was easier to scale your storage separately from your compute."
"I would like compression and deduplication to be offered for offloading hardware, instead of doing it with software. That would be nice."
"Enterprise customers get discounts on the solution's licensing pricing, but it is too expensive for SMB customers."
"The integration could be improved. I would like to see integration with other platforms."
"The upgrading process could be simplified."
"They can improve the manageability of the solution to make it more simple. It is not that complicated, but it will be good if they can make it more simple."
"The only thing that can be improved is the cost."
"Currently, one of the available features is shareable VMBKs. You can create the VMBK disc and you can make them shareable between the ends. But as soon as you start using this feature, you lose the ability to create snapshots."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The setup cost, pricing, and licensing are very straightforward. They are exactly what you expect."
"StarWind is a low-cost, full-featured alternative to the traditional SAN environment, and their support will guide you every step of the setup."
"For two nodes, it cost us $10,000, and we spend $2,000 a year on support."
"The pricing is more than reasonable."
"The licensing is a bit weird. If you license the standard version of StarWind, it allows you four terabytes. Then, they have a pro version, but with the pro version, the only difference is it doubles the terabytes to eight."
"This solution is very accessible and the pro-level for support is well worth the cost."
"This is a good, economical solution compared to data storage systems."
"This is the best priced solution for an SMB."
"When compared to the competitors, the price is reasonable."
"While cost may seem higher than your traditional 3-tier architecture, you need to look at the bigger picture. You're not just buying hardware here. You're buying a complete environment."
"The licensing costs are a bit expensive but when you compare the features, it's reasonable."
"It is less expensive than the VMware alternative."
"I know Nutanix and VxRail have similar prices and licenses. Nutanix is a go-ahead if AHV is used as hypervisor because it is already embedded in the price."
"AHV is free! This is a great feature that should be taken advantage of."
"We just have a support license for Nutanix."
"NCI is quite expensive compared to other products. It would help us if Nutanix considered affordability when releasing new products. We have an annual license and are considering extending it for another year."
"Its reasonable, compare with other storage vendors"
"If you compare the price of VMware vSAN with other players like Nutanix and Cisco, its price is good, but could still have some improvement."
"The licenses are very expensive. The renewal of licenses has extra costs attached to it."
"It is slightly expensive. They can be more competitive in terms of pricing."
"It is fairly cost-effective for entry to mid-level performance based on the underlying hardware components."
"The vSAN licensing is not an inexpensive product. It does cost more than hypervisor."
"We pay for a license to use the solution through our company CapEx and then we continue to pay annually."
"On a scale from one to ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive, I rate the solution's pricing a seven out of ten."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user244362 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 30, 2015
Nutanix vs. VMware EVO:RAIL vs. FlexPod
Originally posted at I hate the fact that I am bursting the big bubble brewing about Hyper Convergence (HC). I urge all to look past the hot air and hype frenzy that are going on, because in the end, the HC platforms have to be aligned…

Answers from the Community

May 4, 2023
May 4, 2023
Hello Edwin, I am posting this answer on behalf of Daniel Wetter, one of PeerSpot's community members: "Hello, Edwin, first, it would be good to receive more information about your needs and concerns. Would you like to use existing local storage equipped with your Hypervisor servers, it seems you maybe already running on ESXi? Do you already earn fibre channel switches? How fast is your current...
2 out of 4 answers
Yves Sandfort - PeerSpot reviewer
May 2, 2023
In the early days, Nutanix had the better solution, by now especially when you use a vSphere hypervisor I would go with vSAN for better integration and with ReadyNodes no complex config anymore. Also, I had several customers who complained that Nutanix got very expensive on the first renewal vs. massive initial discounts, however, I can't judge if that is true.
May 2, 2023
Both can get you the performance you might want, however, you should also consider what else you get with the solution. For Nutanix, you're stuck on Acropolis if you start with that. It would be best to run either VMware or Hyper-V on top of that so migration isn't a gym show, plus the renewal cost will be very high. vSAN is a fine option, just ensure it is designed well with enough nodes to tolerate any amount of disk failure. Both options have their unique value but the most important thing is the data. You'll need data protection solutions like Veeam, Nakivo, or Zerto.  For an all-in-one high-performance solution with built-in data protection consider HPE SimpliVity with VMware. You'll also likely buy fewer nodes than the others with SimpliVity.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about StarWind Virtual SAN?
It is easy to use and can monitor system synchronization and check Storage status. StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) combin...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for StarWind Virtual SAN?
Make the most of your 30-day trial license, and if needed, you should contact the sales department of StarWind to ext...
What needs improvement with StarWind Virtual SAN?
The dashboard is functional, but it could benefit from a more modern and visually appealing design. A facelift would ...
What is the biggest difference between Nutanix Acropolis and VMware vSphere?
We found the reduced power consumption with Nutanix Acropolis AOS a very attractive feature. We also like the interfa...
How do I choose between Cisco Hyperflex HX Series and Nutanix Acropolis AOS?
Cisco HyperFlex HS series vs Nutanix Acropolis AOS Cisco HyperFlex gives extended hyper-convergence functions from ...
Which would you choose - Nutanix Acropolis AOS or VMware vSAN?
We found the reduced power consumption with Nutanix Acropolis AOS a very attractive feature. We also like the interfa...
What Is The Biggest Difference Between vSAN And VxRail?
While both run on the vSAN technology from VMware, vSAN needs to be deployed on vSAN ready nodes while VxRail is an e...
How does HPE Simplivity compare with VMware vSAN?
HPE SimpliVity is a hyper-converged infrastructure solution that is primarily geared to mid-sized companies. We resea...
How does VMware vSAN compare with Microsoft Storage Spaces Direct?
We found VMware’s vSAN was easy to set up, configure, and manage compared to other solutions we considered. It is bes...

Also Known As

StarWind SAN & NAS
Nutanix Acropolis AOS, Nutanix AOS, Nutanix Acropolis



Sample Customers

Baker Tilly BVI, CMS Internet, Board Harpeth Hall School
St. Lukes Health System, the City of Seattle, Yahoo! Japan, Sligro, Empire Life, Hyundai AUS, and many others.
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Find out what your peers are saying about Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure (NCI) vs. VMware vSAN and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.