Google Cloud vs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Google Cloud
Ranking in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Ranking in PaaS Clouds
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure...
Ranking in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Ranking in PaaS Clouds
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Container Registry (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) category, the mindshare of Google Cloud is 10.3%, up from 5.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is 11.2%, down from 19.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Unique Categories:
PaaS Clouds
Container Registry

Featured Reviews

Jan 30, 2024
Offers free storage, stability and reliable product
It's mostly for storage of personal documents, some photos, and emails It's purely for personal use. I like that it is free. It's easy to use, and it's reliable. The Notes application could be better. Some of the email portal features can be tricky, but my mom uses it just fine, so it's…
Oct 18, 2023
The solution has good scalability, but its customer support could be improved
We host one of our applications on Oracle Cloud Platform We wanted to host one of the applications for our global uses, so we posted it on the OCI platform. Since disaster recovery, we are looking for a solution where we can start small and can scale up whenever we need it. Oracle Cloud Platform…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It's easy to deploy next-generation applications on Google Cloud. Customers can also use various cloud tools to optimize their operations and generate more insights to do business much smarter."
"Google Cloud is 100 percent stable."
"The availability of content on the solution is very valuable."
"The tool's most valuable feature is encryption. Google Cloud has reduced our operational costs and increased efficiency. For example, deploying production applications traditionally took about a month, but with Google Cloud, it now takes only a day or two. This also extends to monitoring, allowing us to identify and address issues faster than on-premises solutions."
"Regarding Google Cloud's data analytics features, I find the presentation of information and the ability to move and transform data to be the most valuable. As for machine learning capabilities, they are helpful, especially in detecting anomalies or outliers in our data. For instance, Google Cloud can identify unusual network behavior and provide recommendations on how to address or leverage these findings effectively."
"It is stable. It is easy to learn and very straightforward."
"The stability is good with Google Cloud."
"It didn't take long to get everything set up and understand what was going on. Things are pretty clear."
"I find the Single Sign-On, SSO, feature to be valuable."
"The product's configuration is simple."
"The most important features are the turnkey solutions offered by Oracle. These ease the administration of Oracle Databases."
"We have not had any downtime using the solution."
"The most valuable feature is the reporting service."
"I am impressed with the tool's upscaling and resiliency features."
"Oracle Cloud has wonderful features and offerings as a service. It's not just a pure-play cloud product or SaaS application. It has a complete suite from infrastructure to platform as a service to software as a service, and this is what I find most valuable in Oracle Cloud. For infrastructure on the cloud or infrastructure as a service on the cloud, there's OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure). Oracle Cloud is easily available. You just click it. I also found the feature of creating a landing zone valuable. Oracle Cloud is also very flexible as it lets you have a hybrid cloud model along with other cloud solutions. I also like that it offers good management on the cloud. Oracle Cloud is ready to use as a service, and that's wonderful because the time to market is very quick. I also like that Oracle Cloud offers high performance and high availability. A lot of people claim that there's high availability in their companies' cloud operations, but technically speaking, pure high availability in today's context is found in Oracle Cloud."
"The solution is pretty straightforward to setup and use."


"I feel that the Google product is incomplete with regard to internal communications. It is an area that needs some improvement."
"The security of the solution can always be improved."
"Google Cloud should improve its security. The main challenge we've encountered is related to security. As a member of the security team, I've noticed some limitations in the security features. For example, the rules and signatures need to be more refined to detect and process attacks accurately."
"Google Cloud lacks some tools for database migration. I've only used MySQL and AWS in my career, so those are the only ones I can compare. AWS has a database migration tool that you can integrate with a cloud backup, so can take that backup and restore it in the AWS public cloud, but it's not the same with Google Cloud."
"The cost of the solution has room for improvement."
"Security features could be improved."
"The Spanish version is in beta. It needs to be farther along."
"The management side for the database needs some work. Currently, you do everything from the APP. It would be nice to have an interface where you can go in and maintain data and deal with records and do something online."
"The pricing is a bit expensive."
"The technical support is really bad, because their reaction time is extremely slow."
"The solution needs to improve the discovery and assessment of the existing infrastructure."
"What I'd like to see from Oracle Cloud is an option for the customer to have a single portal to manage and monitor not just Oracle Cloud, but some of the on-premise products in the hybrid scenario as well. If it can be shipped out as an out-of-the-box solution, that would be wonderful. It's not so easy, but for a company like Oracle, it shouldn't be a problem. Many customers go through a lot of effort and burn money to achieve this, so it's an opportunity for Oracle to provide it for customers looking for this type of solution."
"The portfolio should improve for the Oracle Cloud Platform. Oracle has to increase the services offered. New services should be added to be able to compete better with Amazon AWS which is the best, and the biggest service. Oracle Cloud Platform has a small portfolio, but it's a good one."
"I would like more technical expertise."
"There's a need for further customization to unlock the platform's full potential."
"The solution needs improvement in support, performance, and features."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We approached Google Cloud with certain cost assumptions but were surprised to find that our actual expenses were higher than expected. Initially, we had anticipated spending a set amount on the solution, but in reality, we ended up spending more than that. It would be helpful to have greater transparency and educational documentation on the cost-related aspects of Google Cloud."
"Google cloud is less expensive than other comparable solutions."
"The licensing cost is based on the capacity we use."
"For commercial purposes, users need to pay for the products they use on a workload basis, not a license basis. There are two pricing models: fixed monthly and pay-as-you-go. In the pay-as-you-go model, users pay for the resources they use, while in the fixed monthly model, they have 24/7 access to resources for a set monthly fee."
"I don't pay for the license. For me, it's completely free."
"The service is cheap and I give it a seven out of ten for the cost."
"It has a monthly subscription. The customers pay based on the usage."
"Its cost depends on specific use cases."
"The solution is expensive. I would rate the pricing as ten out of ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive."
"Oracle Cloud Platform has a decent pricing model."
"It's less expensive to operate your environment in the cloud than in-house. It's a bundle cost. Everything is included in one price."
"Pricing needs to be improved."
"OCI's pricing is one of its best features."
"The subscription cost is too high."
"The solution is overpriced."
"In Oracle Cloud Platform, one needs to make payments towards the subscription charges."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Google Cloud?
Google Cloud is perceived as a cost-effective and user-friendly option, especially compared to AWS. The current affordability and ease of use make it suitable for medium-sized companies. While the ...
What needs improvement with Google Cloud?
CloudArmor accuracy should be improved. Rules and signatures need to be more refined to detect and process attacks, accuracy of rate-limiting should be improved.
What is your primary use case for Google Cloud?
Unlike some tools we have on Microsoft, Google Drive allows me to share documents with people outside my organization easily. I can upload a document, create a link, and share it directly. With Mic...
What are the biggest differences between Workday, Oracle Cloud and SAP SuccessFactors?
Differences between Workday, Oracle Cloud,w and SAP SuccessFactors:w Oracle: "simple interface and deep customization to suit the purpose." SAP: Multiple functionalities that increase process effi...
What do you like most about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry?
It's reliable, performs well, and is often faster than running applications on separate machines due to optimized performance and networking capabilities within OCI.
What needs improvement with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry?
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure stands out due to its exceptional performance and advanced technology. The progress and innovation demonstrated by Oracle are truly impressive and exceed my expectations...

Also Known As

No data available
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry, Oracle OCIR, OCIR, Oracle Cloud, Oracle Cloud Platform

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Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Kenya Airways, Cell, Panasonic, Frontera, M&C Saatchi, Lumentum, WA
Find out what your peers are saying about Google Cloud vs. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.