Eggplant Test vs OpenText UFT Developer comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Eggplant Test
Ranking in Test Automation Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Test Management Tools (8th), Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) (8th)
OpenText UFT Developer
Ranking in Test Automation Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Functional Testing Tools (16th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Test Automation Tools category, the mindshare of Eggplant Test is 4.1%, up from 2.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of OpenText UFT Developer is 2.3%, down from 3.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Test Automation Tools
Unique Categories:
Test Management Tools
Functional Testing Tools

Featured Reviews

Nov 15, 2022
Effective OCR technology, useful bug hunting, and plenty of documentation
Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence is the market leader in AI automation. They independently worked across every technology. My approach while identifying the tool to use is simple. If you want to see the performance, and you want to improve productivity, then it would be best to choose the commercial tool. If you don't want to improve productivity and want to stay on the same line, it is best to use an open-source solution, such as Selenium. Selenium requires skilled people to use it. Which is very difficult to find in the market at this time. Additionally, it requires a lot of time for maintenance. To reduce all these costs, you should choose a commercial tool. My advice to others is to understand the solution very well. Understand your use cases and try to fit them. It is important to see whether your use cases fit into the tool which you are looking for and based on that you can go ahead and use it. I rate Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence an eight out of ten.
Shyam_Prasad - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 4, 2024
User-friendly, stable product and offers easy scripting and setup
We've used it across various technologies, including automation for web applications and SAP, as HP partnered with SAP for that integration. We've tried it on all platforms There are many good things. Like it is intuitive and scripting was easy.  Plus the availability of experienced resources in…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"DAI's newest release allows us to test via scripts rather than models, because we have done 95 percent of our development in functional, not through modeling. I am really happy that then we can use the controller to run scripts rather than having to translate things to models. There are lots of options."
"It is easy to set up."
"It provides very strong cross-platform support."
"We did see a massive return on investment from using Eggplant."
"The main feature of Eggplant Test is that it can do fully automated web testing and app testing."
"The solution is based on a Windows model, where adding users is just a few clicks. It is easy to manage users and add them."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to create code from a flow chart, and then run the code through it."
"GUI testing is the strength of the tool. The tool works as expected, and the support response from eggPlant, as a company, has been quick and substantial."
"Integrates well with other products."
"It is quite stable, and it has got very user-friendly features, which are important in terms of maintaining our scripts from a long-term perspective. It is very stable for desktop-based, UI-based, and mobile applications. Object repositories and other features are also quite good."
"The most valuable feature is the automation of test cases."
"The most valuable feature for UFT is the ability to test a desktop application."
"There are many good things. Like it is intuitive and scripting was easy. Plus the availability of experienced resources in India due to its market leadership."
"It is a product that can meet regulations of the banking industry."
"One of the important features, which speeds up the automation testing development with LeanFT, is its object repository functions. Object identification are the most time-consuming aspect of building automation tests. LeanFT gives that out of the box. It helps you identify the objects and after that, once you got the object in place, then it's just about building the test scripts. So it reduces your development time significantly."
"The most valuable feature for me is the number of protocols that can be tested. It not only tests Web, but also SAP, Siebel, .Net, and even pdf."


"The solution would crash from time to time."
"There was no free trial in it."
"Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence could improve by lowering the price."
"They need to update the Linux. I think it's kind of an outdated Java Swing application."
"A step forward would be to have event support, because it is more or less linear at the moment."
"If one area could be improved, it would be some of their documentation. In particular, some of their online help and user support documentation is a little bit out of date and could be revised and updated on a more frequent basis. Other than that, I haven't really found any issues or problems."
"Eggplant Test should emphasize on improving its offering in non-Windows environments."
"In terms of additional features, it would be helpful to have one package for all testing. You have the manager, the AI, then you have functional, and about 10 different packages for installing."
"The tool could be a little easier."
"We push one button and the tests are completely executed at once, so just have to analyze and say it's okay. It would be nice if this could be entirely automated."
"It would be improved by adding a drag-and-drop interface to help alleviate the coding."
"The product has shown no development over the past 10 or 15 years."
"UFT Developer is good, but it requires high-level development skills. Scripting is something that everybody should know to be able to work with this product. Currently, it is very development intensive, and you need to know various scripting languages. It would be good if the development effort could be cut short, and it can be scriptless like Tosca. It will help in more adoption because not every team has people with a software engineering background. If it is scriptless, the analysts who wear multiple hats and come from different backgrounds can also use it in a friendly manner. It is also quite expensive."
"With Smart Bear products generally, you can have only one instance of the tool running on a machine."
"The pricing could be improved."
"The parallel execution of the tests needs improvement. When we are running tests in LeanFT, there are some limitations in terms of running the same tests simultaneously across different browsers. If I'm running a test, let's say to log in, I should be able to execute it through IE, through Microsoft Edge, through Chrome, through Mozilla, etc. This capability doesn't exist in LeanFT. Parallel execution of the test cases across different browsers need to be added."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"End-to-end testing isn't possible for us because of the licensing problems. It's very expensive, so we only have two development/execution licenses."
"It is scalable, but it is a matter of money in the pocket. You can scale it, but then you have to have additional licenses. The licensing approach of eggPlant is not the best."
"Make a smart decision about the number of developer- and execution-only licenses you purchase to maximize your budget. We found that going heavier on execution-only licenses has been a way to reduce our costs and maximize our ability to benefit from the software."
"Eggplant Test is a very expensive solution."
"It probably has a yearly license."
"This solution is expensive when compared to the market. However, the reason it is more expensive is because of its stability, high performance, and for its support of any technology."
"When we compare in the market with other tools that have similar features, it may be a little bit extra, but the cost is ten times less."
"The pricing is quite high compared to the competition."
"If I would rate it with one being inexpensive and ten being expensive, I would rate pricing an eight out of ten."
"The price of the solution could be lowered. The cost is approximately $25 per year for a subscription-based license."
"It is cheap, but if you take the enterprise license, it is valid for both software items."
"It is quite expensive and is priced per seat or in concurrent (or floating) licenses over a period of months."
"The licensing is very expensive, so often, we don't have enough VMs to run all of our tests."
"Its cost is a bit high. From the licensing perspective, I am using a concurrent license. It is not a seed license. It is something that I can use in our network. It can also be used by other users."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How do I choose between Selenium HQ and Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence?
Selenium HQ’s biggest advantage is that it is customizable. Its other most valuable feature is that the driver interface is really helpful and user-friendly; Selenium HQ makes it easy to navigate t...
What do you like most about Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence?
The most valuable features of Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence are bug hunting and OCR technology.
What needs improvement with Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence?
Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence could improve by lowering the price.
What do you like most about Micro Focus UFT Developer?
There are many good things. Like it is intuitive and scripting was easy. Plus the availability of experienced resources in India due to its market leadership.
What needs improvement with Micro Focus UFT Developer?
Object definition and recognition need improvement, especially with calendar controls. I faced challenges with schedulers and calendars.

Also Known As

Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence, Eggplant DAI, Eggplant Automation Cloud, Eggplant Manager, Eggplant Mobile, Eggplant Customer Experience Insights
Micro Focus UFT Developer, UFT Pro (LeanFT), Micro Focus UFT Pro (LeanFT), LeanFT, HPE LeanFT



Sample Customers

FUJIFILM Group, NEC Personal Computers
Walmart, Hitachi, American Airlines, PepsiCo, AT&T, Ericsson, United Airlines
Find out what your peers are saying about Eggplant Test vs. OpenText UFT Developer and other solutions. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.