Cloudflare Web Application Firewall vs Microsoft Azure Application Gateway comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Cloudflare Web Application ...
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Microsoft Azure Application...
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Web Application Firewall (WAF) category, the mindshare of Cloudflare Web Application Firewall is 7.4%, up from 6.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Azure Application Gateway is 8.7%, down from 13.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)

Featured Reviews

Aug 16, 2023
A cloud solution for web application firewall protection with rate-limiting, managed, and custom firewall rules
The firewall has rate-limiting, managed, and custom firewall rules. Some of the features we’re using to a limited extent because they require an extra subscription. We have just the basic one. For example, advanced rate-limiting features are available, but we only use basic rate-limiting. We mainly use custom and managed firewall rules, which work well for us. We also use DDoS protection, which is probably one of the main features of the Cloudflare solution. DDoS protection was the initial thing we signed up for Cloudflare to protect our exposed web services and sites. We also use Cloudflare DNS, logs, and analytics.
Abdelrahman Anwar - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 30, 2022
The self-maintaining platform is very stable and easy to use
Our company uses the solution as a gateway for our customers' application services. We currently have seven users and six customers.  The solution has been very helpful.  The cloud platform is really easy to use and doesn't require any maintenance.  The solution provides great automation and it…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The product has improved our security posture by blocking bad actors."
"There is a huge signature repository"
"It protects web applications efficiently."
"It's pretty convenient and pretty easy to set up and run. And then kind of for static content, it also offers caching."
"It is configurable via API."
"The product has a valuable security control functionality."
"The integration of Cloudflare with Cloud Suite is its most valuable feature."
"I'm highly satisfied. It's remarkably user-friendly, enabling me to quickly identify issues, and deploy solutions, and it offers the necessary features."
"Load balancing and web application firewall features are the most valuable."
"We chose this solution in the first place because it has access to Layer 7. I can control the requests and the content, which I can access on my network if I want to even if it's forbidden access to other external resources. If I want to monitor, for example, traffic, and apply this rule on Layer 7, I can do so. This was our main goal when implementing this application. We wanted to take advantage of the Gateway capabilities."
"Microsoft Azure Application Gateway is an easy-to-use solution."
"The solution's integration is very good."
"The solution provides great automation and it is easy to upgrade service."
"The solution's most valuable feature is an HTTP solution and SSL certificate. It is also easy to use."
"We use the product in front-end and back-end applications to do the load balancing smartly."
"The pricing is quite good."


"The notification part could be improved. It's very much connected to Web Application Firewall, rate-limiting, and DDoS protection."
"The accuracy of the Cloudflare Web Application Firewall could be improved by reducing the number of false-negative alerts."
"There could be an option to duplicate the cluster to maintain the consistency of rules."
"They have some limitations with third-party integrations."
"The ModSecurity core rules need to be updated."
"If they add logs history within the Cloudflare offering, that would be a great benefit."
"The platform's control features related to real-time authentication and response time need improvement."
"Support can be challenging at times."
"Application Gateway’s limitation is that the private and the public endpoint cannot use the same port."
"It could be easier to change servicing."
"Microsoft Azure Application Gateway is not scalable."
"The monitoring on the solution could be better."
"The increased security that we are considering is because of some of the things that the security team has brought to our attention. They have pointed out that we would most likely require a better web application firewall than Azure Application Gateway."
"The solution can sometimes feel a little cumbersome unless you're a professional infrastructure person."
"It is a bit tricky to configure. You've got to have a very specific format to configure it. They should make it a little bit easier to configure. Mapping the certificates into it isn't easy, and it could be better. Currently, you've to write a bit of automation to pull certificates directly to HTTPS."
"The configuration is very specific right now and needs to be much more flexible."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We pay $210 per month for CloudFlare WAF."
"The solution is expensive."
"What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing? I believe the pricing is not the best, but it's reasonable and acceptable. We also use the McAfee system in parallel. In terms of pricing, its okay - not great, but not bad either. It falls in the middle, which is acceptable. In terms of support licensing, last time, we were searching for a solution, and we considered products from resellers rather than directly from the cloud provider. However, the pricing we encountered was exceptionally high. As a result, we are inclined to select support from the reseller."
"The pricing model is very straightforward compared to the competition. You just pay per month for the product and usage."
"It is not too pricey."
"The solution's pricing option needs to be more transparent for enterprise clients."
"It starts at $20 and can easily go up to $200 monthly"
"Cloudflare Web Application Firewall is more affordable than other solutions."
"The solution's pricing is not complex. It is not expensive from our point of view."
"I rate the price of Microsoft Azure Application Gateway an eight out of ten."
"The product is not expensive."
"Between v1 and v2, there is a lot of change in the pricing. It is very costly compared to AWS."
"We use the tool's basic subscription. Its licensing costs are monthly."
"The solution is paid monthly. The solution is highly expensive."
"The price of the solution can be reduced a bit."
"Regarding pricing for Azure Application Gateway, I would rate it at seven."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Web Application Firewall (WAF) solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Cloudflare Web Application Firewall?
The product has a valuable security control functionality.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Cloudflare Web Application Firewall?
The cost of the solution depends upon the type of web application use cases. It starts at $20 and can easily go up to $200 monthly. The SASE product from the same vendor starts at around $8 per mon...
What needs improvement with Cloudflare Web Application Firewall?
Account-level features would be a very good option. Some clients want to implement the same checks on multiple zones (URLs or websites). Cloudflare recently introduced account-level features, but i...
What's the difference between Azure Front Door and Application Gateway?
We found Azure Front Door to be easily scaled and very stable. The implementation is very fast and Microsoft provides excellent support. Azure Front Door can quickly detect abnormalities before the...
How does AWS WAF compare to Microsoft Azure Application Gateway?
Our organization ran comparison tests to determine whether Amazon’s Web Service Web Application Firewall or Microsoft Azure Application Gateway web application firewall software was the better fit ...
What do you like most about Microsoft Azure Application Gateway?
Application Gateway automatically redirects unwanted users and takes care of the security aspect. It also handles the performance side of things, which is why we use it.

Also Known As

Cloudflare WAF
Azure Application Gateway, MS Azure Application Gateway



Sample Customers

crunchbase, udacity, marketo, okcupid, zendesk
Lilly, AccuWeather, AIRFRANCE, Honeywell
Find out what your peers are saying about Cloudflare Web Application Firewall vs. Microsoft Azure Application Gateway and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.