HAProxy vs Microsoft Azure Application Gateway comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 7, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Service Mesh (4th)
Microsoft Azure Application...
Ranking in Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Web Application Firewall (WAF) (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) category, the mindshare of HAProxy is 14.1%, up from 13.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Azure Application Gateway is 5.2%, down from 10.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Unique Categories:
Service Mesh
Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Featured Reviews

Apr 3, 2024
Helps distribute the server load but has only the basic features
The solution is used for high availability. We use it for the backend to distribute the load We needed a simple proxy system that is open source. HAProxy was the most used tool for any issues that we ran into. We did not want to use something that was not used much so that we could fix the issues…
Sami - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 29, 2022
High stability with built-in rules that reduce alerts and are easy to configure
Our company uses the solution to publish services that are on Azure. There is more than one way to publish services.  You can use the Microsoft infrastructure for app services including small programming, configurations related to obligations, and publishing. Or you can publish manually by using…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The support for all major Linux distros makes running and testing a breeze."
"Software defined load balancing allows us to dynamically adjust and codify routing decisions. This speeds up development."
"It is stable. Period. Will not fail unless you do something wrong."
"The feature that I have found the most valuable is that it works for my use case of application load balancing. I'm using it for PeerSense, and it's easy enough for PeerSense."
"Performance configuration options with threads, processes, and core stickiness are very valuable."
"I have found HAProxy very helpful in replicating production environment architecture in a development and testing environment."
"Advanced traffic rules, including stick tables and ACLs, which allow me to shape traffic while it's load balanced."
"HAProxy potentially has a good return on investment"
"The production is a valuable feature."
"Some of the key features of this solution are the low-level maintenance required, floating proxy service, and load balancing."
"The pricing is quite good."
"The tool is easy to use and quite flexible. It has policy management features as well. The solution screens all traffic to our web applications before passing it to the application. We recently tested it on one of our poorly developed applications, and the upgrade gave us a 100% result based on our tests. It's very effective as a security measure, and people can detect threats even through the web application."
"The solution was very easy to configure. It wasn't hard at all to adjust it to our needs."
"In my experience, Microsoft products have a smooth integration and facilitate easy management and monitoring. Using Azure Application Gateway allows us to efficiently handle the system loads."
"This is a SaaS product, so it is always up to date."
"Application Gateway automatically redirects unwanted users and takes care of the security aspect. It also handles the performance side of things, which is why we use it."


"Documentation could be improved."
"There is room for improvement in the pricing model. It could be cheaper."
"I would like to evaluate load-balancing algorithms other than round robin and SSL offloading. Also, it would be helpful if I could logically divide the HAProxy load-balancing into multiple entities so that I would install one HA Proxy LB application which could be used for different Web servers for different applications. I am not sure if these features are available."
"I would like to see better search handling, and a user interface, with a complete functional graphical unit"
"The product does not have any new technologies."
"HAProxy is very weak in the logging and monitoring part and requires improvement."
"There are three main areas to improve: 1) Make remote management more modern by adding API. 2) Propose a general HA ​solution for HAProxy (no I'm using keepalived for this). 3) Thread option should be a bit more stable."
"If nbproc = 2, you will have two processes of HAProxy running. However, the stats of HAProxy will not be aggregated, meaning you don't really know the collective status in a single point of view."
"The solution has many limitations. You cannot upgrade the VPN to the application gateway. So I started with version one, which has limited capabilities, and they provided version two. And unfortunately, I cannot upgrade from v one to v two like other services. So I have to decommission the version one and create a new one with version two. Also the version one was complex with the certificates uploading the SQL certificates."
"The pricing of the solution could be improved. Right now, it's a bit expensive."
"Application Gateway’s limitation is that the private and the public endpoint cannot use the same port."
"I want the solution's support to improve. The tool is also expensive."
"It could be easier to change servicing."
"We have encountered some issues with automatic redirection and cancellation, leading to 502 and 504 gateway errors. So, I experienced some trouble with containers."
"The configuration is very specific right now and needs to be much more flexible."
"The working speed of the solution needs improvement."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price is well worth it. HAProxy Enterprise Edition paid for itself within months, simply due to the resiliency it brings. It was a bit more expensive than we were originally interested in paying, but we are thankful we chose to go with HAProxy."
"HAProxy is a free open-source solution."
"The tool is open-source."
"The only cost is for the image manager, who is responsible for uploading the image, and that is trivial."
"We use NGINX as well. However, because the health checks are a paid feature, I like to avoid it whenever possible​."
"It is free of cost."
"If you don't have expertise then go with the licensed version. Otherwise, open-source is the best solution."
"When it comes to pricing HAProxy is free."
"Every solution comes with a license and cost. Microsoft provides the license and the total cost is for the maintenance every year."
"The solution is fairly priced."
"The solution is paid monthly. The solution is highly expensive."
"Regarding pricing for Azure Application Gateway, I would rate it at seven."
"There is a need to pay a fixed price per month to use the product. There are no additional payments to be made to Microsoft apart from the charges paid towards the monthly licensing costs attached to the solution."
"The product is expensive. I rate the pricing a seven out of ten."
"There is some additional cost, such as extended support."
"Microsoft Azure Application Gateway has less price than other application gateway solutions."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Do you recommend HAProxy?
I do recommend HAProxy for more simple applications or for companies with a low budget, since HAProxy is a free, open-source product. HAProxy is also a good choice for someone looking for a stable ...
What do you like most about HAProxy?
The solution is effective in managing our traffic.
What's the difference between Azure Front Door and Application Gateway?
We found Azure Front Door to be easily scaled and very stable. The implementation is very fast and Microsoft provides excellent support. Azure Front Door can quickly detect abnormalities before the...
How does AWS WAF compare to Microsoft Azure Application Gateway?
Our organization ran comparison tests to determine whether Amazon’s Web Service Web Application Firewall or Microsoft Azure Application Gateway web application firewall software was the better fit ...
What do you like most about Microsoft Azure Application Gateway?
Application Gateway automatically redirects unwanted users and takes care of the security aspect. It also handles the performance side of things, which is why we use it.

Also Known As

HAProxy Community Edition, HAProxy Enterprise Edition, HAPEE
Azure Application Gateway, MS Azure Application Gateway

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Sample Customers

Booking.com, GitHub, Reddit, StackOverflow, Tumblr, Vimeo, Yelp
Lilly, AccuWeather, AIRFRANCE, Honeywell
Find out what your peers are saying about HAProxy vs. Microsoft Azure Application Gateway and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.