Auvik Network Management (ANM) vs Darktrace comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Auvik Network Management (ANM)
Ranking in Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (2nd), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (3rd), Network Troubleshooting (3rd), Cloud Monitoring Software (4th)
Ranking in Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Email Security (11th), Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS) (1st), Network Detection and Response (NDR) (1st), AI-Powered Chatbots (3rd), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (14th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (11th), Attack Surface Management (ASM) (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) category, the mindshare of Auvik Network Management (ANM) is 1.0%, down from 1.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Darktrace is 27.3%, up from 24.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
Unique Categories:
Network Monitoring Software
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Email Security
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS)

Featured Reviews

Aaron Wegmann - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 25, 2024
Good dashboard and visibility but there was a bug that affected the installation process
The reporting that they have available was good. The options to customize the reporting and the depths to which the system worked were helpful. The interconnectivity and ease of use were good. It's not very confusing. It's pretty well laid out and easy to understand. The network map in the dashboard gives you a real-time picture of your network. It did a really good job of showing you an overview of everything. Our networks weren't weren't very large, so we had no issues with the network map. Overall, it gave you a pretty deep in-depth view of what was going on. We did see the benefits of Auvik immediately. It started pulling data within minutes of implementation. It actually did empower us to be able to solve problems more quickly and to stay on top of them and be more proactive rather than reactive. It helped with our mean time to resolution. We noted a 50% decrease. The solution allows us to spend less time on setup, maintenance, and issue resolution. With the time savings, I've been able to work on other projects and have been busy with other issues.
Winston Lewis - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 30, 2023
We can integrate it with our firewall to automatically block things
We use Darktrace to monitor our network and block URLs from certain countries. Darktrace is integrated with our firewall, so the blocking is automatic.  We allow customers to access our Wi-Fi as guests, and some of them were going to restricted sites. Darktrace showed us what they were doing so we…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It is pretty responsive to whether things are up or down."
"The most valuable feature for us in Auvik is the network topology."
"The most valuable feature of Auvik is the remote access functionality."
"The topology map is good. It shows each device and whether it has a safe connection, how long it has been connected, and its activities. That's really helpful. Knowing the map helps our efficiency."
"Auvik's cloud SaaS model saves money because we don't need to maintain devices or pay for overhead on our end."
"The network mapping, the logical layout, is the part that I love the most, showing what switch is connected to what switch. I couldn't live without it. That is the big selling point for me."
"The instant email alerts Auvik sends are valuable because every second counts when a device is down."
"I like the ability to see bandwidth utilization on all the interfaces, and the automatic configuration backups are also useful."
"I am impressed with the product's ability to give insights into network traffic."
"I like the dashboards, which are cool. They are more user-friendly, in my experience. Its learning capabilities are really good."
"The most valuable feature of Darktrace and the most valuable feature is the artificial intelligence module because that is the tool that determines automatically if there is any risk or not in the network."
"It is a stable solution."
"Technical support is helpful and responsive."
"The ability to see what we have not seen before is most valuable. It is very interesting to find out the most vulnerable devices in our network."
"The NDR is good in their solution and they have NTG for email."
"Darktrace is very useful for us because it has a large number of models for detecting threats."


"I would like Auvik to alert on IP conflicts."
"Sometimes we get a generic device, then we can't tell what it is quickly from the details. Just having a better knowledge-based integration for determining what devices are, what they're make and models are, would be helpful."
"The solution's loading time could be improved because when you click on a switch, it usually takes some time before it has everything loaded."
"I want to see improvements to the interface, as it's data-heavy and challenging to navigate. This makes it harder to delegate and have junior staff look around and figure out the solution. A more straightforward interface would be a welcome improvement, whether by making it cleaner or more intuitive."
"Network setups take time regardless of the tool you use. It will always take time to build. I wish you could order Auvik to rescan the network on demand when I make changes. Sometimes, I want the network to scan immediately instead of waiting for it to detect the changes."
"Using the normal uninstall process was not able to remove any of the controllers from any of the devices."
"The discovery of devices in your inventory could be more automated. It doesn't find anything without an SNMP string. If you have an SNMP string, it'll find it for you and keep it in the inventory."
"Configuring alerts is pretty tedious. It would be nice if they had a wizard who walked you through instead of having everything turned on or off from the start."
"There aren't so many third-party vendor platforms natively integrated with the platform."
"Needs to improve its collaboration with local partners."
"The pricing needs improvement."
"The dashboard and reporting for this solution could be improved as it is currently complex. The GUI for this solution could also be improved."
"It would be helpful if they could recognize incidents and simplify the customer's challenge to identify what is happening."
"Darktrace could expand into EDR (endpoint detection and response) and combine it with its network detection."
"The product doesn't have an endpoint agent that can react to triggers set on the device,"
"They just need to make it a little bit more accurate as far as their alerts are concerned. It does generate some false positives that you have to tune. You have to do a lot of tuning when you first get it because of the false positives, but once it is all tuned up and ready to go, it will do its thing from there."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Among the products considered, Auvik stood out for its competitive pricing."
"I believe the product is fairly priced, but I would consider it a better value if it were improved in certain areas."
"We have a lot of problems with licensing in many other solutions, but I've never run into a problem with Auvik licensing. That's a pretty good vote of confidence."
"The initial offer was high, but I was able to negotiate it down."
"While their pricing aligns with competitors, the benefit of having these additional devices monitored for free makes Auvik a compelling option."
"It can get expensive quickly if we monitor a lot of devices, which is unfortunate because we have a lot of devices to monitor."
"What is good about Auvik is that it is a monthly spend versus a CapEx."
"Auvik's pricing is generally reasonable."
"There is an annual license to use Darktrace."
"The pricing is very flexible for Darktrace. Sometimes, a customer does not have the appropriate budget, but Darktrace can handle that. They offer monthly payments, so the customer can acquire the solution very easily."
"The price of the solution is not cheap. It is not a one-time purchase, there is a subscription that needs to be paid every one to five years depending on your choice. It is expensive but you can reduce the price by only using the services that you want."
"We've budgeted about 50,000 Kuwaiti dinars for the solution. That is a yearly operating cost."
"We had an issue with pricing initially and had to cancel some of the features of the projects to fit the budget. I would like to see pricing that is not broken up into parts so that we can buy the whole package once. Darktrace is more expensive than an average solution, but it's functionality won't match that of an average solution."
"Darktrace is pricey, but the price is reasonable for what the solution does, and it's comparable to other products."
"The price of Darktrace is high and could be reduced. We pay approximately $30,000 to $54,000 annually."
"I'm unfamiliar with the exact cost, but we have a yearly license and had to pay for Darktrace's services before the deployment. The product is very expensive, so some organizations can't afford to pay the total amount directly, meaning they often seek a partner or pay in installments, which increases the price more."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Construction Company
Educational Organization
Comms Service Provider
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Auvik?
The most valuable feature for us in Auvik is the network topology.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Auvik?
The pricing is a bit more on the higher end. If you are paying by device and you have a hundred billable devices, the pricing can get high pretty quickly.
What needs improvement with Auvik?
We might have encountered a bug. We notified Auvik when we had an issue with every single installation of their controllers. Using the normal uninstall process was not able to remove any of the con...
How does Crowdstrike Falcon compare with Darktrace?
Both of these products perform similarly and have many outstanding attributes. CrowdStrike Falcon offers an amazing user interface that makes setup easy and seamless. CrowdStrike Falcon offers a cl...
Which is better - SentinelOne or Darktrace?
Which solution is better depends on which is more suitable specifically for your company. Darktrace, for example, is meant for smaller to medium-sized businesses. It is also a good option for organ...
What do you like most about Darktrace?
A very useful feature in Darktrace for real-time threat analysis is the packet inspection that analyzes the packet traffic in real time.

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Sample Customers

Irwin Mitchell, Open Energi, Wellcome Trust, FirstGroup plc, Virgin Trains, Drax, QUI! Group, DNK, CreaCard, Macrosynergy, Sisley, William Hill plc, Toyota Canada, Royal British Legion, Vitol, Allianz, KKR, AIRBUS, dpd, Billabong, Mclaren Group.
Find out what your peers are saying about Auvik Network Management (ANM) vs. Darktrace and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.