Alteryx vs RapidMiner comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

IBM SPSS Statistics
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Mining (3rd)
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Predictive Analytics (1st), Data Preparation Tools (1st)
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Predictive Analytics (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Predictive Analytics category, the mindshare of IBM SPSS Statistics is 9.8%, down from 11.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Alteryx is 25.5%, up from 24.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of RapidMiner is 13.7%, down from 19.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Predictive Analytics
Unique Categories:
Data Mining
Data Science Platforms
Data Preparation Tools

Q&A Highlights

Nov 02, 2023

Featured Reviews

Ali Bin Tahir - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 1, 2024
Provides comprehensive data analysis and has a simple setup process
We use the product to conduct multiple and diverse statistical analyses across various datasets The software offers consistency across multiple research projects helping us with predictive analytics capabilities. The product’s most valuable capability is to handle large datasets and ensure…
Victor Bethapudy - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 21, 2023
Feature-rich ETL that condenses a number of functions into one tool
In terms of improvement, the transition from the desktop to the cloud can be challenging. While the desktop piece works seamlessly within the company's security architecture, when you load workflows onto the cloud, the same connections don't translate due to firewall issues. It would be beneficial if this transition could be made more seamless and straightforward for users. The solution is already feature-rich and doesn't require any improvements. Their current versions are ahead of the curve. Their machine learning and predictive modeling features place them at the forefront. Some advanced features are more than what's needed for our regular business purposes.
Feb 29, 2024
Easy to set up and supports a wide range of data sources and formats
I used RapidMiner to analyze sales data for furniture sales, specifically focusing on the ETA process. It helped me streamline and understand the sales process better What I like about RapidMiner is its all-in-one nature, which allows me to prepare, extract, transform, and load data within the…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"You can quickly build models because it does the work for you."
"The most valuable features mainly include factor analysis, correlation analysis, and geographic analysis."
"The solution is very comprehensive, especially compared to Minitabs, which is considered more for manufacturing. However, whatever data you want to analyze can be handled with SPSS."
"SPSS is quite robust and quicker in terms of providing you the output."
"The most valuable features are the solution is easy to use, training new users is not difficult, and our usage is comprehensive because the whole service is beneficial."
"The most valuable features are the small learning curve and its ability to hold a lot of data."
"Capability analysis is one of the main and valuable functions. We also do some hypothesis testing in Minitab and summary stats. These are the functions that we find very useful."
"The best part is that they have an algorithm handbook, so you can open it up and understand how it works, and if it is useful, this is very important."
"The tools are built-in. You just plug and play, drag and drop, once you understand how to use the tools, it is easy."
"I think the most valuable feature for Alteryx in a health facility is that it permits cleaning, organizing, and merging of databases such as Excel and Access."
"The product's initial setup phase is simple and straightforward."
"The design portion of this tool is easy to use without code, which his something that something we can appreciate."
"The solution has a very strong community that is involved in the product. It helps make the usage easier and helps us find answers to our questions."
"There are a lot of good customization capabilities."
"Data processing is most valuable. It is one of the fastest data blockers out there in the market, which is a fascinating thing about Alteryx."
"The most valuable feature of Alteryx is the intelligence suite."
"RapidMiner is a no-code machine learning tool. I can install it on my local machine and work with smaller datasets. It can also connect to databases, allowing me to build models directly on the data stored there. RapidMiner offers a wider range of operators than other tools like Dataiku, making it a better option for my needs."
"It is easy to use and has a huge community that I can rely on for help. Moreover, it is interactive."
"RapidMiner is very easy to use."
"The solution is stable."
"Using the GUI, I can have models and algorithms drag and drop nodes."
"RapidMiner for Windows is an excellent graphical tool for data science."
"The most valuable feature of RapidMiner is that it is code free. It is similar to playing with Lego pieces and executing after you are finished to see the results. Additionally, it is easy to use and has interesting utilities when preparing the data. It has a utility to automatically launch a series of models and show the comparisons. When finished with the comparisons you can select the best one, and deploy it automatically."
"It's helpful if you want to make informed decisions using data. We can take the information, tease out the attributes, and label everything. It's suitable for profiling and forecasting in any industry."


"I feel that when it comes to conducting multiple analyses, there could be more detailed information provided. Currently, the software gives a summary and an overview, but it would be beneficial to have specific details for each product or variable."
"The solution needs to improve forecasting using time series analysis."
"I know that SPSS is a statistical tool but it should also include a little bit of analytical behavior. You can call it augmented analysis or predictive analysis. The bottom line is it should have more graphical and analytical capabilities."
"The reports could be better."
"IBM SPSS Statistics could improve the visual outputs where you are producing, for example, a graph for a company board of directors, or an advert."
"SPSS is a tool that's been around since the late 60s, and it's the universal worldwide standard for quantitative social science data analysis. That said, it does seem a bit strange to me that the graphical output functions are so clunky after all these years. The output of charts and graphs that SPSS produces is hideous."
"In developing countries, it would be beneficial to provide certain features to users at no cost initially, while also customizing pricing options."
"SPSS slows down the computer or the laptop if the data is huge; then you need a faster computer."
"It is a little bit pricey."
"It would be nice if they can provide Alteryx with more options for In-DB connectivity. That functionality is there, but it doesn't include all software we are connecting."
"It seems to me that it is not always user friendly."
"More statistics tools: We can use to compare SPSS statistics with some automated advisory."
"All of the reports are migrated or exported in an Excel file, and most of the time, a business intelligence tool is required. They could have better reporting. The aesthetic could be improved."
"Alteryx is just as complicated as coding, in my opinion."
"There are no ready models to use in analytics."
"What they're struggling with is it's not as mature as Tableau in the user management area. It was tougher to manage the server part of it right away, especially since the user base has grown."
"In terms of the UI and SaaS, the user interface with KNIME is more appealing than RapidMiner."
"The biggest problem, not from a platform process, but from an avoidance process, is when you work in a heavily regulated environment, like banking and finance. Whenever you make a decision or there is an output, you need to bill it as an avoidance to the investigator or to the bank audit team. If you made decisions within this machine learning model, you need to explain why you did so. It would better if you could explain your decision in terms of delivery. However, this is an issue with all ML platforms. Many companies are working heavily in this area to help figure out how to make it more explainable to the business team or the regulator."
"The server product has been getting updated and continues to be better each release. When I started using RapidMiner, it was solid but not easy to set up and upgrade."
"It would be helpful to have some tutorials on communicating with Python."
"The visual interface could use something like the-drag-and-drop features which other products already support. Some additional features can make RapidMiner a better tool and maybe more competitive."
"One challenge I encountered while implementing RapidMiner was the lack of documentation. Since there aren't as many users, finding resources to learn the tool was initially difficult. To overcome this hurdle, I believe RapidMiner could improve by providing more tutorials tailored for new users."
"I think that they should make deep learning models easier."
"About twenty-five percent of my problems involve image processing, and I found RapidMiner lacking in this domain. While we work on OCR and similar tasks, RapidMiner hasn't been as engaged in that field as other models. Some other models also support email processing, but RapidMiner doesn't offer this feature."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price of this solution is a little bit high, which was a problem for my company."
"The price of IBM SPSS Statistics could improve."
"SPSS is an expensive piece of software because it's incredibly complex and has been refined over decades, but I would say it's fairly priced."
"We think that IBM SPSS is expensive for this function."
"The pricing of the modeler is high and can reduce the utility of the product for those who can not afford to adopt it."
"It's quite expensive, but they do a special deal for universities."
"While the pricing of the product may be higher, the accompanying service and features justify the investment."
"If it requires lot of data processing, maybe switching to IBM SPSS Clementine would be better for the buyer."
"It has a good price."
"I don't know much about the licensing, but there are some additional costs for certain features."
"The designer has a list price of $5,995 USD."
"The solution has a more costly license than other tools in the market."
"In my opinion, it's actually quite expensive."
"ROI is huge. There are some secondary benefits, like analysts getting their post 5 PM time back or the ability to shorten all closing processes to a half or less."
"I rate the solution's pricing as a ten, as it is highly priced."
"We use the free version of the solution. There are enterprise licenses available. It cost approximately $5,000 annually. It is an expensive solution and there are additional features that cost more money."
"Although we don't pay licensing fees because it is being used within the university, my understanding is that the cost is between $5,000 and $10,000 USD per year."
"For the university, the cost of the solution is free for the students and teachers."
"I'm not fully aware of RapidMiner's price because we had licenses provided, but from my analysis, it's moderately priced, not too high or too low. It's worth the investment."
"The client only has to pay the licensing costs. There are not any maintenance or hidden costs in addition to the license."
"I used an educational license for this solution, which is available free of charge."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Answers from the Community

Nov 2, 2023
Nov 2, 2023
Of those three you should consider alteryx, it saves time in ETL a lot, Alteryx is better at handling large data sets tan Knime and RapidMiner. But please also consider Dataiku... Up to 3 users it's free ;o)
See 2 answers
Apr 15, 2023
I'd suggest checking out the new Actable AI as well. It has a better AutoML and a lot more advanced features like Causal ML.
AltanAtabarut - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 2, 2023
Of those three you should consider alteryx, it saves time in ETL a lot,  Alteryx is better at handling large data sets tan Knime and RapidMiner. But please also consider Dataiku... Up to 3 users it's free ;o)

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about IBM SPSS Statistics?
The software offers consistency across multiple research projects helping us with predictive analytics capabilities.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM SPSS Statistics?
While the pricing of the product may be higher, the accompanying service and features justify the investment. However...
What needs improvement with IBM SPSS Statistics?
In some cases, the product takes time to load a large dataset. They could improve this particular area.
What is the Biggest Difference Between Alteryx and IBM SPSS Modeler?
One of the differences is that with Alteryx you can use it as an ETL and analytics tool. Please connect with me direc...
What is the Biggest Difference Between Alteryx and IBM SPSS Modeler?
Alteryx is an extremely easy and flexible data tool, flexible in terms of drag and drop toolset and also has python, ...
What is the Biggest Difference Between Alteryx and IBM SPSS Modeler?
I am not familiar with IBM SPSS Modeler, therefore, I cannot compare these two products. Regarding Alteryx I can say...
What do you like most about RapidMiner?
RapidMiner is a no-code machine learning tool. I can install it on my local machine and work with smaller datasets. I...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for RapidMiner?
I'm not fully aware of RapidMiner's price because we had licenses provided, but from my analysis, it's moderately pri...
What needs improvement with RapidMiner?
The product must provide data-cleaning features. I could not use RapidMiner for data cleaning in one of my projects a...

Also Known As

SPSS Statistics
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Sample Customers

LDB Group, RightShip, Tennessee Highway Patrol, Capgemini Consulting, TEAC Corporation, Ironside, nViso SA, Razorsight, Si.mobil, University Hospitals of Leicester, CROOZ Inc., GFS Fundraising Solutions, Nedbank Ltd., IDS-TILDA
AnalyticsIq Inc., belk, BloominBrands Inc., Cardinalhealth, Cineplex, Dairy Queen
PayPal, Deloitte, eBay, Cisco, Miele, Volkswagen
Find out what your peers are saying about Alteryx vs. RapidMiner and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.