
Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 19, 2022

Categories and Ranking

IBM SPSS Statistics
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Mining (3rd)
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Predictive Analytics (1st), Data Preparation Tools (1st)
Ranking in Data Science Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Mining (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Data Science Platforms category, the mindshare of IBM SPSS Statistics is 3.0%, up from 2.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Alteryx is 6.1%, down from 7.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of KNIME is 11.9%, up from 9.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Science Platforms
Unique Categories:
Data Mining
Predictive Analytics
Data Preparation Tools

Q&A Highlights

Nov 02, 2023

Featured Reviews

Md Masudul Hassan - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 27, 2024
Comprehensive data analysis capabilities with a user-friendly interface, providing an efficient and reliable platform for researchers and analysts
I believe that offering short-term SPSS licenses, perhaps when customer sourcing is available, could make it more affordable. These licenses shouldn't include features tailored for universities or large sales organizations. Instead, they could offer discounts or additional facilities for smaller entities to access the software. In developing countries, it would be beneficial to provide certain features to users at no cost initially, while also customizing pricing options. For example, offering basic features to the first hundred users can help them become familiar with the software and its capabilities. This approach encourages users to upgrade to higher tiers as they become more experienced and require additional functionality.
Jan 17, 2023
Helps us in merging multiple data tests and utilizing various data sources
Our primary use case for the solution is merging multiple data tests and utilizing various data sources The solution has improved our organization by enhancing the speed by which we can pull data. It is efficient in optimizing our ability to get information. The solution can be made more…
Feb 24, 2021
Free to use, stable, and easy to install
Knime is used for data analytics It can handle an unlimited amount of data, which is the advantage of using Knime. It already has algorithms included. I haven't had a lot of time to explore Knime in detail, but when you compare it with Orange, I would like it to be able to find data and collect…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Custom tables and macros: They allow us to create useful reports quickly for a broad audience."
"They have many existing algorithms that we can use and use effectively to analyze and understand how to put our data to work to improve what we do."
"The features that I have found most valuable are the Bayesian statistics and descriptive statistics."
"It offers very good visualization."
"The most valuable features are the solution is easy to use, training new users is not difficult, and our usage is comprehensive because the whole service is beneficial."
"SPSS can handle whatever you throw at it, whether your data set contains 10,000, 100,000, or a million objects. It's like the heavy artillery of analytical tools."
"SPSS is quite robust and quicker in terms of providing you the output."
"The most valuable features mainly include factor analysis, correlation analysis, and geographic analysis."
"The support is very good."
"Data processing is most valuable. It is one of the fastest data blockers out there in the market, which is a fascinating thing about Alteryx."
"Automation is the most valuable aspect for us. The ability to wrap business logic around the data is very helpful."
"It is one of the most complete and great customer service that I experienced with a software company/ecosystem."
"The product's Macros probably are one of the most useful aspects."
"Predictive models, which are easy to use, and help a lot with fast design and deployment​."
"Alteryx is so advanced. It's just drag and drop."
"Alteryx is a low-code platform, and that's the biggest reason why we chose it."
"It is a stable solution...It is a scalable solution."
"We are able to automate several functions which were done manually. I can integrate several data sets quickly and easily, to support analytics."
"The product is user-friendly."
"Usability, and organising workflows in very neat manner. Controlling workflow through variables is something amazing."
"The solution is good for teaching, since there is no need to code."
"I would rate the stability of KNIME a ten out of ten."
"Easy to connect with every database: We use queries from SQL, Redshift, Oracle."
"Stability is excellent. I would give it a nine out of ten."


"The design of the experience can be improved."
"The solution needs to improve forecasting using time series analysis."
"Needs more statistical modelling functions."
"There is a learning curve; it's not very steep, but there is one."
"The solution could improve by providing a visual network for predictions and a self-organizing map for clustering."
"SPSS slows down the computer or the laptop if the data is huge; then you need a faster computer."
"Technical support needs some improvement, as they do not respond as quickly as we would like."
"Improvements are needed in the user interface, particularly in terms of user-friendliness."
"It should have Linux support. It currently supports only Windows. It does not support any other platform. Its price should also be lower. Their US partner management program is actually unresponsive. One of the reasons why we don't have a formalized partnership plan with them is because their partner management team is atrociously unresponsive. This is something that they need to change."
"There's a big jump in terms of pricing between license tiers. I'm not sure I understand why the price jumps are so high."
"Alteryx could be improved in the area of analytics and central governance."
"I think they should really work on integrating or have a capacity to integrate some algorithmic code. I think that's one of the most important things they need to be doing."
"There are a few imputation techniques which they really need to include."
"Alteryx can improve the model management and deployment processing of large workloads."
"Alteryx's predictive data models are pretty average and can be improved."
"There could be a bit of improvement related to performance. Sometimes it demands a lot of resources for running it, like memory and search."
"There are a lot of tools in the product and it would help if they were grouped into classes where you can select a function, rather than a specific tool."
"To enhance accessibility and user-friendliness, there is a need for improvements in the interface and usability of deep learning and large-scale learning languages."
"In the last update, KNIME started hiding a lot of the nodes. It doesn't mean hiding, but you need to know what you're looking for. Before that, you had just a tree that you could click, and you could get an overview of what kind of nodes do I have. Right now, it's like you need to know which node you need, and then you can start typing, but it's actually more difficult to find them."
"I would like to see better web scraping because every time I tried, it was not up to par, although you can use Python script."
"There are some parameters that I would like to have at a bigger scale. The upper limit of one node that tries to find spots or areas in photos was too small for us. It would need to be bigger."
"The overall user experience feels unpolished. In particular: Data field type conversion is a real hassle, and date fields are a hassle; documentation is pretty poor; user community is average at best."
"KNIME needs to provide more documentation and training materials, including webinars or online seminars."
"Data visualization needs improvement."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing of the modeler is high and can reduce the utility of the product for those who can not afford to adopt it."
"It's quite expensive, but they do a special deal for universities."
"Our licence is on a yearly renewal basis. While pricing is not the primary concern in our evaluation, as products are assessed by whether they can meet our user needs and expertise, the cost can be a limiting factor in the number of licences we procure."
"SPSS is an expensive piece of software because it's incredibly complex and has been refined over decades, but I would say it's fairly priced."
"More affordable training for new staff members."
"I rate the tool's pricing a five out of ten."
"If it requires lot of data processing, maybe switching to IBM SPSS Clementine would be better for the buyer."
"While the pricing of the product may be higher, the accompanying service and features justify the investment."
"My organization pays for it, and I do not look into the financial aspect of the licensing, but I know it is pretty expensive."
"We have a yearly cost that we pay for the licensing. We do not pay any costs in addition to the licensing fees."
"The price could be better."
"​Very transparent.​"
"It's probably on the pricey side, but they provide some really useful ways to grow and test."
"The pricing is $5000 per year per production license."
"There is a license required for this solution."
"The designer license costs 5000 euros. The server edition is 1000 euros."
"They have different versions, but I am using the open-source one."
"There is no cost for using KNIME because it is an open-source solution, but you have to pay if you need a server."
"KNIME desktop is free, which is great for analytics teams. Server is well priced, depending on how much support is required."
"The price for Knime is okay."
"The price of KNIME is quite reasonable and the designer tool can be used free of charge."
"It is expensive to procure the license."
"With KNIME, you can use the desktop version free of charge as much as you like. I've yet to hit its limits. If I did, I'd have to go to the server version, and for that you have to pay. Fortunately, I don't have to at the moment."
"KNIME is an open-source tool, so it's free to use."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Answers from the Community

Nov 2, 2023
Nov 2, 2023
Of those three you should consider alteryx, it saves time in ETL a lot, Alteryx is better at handling large data sets tan Knime and RapidMiner. But please also consider Dataiku... Up to 3 users it's free ;o)
See 2 answers
Apr 15, 2023
I'd suggest checking out the new Actable AI as well. It has a better AutoML and a lot more advanced features like Causal ML.
AltanAtabarut - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 2, 2023
Of those three you should consider alteryx, it saves time in ETL a lot,  Alteryx is better at handling large data sets tan Knime and RapidMiner. But please also consider Dataiku... Up to 3 users it's free ;o)

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about IBM SPSS Statistics?
The software offers consistency across multiple research projects helping us with predictive analytics capabilities.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM SPSS Statistics?
While the pricing of the product may be higher, the accompanying service and features justify the investment. However...
What needs improvement with IBM SPSS Statistics?
In some cases, the product takes time to load a large dataset. They could improve this particular area.
What is the Biggest Difference Between Alteryx and IBM SPSS Modeler?
One of the differences is that with Alteryx you can use it as an ETL and analytics tool. Please connect with me direc...
What is the Biggest Difference Between Alteryx and IBM SPSS Modeler?
Alteryx is an extremely easy and flexible data tool, flexible in terms of drag and drop toolset and also has python, ...
What is the Biggest Difference Between Alteryx and IBM SPSS Modeler?
I am not familiar with IBM SPSS Modeler, therefore, I cannot compare these two products. Regarding Alteryx I can say...
What do you like most about KNIME?
Since KNIME is a no-code platform, it is easy to work with.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for KNIME?
KNIME offers a free version to use. KNIME also has a server version with almost the same price as competitors.
What needs improvement with KNIME?
The graphic features of KNIME need improvement, especially when working on dashboards.



Also Known As

SPSS Statistics
No data available
KNIME Analytics Platform

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Sample Customers

LDB Group, RightShip, Tennessee Highway Patrol, Capgemini Consulting, TEAC Corporation, Ironside, nViso SA, Razorsight, Si.mobil, University Hospitals of Leicester, CROOZ Inc., GFS Fundraising Solutions, Nedbank Ltd., IDS-TILDA
AnalyticsIq Inc., belk, BloominBrands Inc., Cardinalhealth, Cineplex, Dairy Queen
Infocom Corporation, Dymatrix Consulting Group, Soluzione Informatiche, MMI Agency, Estanislao Training and Solutions, Vialis AG
Find out what your peers are saying about Alteryx vs. KNIME and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.