Alteryx vs IBM Cognos comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Predictive Analytics (1st), Data Science Platforms (3rd), Data Preparation Tools (1st)
IBM Cognos
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools (6th), Reporting (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Predictive Analytics category, the mindshare of Alteryx is 25.5%, up from 24.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of IBM Cognos is 2.9%, down from 10.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Predictive Analytics
Unique Categories:
Data Science Platforms
Data Preparation Tools
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools

Featured Reviews

Victor Bethapudy - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 21, 2023
Feature-rich ETL that condenses a number of functions into one tool
In terms of improvement, the transition from the desktop to the cloud can be challenging. While the desktop piece works seamlessly within the company's security architecture, when you load workflows onto the cloud, the same connections don't translate due to firewall issues. It would be beneficial if this transition could be made more seamless and straightforward for users. The solution is already feature-rich and doesn't require any improvements. Their current versions are ahead of the curve. Their machine learning and predictive modeling features place them at the forefront. Some advanced features are more than what's needed for our regular business purposes.
Carlos Larrad Salgado - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 27, 2022
Improved the quality of our KPIs, while reducing calls to the IT department
I don't like that when we use Colab packages, we get less functionality. For example, you can make groups of data with Excel or with the data sets from the packages, but when you use the Colab packages directly, you can only group the data when you analyze it with Analysis Studio. I think Cognos needs to improve more on this functionality. The user experience is also very important. Cognos is not very easy to understand sometimes, especially when they change the layout but keep the functionality the same. The help is not very graphic and they have no examples. Cognos has to make a big effort to help with understanding the functionality by improving the documentation. There is a lot of documentation, but the examples are hard to find and they should make their help section easier to understand for non-technical users.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature of Alteryx is its performance. It is a powerful solution."
"The most valuable feature of Alteryx is user-friendliness."
"Geo features have made spatial mapping large retail universes possible."
"Alteryx has a good UI. We use it frequently in our projects. The tool comes with drag-and-drop features and is easy to understand for business needs. One situation where Alteryx's advanced analytics capabilities were particularly beneficial for us was during a forecasting project. Unlike Python, which requires coding, Alteryx simplifies the process significantly. With Alteryx, users can adjust parameters within the user interface without writing any code."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is data preparation."
"The most valuable feature of Alteryx is its stand-alone version that we do not have to download dependencies for loads. Additionally, the scan is useful for beginners."
"The most valuable feature is user-friendliness, as Alteryx can be used by those without any coding experience or experienced data scientists as it has the functionality to embed R and Python scripts."
"The scheduling feature for the automation is excellent."
"In terms of stability, I think that Cognos is more stable than Tableau and Power Bi because of its framework manager concept that allows us to import metadata and store it in the framework manager."
"The correlation analysis is excellent. It's one of the best that I have used to date."
"The initial setup is very straightforward."
"Cognos' most valuable features are the bundled studios, simple UI, and advanced features like the ability to create data modules."
"Self-service is possible through the use of dashboards, which are also very intuitive. Stories can be used to pin snapshots, tell the story for meetings, etc."
"We use IBM Cognos for enterprise analytics and reporting."
"The main difference that I like about Cognos compared to other solutions is its data splitting functionality. We have all our company data inside the Cognos environment and so we prefer to split the information Cognos itself. It's more efficient this way."
"IBM Cognos improves the effectiveness of the sales team."


"Alteryx can improve the model management and deployment processing of large workloads."
"They can provide some pre-built tools for predictive analytics instead of us having to build all the tools. It should also be improved from the visualization aspect. It should have better visualization capabilities. There are tools out there that have better visualization capabilities, which Alteryx is lacking currently."
"It seems to me that it is not always user friendly."
"Deep learning models are not currently supported."
"The software is not fully optimized."
"The next feature release should include easier reporting."
"It would be nice if they can provide Alteryx with more options for In-DB connectivity. That functionality is there, but it doesn't include all software we are connecting."
"I think sometimes the solution doesn't load properly or takes so much time for the workflows. Though the workflow runs and completes the file in Excel, if you use the same formula, it's a bit slow. Also, the image processing is not so good because I tried to do some image processing and they were like, sometimes they put two to eight. In the document, it was two, but the OCR predicted it as eight."
"There are some small features that are missing. It would be nice if the graphics were better. You can use external sources for charts, but it's quite complex to use and not easy to implement. If you want a new chart, you can download it from multiple tools and implement it into IBM Cognos."
"It would be nice to offer free online training on the tool for end-users."
"Compared to Tableau and PowerBI, the IBM interface is easier to use. However, the drag-and-drop functionality isn't as straightforward. Formatting is also more challenging in the cloud than in other applications, like Power BI. Also, if you encounter an issue, it takes more time to resolve it on the formatting side."
"The tool needs to improve the connectivity since I see that, at times, there is a need to increase the memory in the database."
"There are many problems with the product's stability part, making it an area where improvements are required."
"I don't like that when we use Colab packages, we get less functionality. For example, you can make groups of data with Excel or with the data sets from the packages, but when you use the Colab packages directly, you can only group the data when you analyze it with Analysis Studio. I think Cognos needs to improve more on this functionality."
"The visualization aspect needs to be improved and I believe, this is being resolved in upcoming versions."
"I would like to see is more easy building, movement in the reports, and dashboard functionality within reporting. Overall more simple elements within reports. If the elements are simple then you don't have to render a full page, but you can move separate parts in the page."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Alteryx isn't extortionately expensive, but it's not cheap either."
"In my opinion, it's actually quite expensive."
"The desktop platform costs $5,000 per year. It's very costly."
"I rate the solution's pricing as a ten, as it is highly priced."
"I don't know much about the licensing, but there are some additional costs for certain features."
"Its price should be lower. The key thing that we see is that talking about ROI is an important element at the time of purchase. Cost becomes a factor in every discussion. Justifying the ROI for these kinds of workflows is always a challenge, and the only way to counter the challenge is by addressing the pricing."
"There are some implementation services and internal effort costs at the beginning but there is nothing else."
"My organization pays for it, and I do not look into the financial aspect of the licensing, but I know it is pretty expensive."
"On a scale from one to ten where one is low pricing and ten is high pricing, I would rate this solution at eight."
"It's more expensive than similar solutions like Tableau and Power BI."
"The cost of IBM Cognos it's more or less the same as most of the other solutions on the market. They're very competitive with the rest of the market and it is not the most expensive product."
"I don't know the exact cost, but I believe Cognos is quite expensive, especially when it comes to the support consultants and the procedures that need to be applied."
"It is pretty expensive."
"The solution is affordable."
"It is my understanding that the cost is very low. It's not very expensive."
"There is some additional licensing that we needed to purchase because we were touching data outside of our core data platform. The cost was approximately $25,000 for the additional licenses, which were approximate 45 licenses. For the application itself, updates, and the core platform it was approximately $50,000. Giving a total cost of $75,000 annually for our usage of IBM Cognos."
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Comparison Review

it_user79932 - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 4, 2015
Comparison of SAP BO, Tableau, QlikView, Cognos, Microsoft, OBIEE and Pentaho
1. SAP BO/BI Enterprise scalability Security Ease of use Semantic layer 2. Tableau Visualization Data discovery Turnaround time 3. IBM Cognos Enterprise scalability Security In-memory feature 4. MS BI - Flexibility 5. Pentaho - Open source but still enterprise grade 6. QlikView Data…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is the Biggest Difference Between Alteryx and IBM SPSS Modeler?
One of the differences is that with Alteryx you can use it as an ETL and analytics tool. Please connect with me directly if you want to know more.
What is the Biggest Difference Between Alteryx and IBM SPSS Modeler?
Alteryx is an extremely easy and flexible data tool, flexible in terms of drag and drop toolset and also has python, R integrations if your team requires this. It can handle over 2 billion rows of...
What is the Biggest Difference Between Alteryx and IBM SPSS Modeler?
I am not familiar with IBM SPSS Modeler, therefore, I cannot compare these two products. Regarding Alteryx I can say the following: - An excellent desktop tool for Data Prep and analytics. - Featu...
Seeking lightweight open source BI software
It depends on the Data architecture and the complexity of your requirement. Some great tools in the market are Qlik Sense, Power BI, OBIEE, Tableau, etc. I have recently started using Cognos Enter...
What do you like most about IBM Cognos?
The solution's most valuable feature is its ease of use, which makes it easily compatible with other tools.
What needs improvement with IBM Cognos?
The tool does not have much documentation on the internet. It is not easy to resolve issues by finding the reason for the problem on the internet. The tool needs to have more documentation on the i...



Also Known As

No data available
Cognos, Cognos Analytics, IBM Cognos Analytics

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Sample Customers

AnalyticsIq Inc., belk, BloominBrands Inc., Cardinalhealth, Cineplex, Dairy Queen
More than 23,000 leading organizations across multiple industries use Cognos. Some examples of Cognos customers include BMW Financial Services, Quinte Health Care, Troy Corporation, Michigan State University, and GKN Land System.
Find out what your peers are saying about Alteryx vs. IBM Cognos and other solutions. Updated: March 2020.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.